View Full Version : HELP! I have a round stuck half way down barrel!

01-14-2013, 07:24 AM
First off, yes, I am an idiot. :-)

Second, if I were reading this, I would be laughing and thinking, "this guy is a total noob!"

I am not a noob, but somehow, when loading mags and switching mags, and loading gun in a hurry, I chambered a round, then swapped mags, and chambered ANOTHER round! It pushed the other one in!

Yes, I realize I am lucky it didn't go off. Yes, I am an idiot.

Now, best way to get it out? I have not tried. Don't want to mess this up.

It's far enough in that another round will fully chamber.

01-14-2013, 07:40 AM
How did the second round chamber? What model firearm?
How's that even possible?

01-14-2013, 07:46 AM
Sorry, it is a Kahr p.380.

A round was chambered, dropped mag, locked back, inserted new loaded mag, released slide lock.

01-14-2013, 08:00 AM
Was the first round a 32al or a 25 or something? I can't possibly see how the first round could be pushed down the barrel.

01-14-2013, 08:22 AM
What you are describing is impossible to do. Are you jerking us around for fun or what?

Lets say this actually happened.:crazy: The first bullet was a smaller calliber....(only way it could happen) The fix is this: 1)Drop the mag: 2)eject the second bullet. 3)dissasemble the gun. 4) Put the barrel in a protected vise. 5) use a wooden dowell rod and a hammer and tap the round out from the muzzel end. 6) Quit jerking us around.:smash:

MW surveyor
01-14-2013, 08:48 AM
First off, if you've got a 380 round stuck half way down the barrel pushed there by the second round being chambered ............................you've got an extremely powerful recoil spring. :2rolleyes:

In any event...........what muggsy said.

I'm sittin the rest of this one out with my..............:popcorn:

What the heck happened to muggsy's reply? Use Ikeo74's

01-14-2013, 08:50 AM
I fully agree with your first statement. You sound like my kinda guy. :)

01-14-2013, 09:07 AM
I see 19Delta is logged in now.

Delta, we would like a thourogh explanation of what actually happened.
Can you give a detailed account of why you needed to change mags and a detailed report about this.
If you did this there is a serious flaw in your ammunition.

Gringo Pistolero
01-14-2013, 09:19 AM
Sorry, it is a Kahr p.380.

A round was chambered, dropped mag, locked back, inserted new loaded mag, released slide lock.

When you "dropped mag, locked back" that should have ejected the chambered round. Something just doesn't add up here...

MW surveyor
01-14-2013, 09:49 AM
When you "dropped mag, locked back" that should have ejected the chambered round. Something just doesn't add up here...

You know..........you're right!
Didn't have my normal three cups of coffee before I answered. (Brain not engaged fully.)

01-14-2013, 10:05 AM
I had no coffee that early morning before I loaded 7.62 ammo in my mag! doh!

I don't know why , but my brain didn't catch this "little" (GIANT) detail. It is fiochi ammo, so it only says 7.62 on the outside.

I would not mind at all if this entire thread were deleted!

But, obviously it should stay so all the other boys and girls learn from this painful lesson of embarrassment!

The 7.62 slid right out of barrel by just shaking it lightly. And for those unaware, 7.62 is .32 caliber. :-(

01-14-2013, 10:08 AM
Wouldn't eject if he had a 32cal in the magazine. I believe they are just small enough to fit.

01-14-2013, 10:14 AM
Thanks for the explanation, we knew that it had to be a smaller bullet in order to be pushed in. A lesson learned, keep magazines seperated from now on, I mark my mags with a black ink marker, it works for me. ;) That small of a round would not eject because the case would slide off the ejector.

01-14-2013, 10:15 AM
I keep my .380 and 9mm far from each other for this reason!

01-14-2013, 10:17 AM
Wow! When you aren't paying attention, some really weird $#!+ can happen! :eek:

We've had guys have problems and try loading a round into the chamber! Yee...Haa!! Now we have a really big problem with a live stuck round!

I'm glad that you got that sorted out.


01-14-2013, 10:18 AM
Don't beat yourself up, we all make mistakes. The fix has already been reported, so good luck!

01-14-2013, 10:26 AM
yep, and for the record of future readers, it was a .380 mag, with .32 ammo loaded in it.

I will be making a change in my ammo storage/organisation.

Thanks for the kind words guys. God speed.

01-14-2013, 10:35 AM
Agree with scattershot.... don't worry.... we won't judge :) Plenty of brain farts myself over the years

MW surveyor
01-14-2013, 11:24 AM
Dang, you got it sorted and I wasn't halfway through the :popcorn:

Good for you. Don't beat yourself up (too badly). Everyone screws up once in a while.

01-14-2013, 11:44 AM
Hey, 19Delta..... don't go away, we're not through with you yet!!... Just kidding! You didn't do anything more dumb than most of us here. It's a bit of red face then on to the next story and someone will top yours. Look on the bright side, no discharge, no blood, no cops, just some good natured ribbing. You can always make fun of Jocko's patented typing skills, or hang out on Bawanna's Grip Emporium, just hang out.

01-14-2013, 12:02 PM
no worries, not going anywhere. I soak in the knowledge here. (apparently need more, lol)

Now if you guys can just figure out why my jeep uses so much gas? ? :-)

01-14-2013, 12:06 PM
What year jeep?

01-14-2013, 12:08 PM
2007, jk 4 door Rubicon. 37" tires, bumpers, winch, blah blah blah.

01-14-2013, 12:27 PM
Hey! I just noticed... you're a lot closer to the posts needed to post an avatar! Hmmm.... :rolleyes:


01-14-2013, 12:55 PM
wyntrout, how many do I need?

And if your implying I made this post to get my post up, all I can say is, "I wish".

Oods are pretty high I won't even use an avatar.

01-14-2013, 01:04 PM
I'm sitting here shaking my head. Delta, don't ever make the mistake of chambering a 20 ga. shotgun shell in your twelve gauge shotgun. We could end up writing your obituary.

01-14-2013, 01:22 PM
2007, jk 4 door Rubicon. 37" tires, bumpers, winch, blah blah blah.

Are the 37" tires a new thing which coincides with the poor fuel consumption?

Don't let these guys bother ya, no ones accusing you of anything.

01-14-2013, 01:33 PM
nobody is bothering me. No worries. I wouldn't have posted if I wasn't ready for much worse than they are giving.

mugsy, note to self, made. :-)

And yes, my mileage went down with the tires. odd :-)

Now that we past all this, will somebody from Indiana sell me a CM9? I am in love with my Kahr! My G19 is just to fat.

01-14-2013, 01:43 PM
You can use shorthand keystrokes for the smiles:) and laughs :D ... : ) or : D, without the spaces!


01-14-2013, 01:49 PM
wyn, good to know since this has all been from my cell. :D

With all your post in this thread, you will be up to super-sized-animated-flashing-gif-avatar before to long! :)

01-14-2013, 01:55 PM
I'm sitting here shaking my head. Delta, don't ever make the mistake of chambering a 20 ga. shotgun shell in your twelve gauge shotgun. We could end up writing your obituary.


01-14-2013, 01:58 PM
wyntrout, how many do I need?

And if your implying I made this post to get my post up, all I can say is, "I wish".

Oods are pretty high I won't even use an avatar.

It's actually quite a good tactic. Start a thread on a forum with something that you KNOW is a hot button, and then vigorously defend yourself when everyone piles onto the "let's beat up on the noob" bandwagon. Before you know it, you're out of the "noob" post count range.

I just used it myself a couple weeks ago on a new forum.
Funny thing is, I posted almost the exact same message here on KahrTalk, and didn't get beaten up hardly at all. Maybe it's the peeps here, or maybe it's because I already had an established reputation here, I dunno.

Anyway, glad you got that round out without blowing your hand off or damaging your weapon.

This discussion is now post-mortem, if you'll pardon the expression, but:
The great thing about the "live round stuck in the barrel" thing is that once the barrel is out of the gun, there are only two directions the blast could go - and if you have the barrel jammed in a bench vise, those directions are known and controlled. So you can hold the dowel with a vise grip and beat it with a hammer while wearing goggles and leather gloves, keeping your limbs away from either orifice, and even if the round fires, it's unlikely to hurt you. The most likely thing is that the back of the casing would blow out, and there's not enough mass there to do a lot of damage.

01-14-2013, 02:00 PM
I think that I only found ONE animated icon for that... a walking marijuana plant cartoon!

Tinman and some others are into the action/animated stuff.:smash:
