View Full Version : K720G (7 rnd grip ext.) Mag in PM40 - Something to Fill the Huge Gap?

B18C5 Tom
03-25-2010, 09:37 PM
I have a PM40 and I recently bought the 7 rounder magazine with the grip extension (K720G) and I knew it would stick out further and have a nice inch gap between the grip of the pistol and the grip extension floor plate on the magazine.

Does anyone offer a grip slip-over device that would fill in the naked steel one sees when using what is essentially a "+2" magazine in a PM40?

I'd post pics but the magazine is in my car at work.

Anyways the device I'm looking for would be just like that of the grip extenders for subcompact Glock pistols when using the Glock 19 std mag in the glock 26 subcompact:



Yes, yes I know it seems silly to add 2 inches of grip length to a deep conceal/carry pistol such as the PM series, but this is more for range duty (less reloading) and for when the pistol is in "home defense" mode not being carried.

Thanks in advance.