View Full Version : I have a new girlfriend...

01-13-2013, 09:02 PM
...after weeks of waiting, finally got a chance to take my CW9 out for break in. Now, I am fairly new to guns, bought a G19 Gen 4 a few months ago, have around 500 rnds thru it, and I shoot it well...and thought I liked it. I have been prepping my CW, dry firing, and raked it a couple hundred times, so I felt I was good to go. I went thru 100 rnds of Federal Munitions 115 FMJ and 63 rnds of WWB 115 flawlessly. I shot this baby like I have shot it for years. It was awesome. I also shot my G19(100 rnds) and it didn't take long to realize I had just left my old girlfriend for a new one, and right in front of her. I always thought since I shot the G19 pretty good for not having a lot of experiance with it, would only get better, and with the 15 rnd mag, well, it would be an awesome CCW, and it would. But what the CW lacks in mag size, she makes up in every other way. It's like having that sexy, low maintenance, everybody likes her, kinda girl, you know, the Mary Ann type. I'm pretty giddy about the whole day, if you can't tell. I hope my old girlfriend will forgive me and that we can still be friends...Kel

01-13-2013, 09:22 PM
I think you've got a great combo there. G19 and Kahr 3.5" (regardless of whether it's the CW or P, great choice). I'm sure your G19 will forgive you, it knows when the SHTF you'll go w/ it over the CW.

The trigger of a Kahr (like a revolver or something like a Sig P250) are great for teaching you proper trigger control. Glocks (and similar guns) are great to be able for almost any shooter to pick up and do well and get hooked on shooting. They each have their pros and cons.

But great range report and if you are shooting the Kahr well as a relatively new shooter, then congrats, you are a natural and probably in the minority. I take folks all the time w/ my Kahr and my P250 where they've come from more 'Glock' type guns and all they do is gripe about how hard it is to hit anything. So good for you!

Keep shootin' it...just wait until you've got 1000+ rounds thru the Kahr...you'll be pleasantly surprised at how much you like it. It gets staggeringly better w/ age.

Short Bus
01-14-2013, 04:35 AM
I agree, good combo. I would put a light on the Glock and make it a dedicated house gun, and the Kahr the mistress that you take wherever you go.

01-14-2013, 08:08 AM
Congrats! The Glock still has her place, great gun for sleeping next to at night. While you can take the kahr out and about. :)

Kinda like the ol' 12 gauge, once in a while you might come out of the closet with her.

Short Bus
01-14-2013, 02:34 PM
Congrats! The Glock still has her place, great gun for sleeping next to at night. While you can take the kahr out and about. :)

Kinda like the ol' 12 gauge, once in a while you might come out of the closet with her.
:ohmy: Are you trying to tell us something?

01-14-2013, 02:58 PM
:ohmy: Are you trying to tell us something?


01-14-2013, 03:26 PM
Dang! This is starting to sound like Bawanna and Tiny when he got her/him?... his PM45. I think he was sleeping with it and getting drool on it. Not that there's anything wrong with LOVING your guns!:rolleyes:


01-14-2013, 04:13 PM
Behind closed doors. What happens in Monroe, stays in Monroe. I messed that up again didn't I?

01-14-2013, 09:02 PM
Dang.... This just makes waiting for my CW9 all the more painful. But I'm afraid I'll have to make it a threesome.

01-15-2013, 10:48 AM
Ins't that funny, I have discovered the same preference. The Glock 19 is great and I shoot it well but really prefer the CM9 or CW9. I nearly always end up carrying the CW9 in a Pancake or JIT holster. The Kahr pistols are a revaluation when you shoot them.

-- Richard

01-15-2013, 10:56 AM
Dang.... This just makes waiting for my CW9 all the more painful. But I'm afraid I'll have to make it a threesome.

there is nuttin wrong with a THREESOME. Just sayin:D

01-15-2013, 12:20 PM
Congrats! The Glock still has her place, great gun for sleeping next to at night. While you can take the kahr out and about. :)

Kinda like the ol' 12 gauge, once in a while you might come out of the closet with her.
Yup, I wouldn't take an ugly girl to the prom, but I'd sleep next to her:o