View Full Version : The 2nd ensures the 1st, and vice-versa

01-11-2013, 11:51 AM
Good afternoon, all. I'm new to Kahrtalk, but I wanted to share a link I've recently discovered. Our First Amendment, among other things, gives us the right to petition our government for a redress of grievances. I feel that to preserve government OF the people, BY the people, FOR the people, we have a duty to participate in a way that can impact policy.
It's very easy to register so you can initiate, review, and sign petitions in order to stand and be counted, and to exercise a voice.https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/
I'm passionate about our gun rights, and about the preservation of our Constitution. There is strength in numbers, and there are several petitions relating to our gun rights on the list right now. I choose to speak now, and forever hold my piece! A Kahr CM9, to be precise. I cherish this thing!
Kindest regards, r_b

01-11-2013, 07:15 PM
From my perspective a petition is fine, but it doesn't compare to a hand written letter. From working with our legislators I found that they consider one page of signatures to count as one letter even if it contains 100 signatures. The thought is that any elbow will sign a petition if you wave it in front of them, but a hand written letter counts a one vote. Someone who takes the time to write a letter is a truly concerned citizen and in all probability a voter. A politician pays a lot more attention to an individual letter than they do to a petition. Sign if you like, but take the time to send a letter. Be polite, but firm. Let them know that you only support politicians that support your views and make sure that they know that you vote.

01-11-2013, 07:38 PM
Thank you for that insight. I suppose the art of writing letters has been largely forsaken, but I can easily see the value and additional weight that a more personal and "intimate" correspondence will bear. These matters are of such pivotal importance for preservation of our rights and those of my children that I will gladly take the time to draft a stirring composition and lick astamp, old school. I'll take that advice! A pleasant evening to you all. r_b