View Full Version : Connecticut proposed bill, 1 round guns

01-11-2013, 03:57 AM
CT. Sen. Meyer, 12 Dist. has proposed a bill limiting guns to 1 round.

Proposed Bill No. 122, An Act Concerning Restrictions on Gun use.


01-11-2013, 05:23 AM
do you have to carry that round in your shirt pocket?

I kill myself!


01-11-2013, 06:31 AM
Wake up all you gun haters and realize that when you enact gun control, you simply shift the balance of power on the street to the criminals, who will always have guns. You cannot hire enough police to protect you when criminals know the law abiding are unarmed. Just ask citizens of Chicago who suffered through 513 murders in 2012. By comparison 136 soldiers were killed in Afghanistan in 2012. So with all the strict gun control in Chicago, the Chicago Police and Mayor Rahm Emanuel allowed nearly FOUR TIMES MORE Americans to be murdered than soldiers killed in a war zone!

01-11-2013, 06:53 AM
Wake up all you gun haters and realize that when you enact gun control, you simply shift the balance of power on the street to the criminals, who will always have guns. You cannot hire enough police to protect you when criminals know the law abiding are unarmed. Just ask citizens of Chicago who suffered through 513 murders in 2012. By comparison 136 soldiers were killed in Afghanistan in 2012. So with all the strict gun control in Chicago, the Chicago Police and Mayor Rahm Emanuel allowed nearly FOUR TIMES MORE Americans to be murdered than soldiers killed in a war zone!

Common sense has no place in the minds of Anti-gunners.

01-11-2013, 07:11 AM
CT. Sen. Meyer, 12 Dist. has proposed a bill limiting guns to 1 round.

Proposed Bill No. 122, An Act Concerning Restrictions on Gun use.


think , this stupid, pr!ck actually got elected. Wow.Lets end rape for good, cut off all the males d!cks.

Weregonnaget it shoved up our asses guys, no matter what the NRA or other gun rights organization say or try to say. Thetide has turned and the waveis getting bigger and bigger by people in office like this sensator, who have no clue at all about real life. Obummer can just smell it to, he for 4 years would not touch gun issues,now he knows he is driving the car and all the people are behind him,,, those that vote anyways. IMO we bettrjust ope we can ge tout with a 10 rond magazine limit andI think u can kiss the future of assualt rifles being made and sold good by. Gun shows are gonna get hit much harder, priavte sale, more than likely willbe far more estrictive, and as u well know all of the aboue will certainly save AMERICA.

01-11-2013, 07:27 AM
I just hope when it is time for war, the police and military remember who they are and who they are here to fight for. They are easily persuaded just like in natzi Germany.

01-11-2013, 08:27 AM
This is why I think that it is good for all the conjecture to stop and let them actually propose bills to be discussed and voted on. I hope Biden adds this one to his portfolio, please do. Please.

01-11-2013, 08:30 AM
think , this stupid, pr!ck actually got elected. Wow.Lets end rape for good, cut off all the males d!cks.

Weregonnaget it shoved up our asses guys, no matter what the NRA or other gun rights organization say or try to say. Thetide has turned and the waveis getting bigger and bigger by people in office like this sensator, who have no clue at all about real life. Obummer can just smell it to, he for 4 years would not touch gun issues,now he knows he is driving the car and all the people are behind him,,, those that vote anyways. IMO we bettrjust ope we can ge tout with a 10 rond magazine limit andI think u can kiss the future of assualt rifles being made and sold good by. Gun shows are gonna get hit much harder, priavte sale, more than likely willbe far more estrictive, and as u well know all of the aboue will certainly save AMERICA.

les strat
01-11-2013, 12:28 PM
The thing is, the senators, reps, and all the political big-wigs will still have whatever they want. They don't care about us. They want us disarmed.

And the idiot liberal gun owners supported these criminals that are now coming up with all of this legislation, where are they? Those folks can hand their's in. Don't look to me to save your commie supporting a$$.

Bill K
01-11-2013, 12:32 PM
Crap! I had to use 2 to get myself out of a nasty situation on the "friendly" streets of New Haven, CT

Bill K
01-11-2013, 01:34 PM
Just finished calling the office of my representative... It appears that Sen. Meyer has a reputation that makes the introduction of this Bill no surprise.


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened:

That the general statutes be amended to establish a class C felony offense, except for certain military and law enforcement personnel and certain gun clubs, for (1) any person or organization to purchase, sell, donate, transport, possess or use any gun except one made to fire a single round, (2) any person to fire a gun containing more than a single round, (3) any person or organization to receive from another state, territory or country a gun made to fire multiple rounds, or (4) any person or organization to purchase, sell, donate or possess a magazine or clip capable of holding more than one round.

Statement of Purpose:

To reduce the use of guns for criminal purposes.

01-11-2013, 01:41 PM
CT. Sen. Meyer, 12 Dist. has proposed a bill limiting guns to 1 round.

Proposed Bill No. 122, An Act Concerning Restrictions on Gun use.


It is all part of the ploy.....throw out a bunch of b/s crap proposed laws just to get reactions and then they will put the "real" laws out so that we all think "wow we got a good deal" they only banned our AR's AK's Mini's etc.[you fill in the blanks], boy we sure got a good deal.
Typical marketing ploys.....don't buy into it and stay engaged with yourelected officials.

01-11-2013, 01:44 PM
[QUOTE=chrish;211263]do you have to carry that round in your shirt pocket?

I kill myself!

01-11-2013, 01:52 PM
Yep! Gradualism... just like "grandfathering"... it appeases enough people who think THEY are getting a GOOD DEAL... but sooner or later the banners will focus on a wider class of weapons and on... and on... until knives and hammers and any sharp heavy tools are "controlled"!

Of course, the bad guys will obey ALL of these NEW restrictions!


01-11-2013, 02:12 PM
and now the great obummer wants presidentail protection for life. What the fokk is he afraid of.bush wasn't..These politicians are gonna on vote day stick their wet finger out the window of their armored car and see which way the wind is blowing and u can get they will vote that way.. They realy don't give a fokk

01-11-2013, 02:14 PM
I thought presidents already had protection for life. If anyone ever needed it, it's this one.

Longitude Zero
01-11-2013, 03:13 PM
Yep! Gradualism... just like "grandfathering"... it appeases enough people who think THEY are getting a GOOD DEAL... but sooner or later the banners will focus on a wider class of weapons and on... and on... until knives and hammers and any sharp heavy tools are "controlled"!

Of course, the bad guys will obey ALL of these NEW restrictions!


Yep. I can recall when Sarah Brady was only interested in handguns. Then the lying ho came after all weapons.

01-11-2013, 03:17 PM
I thought presidents already had protection for life. If anyone ever needed it, it's this one.

They changed it to 10 years in 1994 I believe. BHO signed the bill either yesterday or this morning changing it back to lifetime protection for both the Presidents and their wifes.

Which I think they should have.

Can you imagine if Michelle gets mad at Barry he'll need someone to protect him. :D

01-11-2013, 03:40 PM
Well he probably wouldn't feel like royalty if he didn't have peasants, I mean servants to boss around and dally over.

Glad I never got on with the SS, I'd of hung up my tools when this one came along.

I have a good friend who worked protection for Reagan when he was governor, he loved it and loved that man, Nancy, not so much.

01-11-2013, 03:42 PM
I too think the current trend is to propose something ridiculous
with the intent on compromise.

Just like selling something.
You price it high on purpose.
With the intent on coming down to what
you really wanted to sell at in the first place.

Basically it's a trick.
What a surprise.

01-11-2013, 05:27 PM
I feel sorry for you folks that live in blue states and have buffoons such as this running your state government. Why don't they propose legislation that would actually do something to prevent mass shootings instead of encouraging them?

01-11-2013, 05:54 PM
I feel sorry for you folks that live in blue states and have buffoons such as this running your state government. Why don't they propose legislation that would actually do something to prevent mass shootings instead of encouraging them?

I left Kalifornia in 1986 for just that reason.
States have the authority and opportunity to adopt Gun Control laws on their own.
Kalifornia has an AR ban now right?
I'm surprised no state seems to be balking at the Feds impending override of their authority in this matter?

Obummer the Mad Man appears to have no respect for individual or states rights.

01-11-2013, 06:38 PM
I thought presidents already had protection for life. If anyone ever needed it, it's this one.

Remember, Bawanna, it's impossible to stop a determined assassin.