View Full Version : Negligent Discharge at the WAC gun show in Monroe, WA today

01-12-2013, 11:50 PM
This was posted on another forum. I tried to get the information "from the horse's mouth" but did not find it on the WAC website. It was probably sent by e-mail to members, which I am not one of.

"Saturday morning, January 12th, a table renter at the Washington Arms Collectors Monroe Show first violated the Rules of the Road by having a loaded firearm at a WAC event and then negligently discharged the firearm into the floor of the hall. No person was injured due to this persons negligence. The individual was escorted from the event, where he met with responding deputies from the Snohomish County Sheriff. The Board of Directors will meet on January 26th in the WAC Office in Renton at 10:00 a.m. to deal with this and other matters. The show in Puyallup will proceed as planned, as will the Sunday show this weekend. We anticipate discussions with the Evergreen State Fairgrounds management team this coming week regarding this unfortunate event.

Signed -

John Rodabaugh, President
Washington Arms Collectors"

Bummer, that!

01-12-2013, 11:54 PM
Definitely an unfortunate event indeed!

01-13-2013, 12:35 AM
Right, not good!
I did a quick search (googled it, eh) and didn't see anything on line, but I wonder if this got to the news, other than just local news?

01-13-2013, 01:44 AM
Of all the times to have one. I don't recall there ever being one before. My son went by on his way to work and he said traffic was already backed up on the highway, parking lots were full and that was a half hour before it even opened. I likely won't even go tomorrow. I usually go on Sunday morning but doubt there will be any deals and I hate to be herded like cattle.

I was looking forward to going but I best skip this one.

I figured the media would be there in force today but maybe the crowds and traffic even scared them off. Maybe that was a good thing.

The WAC show is generally pretty safe, lots of security, have to be a member to buy or bring a gun into the show and everything is zip tied, no exceptions.

01-13-2013, 07:47 AM
Extremely unfortunate incident. It pays to be ever vigilant. Negligent discharges can happen to anyone. To the novice and the seasoned veteran.

01-13-2013, 04:01 PM
All Fort Worth Texas gunshow events are textbook posted "30.06" which make the carry of a loaded firearm, even with a permit, illegal.
This left a few newby's to the last event upset as they thought they should be allowed to carry at a gunshow "above everywhere else...".
My group had to explain it to them that it was not about rights but about safety and the noted Negligent discharge pretty much makes the point. Not every person that can come to the show in a public space is as bright about safety as we all need them to be.
I for one, am fine with the zip ties on every gun inside the show. It's easy enough to cut it off and rack the round for the long walk (or in my case the painful gimp) back to the truck.
Glad no one (save pride) was hurt.:eek:

The last show I was at on Dec 29th was a zoo of (rude) newbe's and while I made a good deal on a NYCPD K9 while there, I won't be rushing back till the fuss dies down.

Here is to hoping it will...:rolleyes:

01-13-2013, 05:48 PM
The WAC staff here in Monroe and the sister show, same folks but different town are extremely vigilant. No one including security staff is allowed a loaded weapon inside with the exception of commissioned police officers and they are not to unholster for any reason such as holster fitting etc.

If you are not a member in good standing you are not allowed to bring a gun into the show even zip tied. You are not allowed to purchase firearms and most vendors don't want you to even pick up their guns if you aren't a member.

This guy with the discharge was a table holder (vendor). Might have happened before the public was even allowed in. I don't know how closely they are checked as they zip tie their own guns although the club will provide ties if they need them.

Don't know the full story yet but they have a monthly newsletter (a good one) and it will most definitely be mentioned with all the details.
Without doubt that vendor is history for any future shows ever unless there was some viable excuse which is doubtful. They pretty much have zero tolerance for infractions and I forgot doesn't work.

I go over myself quite carefully to make sure I don't have any magazines on me that are loaded as they are not allowed either.

Just gotta have these rules because as mentioned there are a lot of disrespectful and unsafe people wandering around handling stuff they really shouldn't be touching.

I never ever, never touch a gun on a table without the vendor approving. I'm there often enough they approve without thought. I also am not the least bit ashamed to chastise guys who are picking up everything on a table like it was socks or skivvy shorts. They are the same ones that would whine about scratches or handling wear that people like them cause in the first place.

01-13-2013, 06:20 PM
rules are great but it is so hard to regulate STUIDITY..

01-20-2013, 09:14 PM
More gun show SNAFUs.


01-20-2013, 09:25 PM
I've been thinking about becoming a WAC member. I couldn't get to a show very often, and have never been to one. It sounds like a good time to join and support them though.

Booker T
01-20-2013, 11:06 PM
I agree it's definitely unfortunate, but I don't cut this person any slack. There is no excuse for this kind of negligence. I agree with jocko, you can't regulate stupidity.

The first thing you learn in any gun safety course, is to treat EVERY gun as if it was loaded. Then you are to point it in a safe direction and ENSURE that it isn't loaded.

Whenever someone hands me a weapon, the FIRST thing I do is safety check it for myself; even if I just watched THEM do it. This gun should have never made it to his vehicle from his house without being sure it was safe. Doesn't matter how many guns he put into his vehicle that morning. ALL should be checked EVERY time. Own a gun responsibly or don't own one. No excuses.

01-21-2013, 07:50 AM
The only gun in my house that is always loaded is the gun I am carrying. All others are unloaded. Gun safety is no accident.

01-21-2013, 08:45 AM
The only unloaded guns in my house are my safe queen 1911 and my P9 which has the fiber optic thingy in the breech. The rest are all loaded mag+1 for defense and are in holsters or un-zipped gun cases for instant use.

I asked my wife if she was comfortable with loaded guns lying about sometimes... she said YES!

NO KIDS or IDIOT visitors.


01-21-2013, 09:08 AM
Oldie but a goodie


01-21-2013, 11:58 AM
I never heard about this incident...... but heard about the ones back east.

01-21-2013, 05:37 PM
Oldie but a goodie


Love that guy...

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

01-21-2013, 05:45 PM
I agree it's definitely unfortunate, but I don't cut this person any slack. There is no excuse for this kind of negligence. I agree with jocko, you can't regulate stupidity.

The first thing you learn in any gun safety course, is to treat EVERY gun as if it was loaded. Then you are to point it in a safe direction and ENSURE that it isn't loaded.

Whenever someone hands me a weapon, the FIRST thing I do is safety check it for myself; even if I just watched THEM do it. This gun should have never made it to his vehicle from his house without being sure it was safe. Doesn't matter how many guns he put into his vehicle that morning. ALL should be checked EVERY time. Own a gun responsibly or don't own one. No excuses.

years ago whenin the gun business I had a customer/firend of ine come in with a arley 39A,hewanted to trade it. It looked new. Hetook it out of the case and handed it tome and I just levered te action and out popped a 22 LR. the entire magazine tube wasloaded. I lost a friend that day and acustomer.. Most places ,,, thereis no chargef or stupidity..

01-21-2013, 05:49 PM
Of all the times to have one. I don't recall there ever being one before. My son went by on his way to work and he said traffic was already backed up on the highway, parking lots were full and that was a half hour before it even opened. I likely won't even go tomorrow. I usually go on Sunday morning but doubt there will be any deals and I hate to be herded like cattle.

I was looking forward to going but I best skip this one.

I figured the media would be there in force today but maybe the crowds and traffic even scared them off. Maybe that was a good thing.

The WAC show is generally pretty safe, lots of security, have to be a member to buy or bring a gun into the show and everything is zip tied, no exceptions.

Sadly there were 5 incidents nationwide (On Gun Appreciation Day) like this!

01-21-2013, 06:32 PM
one was at the Indy 1500 gun show. It happened outside the show building, luckily. they reported over the 3 days over 25K people attened this show and it was anot a nice day to be standing outside for hours either. There is no charge for stupidity either.:israel:

Booker T
01-22-2013, 07:35 PM
I hear ya Jocko, good thing you were disciplined enough to check that rifle first.

I have no problem with people keeping loaded weapons in their home, heck I keep 4 or 5 loaded and ready at my house.
And of course, like most folks here, I carry locked and loaded every day.

I guess the incident I was talking about, that I saw on the news, was a guy that discharged a shotgun at a gun show. I think a couple people were injured but not seriously, thank God.

That's the fella I was talking about that had no business handling a weapon. Pure ignorance.
If you accidentally discharge your carry weapon, well honestly I don't have too much sympathy there either. You shouldn't be carrying +1, unless you have a weapon designed to do so safely. Like a Kahr.
Those that carry +1 trusting a safety, well that's on you. I'm not a big fan. Too many dangerous variables there for me.

01-22-2013, 08:40 PM
+1? What you talking about? You mean a chambered round or top loading the magazine after loading it.

Don't see where either of those create a safety issue.

Enlighten me please.

Booker T
01-22-2013, 09:30 PM
I mean one in the chamber. Condition 1 or whatever you would like to call it.

I just don't like the idea of carrying with 1 loaded in the chamber, in say, my Browning Hi-Power.
Yes it has a safety and yes it can be decocked or half-cocked, but still there is a danger there.
The safety can be knocked off or not engaged by negligence. If you are doing vigorous activity while carrying, like loading things or carrying things, the risk remains that the hammer can snag on something and be unknowingly cocked. then things can get dangerous. The weapon can be accidentally discharged while reaching for it or dropped with the potential to discharge much more easily than say a DA only pistol.
Is that a remote chance? Sure it is. Can it happen if you don't use a holster that has a strap that snaps over the hammer, absolutely.
I have had that happen. Did not discharge the weapon, but found the hammer had somehow snagged on something and became cocked. Was unexpectedly helping someone move some things.
So from then on, not for me.
I don't want to unsnap a holster in a critical situation either.
The Hi-Power is now one of my bedside guns.
I know many people like yourself like to carry 1911's and that works for you.