View Full Version : WalMart Suspends Ammo Orders
01-14-2013, 12:34 PM
Sounds like the rumors are true. Time to let WalMart know their decision will cost them - I will not be shopping there if this is the path they want to follow.
01-14-2013, 12:40 PM
The others sporting goods stores and gun stores will love this!
I would like to hear/see the unlawful threats by Biden and party to "sway" Walmart. It's not like Liberals LIKED Walmart, anyhow!!
01-14-2013, 12:51 PM
scary claim in the comments area of this article...states that WalMart has inside info about a national registration and stamp required to purchase ammo. Says you'll only be able to buy ammo for the calibers you have registered.
not that anything on the net can be believed. But that'll be a freakin war if they try that.
01-14-2013, 12:52 PM
The next eight-nine days are going to be fascinating! Most likely sad, but fascinating, nonetheless. If this Walmart rumor ends up being true and verified (officially announced), along with what EOs come out from the President, I shudder to think of the protests that will be happening at Walmart.
01-14-2013, 01:00 PM
Just saw a HYSTERICAL comment on a similar article on WND. Said to go to walmart, fill a cart brimming full, drop it off in the sporting goods department in front of the ammo and leave. Eventually they'll get the message.
Might have to do that, repeatedly.
01-14-2013, 01:12 PM
You people are beginning to embarrass me. Walmart hasn't said that they will never sell ammo again. They are simply waiting for the dust to settle before placing any more orders. If you don't like it shop elsewhere. This was brought on by the democrats in congress and the White House. Walmart isn't your enemy.
01-14-2013, 01:19 PM
+1 on that. Focus your frustration and hopefully down right anger on the root cause of all this. President Barrack Obama and his disciples.
Hope everyone is happy, I didn't call him monkey or missing link or anything.
Oh crap, guess I did. I hate myself.
01-14-2013, 01:22 PM
You people are beginning to embarrass me. Walmart hasn't said that they will never sell ammo again. They are simply waiting for the dust to settle before placing any more orders. If you don't like it shop elsewhere. This was brought on by the democrats in congress and the White House. Walmart isn't your enemy.
I don't think anyone said Walmart wasn't going to sell ammo ever again. It's pretty obvious what they are doing and I agree w/ your statement, they are just waiting to see what happens and committing to stock that they might not be able to sell. But, what does that say? Really? You expect ammo to be regulated to a point that you cannot sell it?
I personally don't care what they do, and I was joking about going there w/ a shopping cart and leaving it...the employees have nothing to do w/ it and they should have to put a cart full of crap back from every dolt that goes in there.
But, and I stress may be embarrassed by those of us that might want to protest this, but if the only ammo place in your town were doing this, you'd be pissed. And yes, many might take your suggestion and shop elsewhere, but it's our prerogative to gripe about even if you don't agree w/ our gripe.
I know you don't agree w/ much of the 'sky is falling' stuff that's going around now. But it's falling piece by piece whether you think it is or not. I'm still waiting to see, but its not looking good with each passing day.
01-14-2013, 01:26 PM
I agree the sky is indeed falling too. An I was gonna do the shopping cart thing every time I visit but I don't go there often anyhow. Maybe I'll go more.
I might still do the shopping cart thing, just cause I like the idea so good.
I was thinking frozen and refrigerated items to kind of put a time constraint on it. Do you think I'm evil?
Longitude Zero
01-14-2013, 01:30 PM
The Sporting Goods Manager Districe Manager who offices at the WalMart closest to my home told me they are only waiting to see what comes out of DC before committing to further orders.
MW surveyor
01-14-2013, 01:41 PM
Hope everyone is happy, I didn't call him monkey or missing link or anything.
Oh crap, guess I did. I hate myself.
If you weren't on the list before this one. YOU ARE NOW!
01-14-2013, 01:44 PM
I agree the sky is indeed falling too. An I was gonna do the shopping cart thing every time I visit but I don't go there often anyhow. Maybe I'll go more.
I might still do the shopping cart thing, just cause I like the idea so good.
I was thinking frozen and refrigerated items to kind of put a time constraint on it. Do you think I'm evil?
While it's a funny idea, I doubt that the message will go further than the local management, which won't do anyone any good. In order to get to the corporate level, we'd need to organize a massive campaign coordinated across multiple states.
But since the majority of people are happy to ***** about stuff but rarely take decisive action, I doubt we'd get enough folks to actually do it, so it would not be noticed by the corporate offices.
It _might_ be more effective to send letters. But, there are two problems with that as well.
1. It's a business decision they're making, not a moral one, and I doubt that they'll listen to protests. I mean, look what they pay their employees and how they are treated, despite years of protests.
2. Ruger has made it SO EASY to send letters to the government that it takes just a few clicks of the mouse and just entering in a very small amount of information. Almost no effort is required. And still, at the time of this post only 207,131 people have done it.
So while it sucks that WalMart is perpetuating the frenzy, I think that leaving shopping carts full of merchandise in front of the empty ammo case at local stores just ain't gonna be effective.
01-14-2013, 01:52 PM
2. Ruger has made it SO EASY to send letters to the government that it takes just a few clicks of the mouse and just entering in a very small amount of information. Almost no effort is required. And still, at the time of this post only 207,131 people have done it.
I know a lot of people are doing this, and I applaud the effort...something is better than nothing. But I have heard more than 1 gov't official say on camera that a personal email at a MIMIMUM or a hand-written/typed USPS letter go further and get more recognition than this robot generated stuff.
Not saying its bad, just saying those guys have said they toss the form letter stuff aside like junk mail and READ letters from constituents. True or not, that's what they said.
01-14-2013, 02:02 PM
I know a lot of people are doing this, and I applaud the effort...something is better than nothing. But I have heard more than 1 gov't official say on camera that a personal email at a MIMIMUM or a hand-written/typed USPS letter go further and get more recognition than this robot generated stuff.
Not saying its bad, just saying those guys have said they toss the form letter stuff aside like junk mail and READ letters from constituents. True or not, that's what they said.
You're absolutely right on all counts. But since most people can't be bothered to hand write the stuff (self included), sending the robot letters is better than nothing.
When something goes viral, and seven million Facebook comments or Twitter messages happen, and a company reverses their policy to save face, do you think that the decision makers read all seven million entries? Of course not.
So what Ruger is probably hoping to accomplish here is to send a few dozen million letters so that someone will take notice.
01-14-2013, 02:10 PM
You're absolutely right on all counts. But since most people can't be bothered to hand write the stuff (self included), sending the robot letters is better than nothing.
When something goes viral, and seven million Facebook comments or Twitter messages happen, and a company reverses their policy to save face, do you think that the decision makers read all seven million entries? Of course not.
So what Ruger is probably hoping to accomplish here is to send a few dozen million letters so that someone will take notice.
Good point. Twitter and Facebook are very very effective. I definitely think the 'raw count' of what come out of Ruger's effort and others like it are probably noticed, the in that vain, you are right, still a good thing.
01-14-2013, 02:12 PM
You people are beginning to embarrass me. Walmart hasn't said that they will never sell ammo again. They are simply waiting for the dust to settle before placing any more orders. If you don't like it shop elsewhere. This was brought on by the democrats in congress and the White House. Walmart isn't your enemy.
Are you not a bit concerned that the largest retailer of ammo in the US is so quick "wait for the dust to settle". Seems to me this is a bit more than Chicken Little screaming embarrassing things.
I agree Walmart is not the enemy here but they obviously are quickly influenced by the anti-gun leftest who have no problem doing whatever it takes to get Walmart to roll over. Think it's time the rest of us let this "for profit" company that any decisions they make (yes- they haven't yet) regarding future policy changes might have an effect on their bottom line.
That or we can just be quite and hope for the best so as to not embarrass ourselves.
01-14-2013, 03:34 PM
I believe that Americans are voting with their wallets in buying new guns. They wouldn't buy one just to hand it over so the message is very clear that we will oppose any action to take away our guns.
So I think he will once again skirt the real thing to put obstacles for ammo, registration, etc. Heck if he added a complete Psyc audit to confirm stability that would price most out of the market. Of course it may open a heck of a mail order market for on0line psychologists. (Reminds me of the Texas Ranger Psyc Interview).
01-14-2013, 04:04 PM
I have gone to three different Walmarts today looking for .22lr 9mm and .380....I found nothing at all.
01-14-2013, 04:15 PM
I have gone to three different Walmarts today looking for .22lr 9mm and .380....I found nothing at all.
If all the online places are out, you can bet your butt most all retail outlets are bare. Even bigger 'gun' places like sportsman's warehouse are rationing it here. Them and the LGS here are only handing out 1 box per customer of some calibers (.223/5.56) and no more than 3 of other things (9mm, .22).
If you can find it, buy it. It will definitely 'come back' in stock, but many backorder notes online are showing June/July timeframes. But when it does come back in stock, who knows what restrictions there might be by the time EOs and Congress does its thang on it.
01-14-2013, 05:24 PM
What we are seeing now is just a glimpse of what could and IMHO will happen when the SHTF...all ammo will be gone overnight along with food, water, gasoline and anything else we take for granted will be there anytime we feel like buying it....This is a good lesson in stocking up and staying prepared for a general emergency....
Most of us have enough ammo without resorting to hording and it will come back on the shelves just as it did in early 2009 after the election shock wore off but when it does come back this time it will be much more expensive than before and some calibers may take longer but my point is to get ready and stay ready cause I got a feeling in my old bones we are going to see some tough times ahead....
As for the Walmart fill up a shopping cart with frozen food and leave it in sporting goods deal, that sounds like fun but is too wasteful and theres already shopping carts all over the store so they won't even notice that...What WILL get their attention is for everyone to take a big crap in a brown paper bag with 2nd amendment written in magic marker on it and leave those next to their empty ammo case...Hard to miss what thats all about!!!
01-14-2013, 05:36 PM
I think you need a psychiatric evaluation. My appointments at 4, maybe I'll see you there?
01-14-2013, 05:50 PM
I have searching online for 9mm FMJ, and can't find it in stock anywhere.....I wanna go play at the range!!
01-14-2013, 05:59 PM
+1 on that. Focus your frustration and hopefully down right anger on the root cause of all this. President Barrack Obama and his disciples.
Hope everyone is happy, I didn't call him monkey or missing link or anything.
Oh crap, guess I did. I hate myself.
01-14-2013, 06:07 PM
Bawanna.. it's ok to be a racist after all. ;)
01-14-2013, 06:17 PM
Put your energy, time and money into doing something constructive like writing and calling your legislators. Support the conservatives from both sides of the aisle who support your constitutional rights. Walmart isn't in a position to take your rights away from you.
01-14-2013, 07:15 PM
There isn't any official sources for this yet. Every site I've seen talking about this is all citing investment watch blog. I'm going to wait for an official comment from Walmart before jumping all over the boycott them wagon. Walmart is the only store in my Whole town that carries ammunition....
I also don't see how the "rumors are true" based on one unofficial source on the internet. Walmart doesn't have ammo because it is unavailable. Now, I can see they may wait the 8 days to place any new ammo orders, but have they canceled current order? Who knows what sort of threats/etc Biden gave them the other day, perhaps they don't want to by millions of dollars of inventory they won't be able to sell in a couple weeks. Either way, i'm far from boycotting them, and I'm also far from exclaiming "The Rumors are true!"
I mean, if one site stated "One person standing near another over heard a phone call from Obama saying all guns are illegal and anyone caught with one will go to prison immediately!" are you going to burn all your guns/try to turn them in? At a time like this, I really don't see Walmart as the enemy, we have better places to focus our rage during all of this than one of the largest retailers that still has guns on the shelves as of now. In the end, they are a business, and will make decisions that keep their doors open.
01-14-2013, 07:31 PM
Hummm... Must have some other forum readers living nearby. My wife and I were at WM this afternoon and were walking down the sporting goods isles when we came upon a fully loaded basket just sitting there. We were on that isle for a good 2-3 minutes and never saw anyone. My wife commented that someone must have gotten mad and walked out.... but now that I have read this. If they fold - BOYCOT!
01-14-2013, 07:50 PM
In the end, they are a business, and will make decisions that keep their doors open.
Average WalMart store square footage: (
182,000 square feet
Square footage for a WalMart ammo case (estimated, based on the ones I have seen in Western Washington State:
100 square feet
Number of guns I usually see in WalMart display cases:
10 (all long guns)
Even if every gun owner stopped buying anything at all at their stores in protest, discontinuing guns and ammo will NOT put Walmart out of business.
01-14-2013, 07:52 PM
Are we sure Wallyworld can even get ammo right now... especially since they would only buy at a super low price point for the bulk they stock at the warehouse/distrbution level. These wally guys are super cheap buisness guys and if they can't get it at an uber low price, they don't buy.
Anyone seen any cheap ammo for sale lately???
01-14-2013, 08:54 PM
I think a lot of that has to do with it just not being available right now..
01-14-2013, 09:20 PM
At times attitudes can seem very similar. Someone gets shot so anti-gun immediately start screaming to ban guns.....It gets rumored a company is not ordering more ammo, everyone immediately jumps to boycott them....
I see a difference when you have a company that officially comes out and says one thing that is against second amendment rights, but for people to be so heated over rumor....
01-14-2013, 09:50 PM
According to Wal-Mart headquarters, the reports are not correct, but who knows.
mr surveyor
01-14-2013, 09:52 PM
since WM was in the room with v.p. j. bite-me, I wouldn't doubt that they smell the ultimate in "we're not coming for your guns" EO tactic...... something like a 50% federal tax on all ammunition and related components.
That's what I've been expecting to come from this administration since 2008:confused:
edited out the personal whining
01-14-2013, 10:32 PM
Taxing ammo doesn't do anything to prevent gun violence. People that are hell bent on shooting up a school, mall or etc couldn't careless if ammo costs 10x what it does now. All they need is a 50 round box. The only people that a tax would hurt would be the enthusiasts that like to shoot a lot.
But I wouldn't be surprised since everything else they have proposed thus far is pointless and baseless when it comes to preventing gun violence. But we all know their ultimate goal is an outright ban on all private gun ownership.
01-15-2013, 01:42 PM
Nothing proposed by the anti-gun liberal progressive socialist democrats would have prevented what happened. Had a mad man set fire to the school and killed twenty kids and six school officials would the democrats call for a ban on matches? You know where this is coming from. Direct your anger there.
I just returned from Walmart. They had a good supply of .380, .38 spl, and .357, which was not there yesterday. They seem to be getting deliveries daily, but the stuff goes fast. Unless one is there are the right time, it would be easy to get the impression Walmart is getting out of the ammo business. The shelves are often bare.
01-15-2013, 08:26 PM
It`s not true.Walmart will still sale ammo.
01-16-2013, 07:54 PM
My Walmart just turned 80%of its ammo case into a display case for other stuff...... I asked them if they were going to be ordering more and the guy at the counter told me no, not at this time.
01-17-2013, 02:58 AM
Are you not a bit concerned that the largest retailer of ammo in the US is so quick "wait for the dust to settle". Seems to me this is a bit more than Chicken Little screaming embarrassing things.
I agree Walmart is not the enemy here but they obviously are quickly influenced by the anti-gun leftest who have no problem doing whatever it takes to get Walmart to roll over. Think it's time the rest of us let this "for profit" company that any decisions they make (yes- they haven't yet) regarding future policy changes might have an effect on their bottom line.
That or we can just be quite and hope for the best so as to not embarrass ourselves.
Obviously? According to who? The official said nothing about stopping orders on ammo.Apparently some flunkies have. Funny thing I understand from some guys locally that local Wal Marts are still stocking ammo when they get it.
I can recall around the 08 election that I visited Wal Mart everytime I went to town and I stopped at every one I passed. First couple of trips the wife was not happy but when she noticed the number of times we stopped and found no ammo she understood. Eventually I just happened to hit a few Wal Marts at the right time and found enough to replenish my stock.
I'ts lookin like I might have to cast some projectiles and learn how to make jackets and resort to black powder... wish I had bought a couple 8 lb jugs of powder for handguns.
01-17-2013, 05:43 AM
I have stopped at the majority of the Walmart stores in my area, and a few outside my area and have found nothing in 9mm, .380, or .22lr.
I have stopped at about 8 stores so far and found the cabinet to be empty of everything but shotgun shells, and .17.
01-17-2013, 06:02 AM
My online ammo sources are continuing to be drained.
5.56/.223 has been long gone.
But now pistol ammo appears to be evaporating as well.
Even with the latest threat of an Emperor Order passing - the fear continues.
01-17-2013, 11:44 PM
Yeah all of this is disturbing. I have found several local/regional stores in my area that not only get weekly stock of ammo, but they do not mark up the prices like some of the LGS in my area who try to gouge. Still very decent prices that have not been jacked up. I still try to stay away from Walmart because I have other options. They do some sketchy things in the labor world that sort of bother me too....... Just sayin'
01-18-2013, 12:27 AM
I looked in one of our local Walmart stores tonight. All they had in handgun ammo was a single box of .380 and that wasn't there last week. Hopefully things will get back to normal soon.
01-18-2013, 07:55 AM
This Walmart story is false. Probably started by one of the groups that is trying to get Walmart to stop selling handgun ammo. Our local Walmart has a sign up on the ammo case that said the report is NOT true. I talked with the sporting goods manager and he is pro 2nd amendment as well. He had some ammo in the back and said they had a hard time keeping it stocked. We live in an area that is very gun-friendly, but I know Walmarts in other areas and even management can be just the opposite.
01-18-2013, 08:09 AM
Are you not a bit concerned that the largest retailer of ammo in the US is so quick "wait for the dust to settle". Seems to me this is a bit more than Chicken Little screaming embarrassing things.
I agree Walmart is not the enemy here but they obviously are quickly influenced by the anti-gun leftest who have no problem doing whatever it takes to get Walmart to roll over. Think it's time the rest of us let this "for profit" company that any decisions they make (yes- they haven't yet) regarding future policy changes might have an effect on their bottom line.
That or we can just be quite and hope for the best so as to not embarrass ourselves.
Anyone in business who doesn't watch their bottom line isn't in business for very long. Walmart like any other business is most motivated by profit. Our economy is in the dumper, because every business is waiting to see what the idiot in the White House is going to do. Wake up to reality.
01-18-2013, 08:15 AM
Hmmmm. I stopped at the WM yesterday where I typically purchase my practice ball ammo. Case has always been well stocked with an occasional shortage of specific brand or mm. Case was completely empty - not a single box of anything. I asked the sporting goods clerk and he told me they had so little left they moved it to the small glass case in the front of the department. Went there and I thing there was probably about 6 of so boxes of shotgun (birdshot) shells and that was it. Then ask him why so little and he told me that any new ammo orders were not being filled and he had no idea why or when they make start getting new supplies.
Sure - back a few years ago there was a real shortage of ammo but this time it appears to be a "self imposed" shortage.
Say what you want but something is going on with Walmart.
01-18-2013, 08:35 AM
PEOPLE - I can't find ANY STORES in my area that have ammo. Ammo orders not being filled doesn't mean Walmart isn't filling them...They can't get any. I have a buddy who orders stuff for his bow shop from the same distributor Bass Pro uses...they have NO handgun ammo. I guarantee you Bass Pro isn't purposefully not carrying 9mm ammo. You just can't get it. Online retailers don't have it. It's not available.
How does anyone expect Walmart to have it when NO ONE HAS ANY? They can't get any. My local store still has a decent supply of Rifle ammo (other than 223) and keeps getting new handgun stuff, but in revolver or .40 or .45. No 9mm or 380 that I've seen, or it sells so fast I've just missed it everytime. They get what they can. Just like every other store.
01-18-2013, 08:39 AM
Ammo is short everywhere, not just Wal-Mart. Two weeks ago, all of the LGSs here had plenty of ammo in just about every caliber. This week you'll have a really tough time finding much in the way of handgun ammo around here, especially popular calibers like 9mm. About the only places that still have some are some of the smaller pawn shops and then it's very limited in what they have.
MW surveyor
01-18-2013, 08:47 AM
Went by my local Academy here in northwest Houston last night. They had plenty of handgun caliber and rifle ammo (except 223/5.56?). However in the 22 department, only had 2 boxes of 22 shorts and a couple of boxes of 22 shot.
01-18-2013, 08:54 AM
gonnatake awhile for the challens to fill back up,gotta remembersome of these big ammo makers are under military contracts and that doesn't stop. Gonna be a few months and it looks to me like it was back when the great one first got elected.Everyone cleaned out the stores. My wal mart back then had some ammo's but 9 and 45 were very scarace and at that time was even limited to 6 boes per sale at my local wm..
01-18-2013, 10:00 AM
My local Walmart had ten WWB boxes of 230g 45ACP and 12 and 20 gauge birdshot. Random box of 7mm, 32 and 25, one box each and that was it. Everything else was completely barren.
01-18-2013, 01:29 PM
So you got the 10 boxes of 45 right? Tell me you got the 10 boxes of 45?
01-18-2013, 04:56 PM
I ain't got no 45 so I left them where they were. You want me to go back and buy them for you?
01-18-2013, 06:00 PM
Couldn't find any ammo locally but managed to find some online. Kind of panicked the night before obama's speech and ordered a case of blazer brass 115 grain at 18.95 a box. Arrived today. Just for the heck of it I checked the same place and they are now charging 29.95 a box :eek:
01-18-2013, 06:11 PM
I've got;
SSA 5.56mm 70gr Barnes TSX BT
SSA 5.56mm 77gr Sierra OTM
5.56 Hornady TAP 75gr. BTHP T2
arriving early next week.
Adding to my;
Winchester Ranger 223 64 gr Power-Point
Winchester Ranger 223 69 gr Hollow Point Boattail
Federal 223 55 gr TRU (Tactical Rifle Urban).
All of my online distributors are completely sold out of 5.56/.223
It's become quite obvious that my spending somewhere not too far under $10K on ammunition last summer wasn't as paranoid as I thought it was.
01-18-2013, 06:53 PM
Quite obvious. Not paranoid at all!
I had the same thought, just didn't have the loot. 10k, that's a lot of loot, well to commoners like us. Horrors da Ovaries to Obummer and screw.
Quite obvious. Not paranoid at all!
I had the same thought, just didn't have the loot. 10k, that's a lot of loot, well to commoners like us. Horrors da Ovaries to Obummer and screw.
Yeah, it was a lot of money, but spread over quite a few calibers not as insane as it may first appear. I just decided I was never going to let myself get caught short again and have the good fortune to be able to afford that, albeit with trade offs elsewhere.
Nonetheless, at the end of that three month buying spree I was beginning to question my sanity. Now I'm not.
01-19-2013, 11:46 AM
I know a lot of people are doing this, and I applaud the effort...something is better than nothing. But I have heard more than 1 gov't official say on camera that a personal email at a MIMIMUM or a hand-written/typed USPS letter go further and get more recognition than this robot generated stuff.
Not saying its bad, just saying those guys have said they toss the form letter stuff aside like junk mail and READ letters from constituents. True or not, that's what they said.
I did receive one email reply from my Congressman as a result of Ruger's efforts.
Longitude Zero
01-19-2013, 12:23 PM
I managed to stock up about 1500 rounds per caliber that I shoot and almost 5K of 22LR. I am afraid to go shooting for fear it could be months or at least a year before I can resupply.
les strat
01-19-2013, 12:37 PM
My recent shooting is very conservative so I don't dent my stash. I go to the range to check zero and that's about it. I can't afford to buy any more bulk at the moment, but try to pick up a couple boxes on payday if I find anything. I have been doing that with .223 and 7.62x39 for a long time, and it adds up over time. Glad I did.
A couple weeks ago, I bought 2 boxes of steel cased Tula 9mm. Even though I don't uaully use it, I bought it just in case. The Glock will chew it up just fine if need be.
01-19-2013, 12:54 PM
I did receive one email reply from my Congressman as a result of Ruger's efforts.
Did the reply come from the Congressman, or the Congressman's secretary?
Sounds like the rumors are true. Time to let WalMart know their decision will cost them - I will not be shopping there if this is the path they want to follow.
I called the Utah Walmart still selling ammo and guns
My local WalMart had about 20, 50 round boxes of PPU FMJ in 9mm. I never heard of the brand but have been desperate to build some stock. They only allowed me to purchase 2 boxes. I should have done some other shopping and gone back for more. I had checked 2 other LGS's but both keep selling out as soon as they get anything in and then it's a few weeks before they can get their hands on anything.
01-20-2013, 01:17 PM
Yesterday my local walmart was placing 9mm and 380 on the shelf. They'd apparently gotten in a shipment of it. Didn't last long....
01-22-2013, 03:33 AM
It's all about availability right now. I had been calling WM every day asking about ammo shipments and finally got a hold of a very friendly guy who manages the sporting goods/outdoors area at the store nearest my house. He informed me they had a shipment coming in and the rumor was it would have .45, .40, and 9mm (what I was looking for for my new CM9). Sure enough, I got there Saturday afternoon at 6 and there were about 6 or 7 other guys waiting for the truck to unload! They didn't put any limits on how many boxes anyone could buy, but fortunately everyone was civil and we went through first-come-first-served. I had to wait over an hour, but had some good talks with fellow shooters and left with 2 100-round boxes of WWB 9mm without a price gouge! no complaints here! The shipment they got didn't even reach the shelves, so that might give you an idea of the demand and why you aren't seeing any ammo.
I am also in the same boat with small pistol primers. The sportsmen's wearhouse in town is supposed to be putting out a new shipment tomorrow afternoon, so I am hoping for the same fortuitous timing. fingers crossed....
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