View Full Version : Want to feel good? Watch this Piers Morgan interview

01-11-2013, 07:32 AM
Young Breitbart editor Ben Shapiro wipes Piers Morgan's ass with the Constitution. :59:

MORGAN: -- An average civilian ... Why do they need [an AR15]?

SHAPIRO: To protect against the possibility of eventual government tyranny. This was the purpose of the second amendment originally. It remains the purpose of the second amendment now, and pretending that governments have never gone userpatious before from a democratic position --

MORGAN: Do you believe your own government is going to turn on you In a way that you require an AR-15 to challenge them?

SHAPIRO: It may not turn on me. It may not turn on my children

MORGAN: -- in modern day America, is that what you think?

SHAPIRO: They may not turn on me, they may not turn on my children. But the fact is this; history is replete with democracies going tyrannical. It happened in France in the 19th century, in Spain in the last century, happened in Germany, in Italy. It has happened repeatedly, it has happened in Japan --

MORGAN: So the reason we cannot remove assault weapons is because of the threat of your own government turning on you in a tyrannical way.


MORGAN: That is your position?

SHAPIRO: It is because there are countervailing rights and responsibility -- Piers, I don't understand why you can't -- why can't we agree about reasonable law. You just want to demagogue the issue.

MORGAN: You have made your point crystal clear. People aren't stupid, They can make up their own minds. Ben Shapiro, thank you.


01-11-2013, 08:16 AM
This knucklehead, Piers Morgan, is using the issue to try and save his failed show. He's a nobody saying nothing to no one. I think I'll ignore the a****le.

01-11-2013, 08:56 AM
I think a lot of people watch this jackhole Piers Moron.

Dont *** with a man wearing a yarmulke carrying a gun. Right on Shapiro.

Non jews are welcome to join. www.jpfo.org (http://www.jpfo.org) They are our brothers protecting our 2A rights. They have put out some great videos on why the 2A is important and why the United Nations wants to throw away our constitution.

01-11-2013, 09:06 AM
Wow, I'm really glad to see someone clean the floor with Piers like he did. I really like how noticeably uncomfortable he made Piers. For once Piers was very slow and careful many times when he was speaking. Within the first couple minutes I could just see him thinking "why did I agree to let this guy come on here?".

Now, lets ship him back to England.

01-11-2013, 09:52 AM
Piers claims he can go into Wal Mart and buy an AR, despite him being a resident alien. That makes him a prohibited person, doesn't it?

01-11-2013, 10:12 AM
A permanent resident alien can buy a rifle in Walmart. In his case he probably would be denied since he's a whack job nut case but the normal ones if there are any can do it.

My wife is a resident alien, she obtained a CCW and purchased a hand gun.

Same background checks like everybody else. For a handgun I think she had to get a resident alien firearms license too, an extra step.

01-11-2013, 10:43 AM
The link above with the capital letters doesn't go the desired site... use small-case:


01-11-2013, 10:45 AM
Finally, I have figured out why that beautiful woman married you. She's an alien! No offense...just sayin'.


01-11-2013, 12:50 PM
Oh lookie, here's Mrs. Bawanna!


01-11-2013, 01:01 PM

Well dang, now that I look hard there is a bit of a resemblance. That third eye socket is kept pretty discreet. But it's there.

01-11-2013, 06:41 PM

01-11-2013, 08:49 PM
The link above with the capital letters doesn't go the desired site... use small-case:


corrected. thanks amigo