View Full Version : like a kick to the guts
01-15-2013, 01:10 PM
This morning at work we have a stand up talk to discuss the new contract that just got finalized and what that means to us. I work for the usps and have been working under the te contract for 5yrs, what that breaks down to is no opportunity to get the career employee benefits including health insurance. I've worked 6days a week for just their wages which are good enough to have kept me there in hopes of gettin a career position.
Back to the new contract, the regular fulltime career employees will be getting no cola pay increases for a while. As for me, starting the middle of February I will still have no opportunity at the benefits and take a 25% cut in pay. Yes that's twenty-five not two point five. I know this has very little to do with guns other then I can no longer afford more or the bullets for that matter with a family to feed. Mostly I just wanted to get that off my chest somewhere and you poor lot were the chosen one's. Haha
01-15-2013, 01:17 PM
Sorry to hear that Lentevan. It seems these days that the "American Dream" gets farther and farther away, especially for anyone under 40yrs. The way things are going in this country makes me glad to be 58.
If it's any comfort, I know a 25 yr. veteran of UPSA and he says things just keep getting worse no matter where you are at in the UPS pecking order. He can't wait to get out.
01-15-2013, 01:19 PM
That sucks very much Lentevan! I wasn't aware that the post office hired folks on contract for extended periods of time. Apparently as a cost saving measure to avoid benefits etc.
My mom was a mail carrier for 30 years and was beyond happy when she retired. The games they played were, well alot like government.
I see similarities here in city government too.
Retirement sounds mighty fine to me too. You with a family and probably not able to consider that option are in a tough spot.
Wish I had a good solution for you but I don't. I do know that I'd sure be looking for something else while still doing the best I could at the current job.
Only those that really don't want to work are not working, another misconception put forth by government and the media.
01-15-2013, 01:24 PM
There is absolutely nothing preventing you from seeking other employment. One does what one has to do. I survived two plant closings and a reduction in force. You were looking for a job when you found this one. Find another. Look at this as an opportunity to improve your position.
01-15-2013, 01:30 PM
Funny thing is, Microsoft was subjected to a big lawsuit about contract employees and benefits, and as a result there are no more long term contract positions at Microsoft. You can only work for them for a specified period, then you have to have a "cooling off period" before you can take another contract, so they can avoid the benefits.
I agree with Muggsy about taking a walk. Not without having something else lined up first, of course. It's a really tough market for people looking for a job right now, but that doesn't stop you from using your free time to research the market, look for jobs, or take some classes to develop new skills so that your opportunities are expanded.
01-15-2013, 01:31 PM
I have to agree. I'd be looking for another job. I know jobs aren't easy to come by at the moment. But always keep your eyes and ears open. Good luck.
01-15-2013, 01:45 PM
Sorry to hear that.
The recession our government pretends ended - but didn't.
And ObummerCare that's not a tax - but is.
Is literally sucking the life out of our country.
Our government operating with no budget, ridiculous spending and crazy programs have lots of folks in a strangle hold.
With no apparent way out.
I truly hope things improve for you and your family.
Bill K
01-15-2013, 03:27 PM
Sorry to read that things aren't working out so well on the job front. I'm retired (April of 2010) but know that it is a tough job market. I've a son working a security job @ $12.00 an hour while he struggles to get a business going.
les strat
01-15-2013, 04:24 PM
I hope the best for you Lentevan.
01-15-2013, 04:42 PM
I am far from throwing in the towel, I'm 25 and damn hard worker. I've already got 2 other jobs I'm looking into right now that are open and hiring with health insurance. I'll land on my feet in the end and better myself. it was just a complete blindside to walk in this morning andbeinformed I would be grossing that much less. Big pill to swallow in the middle of a house remodel and the worst part of winter. Mostly just wanted to clear my head off it and you guys are fifine folk to do exactly that.
01-15-2013, 04:48 PM
Not a lot of free time working 6 days a week either. Been there, done that. We wish you the best and hope something good comes out of it.
01-15-2013, 05:30 PM
Thanks, at the last I'll make the best of this situation and try like hell to come out on top. Unlike my wonderful generation I'm not one to give up and shy away from hard work.
01-15-2013, 05:43 PM
Lentevan, This might turn out to be a blessing in disguise. You sound ambitious and resourceful - traits that are sought after by good companies.
Before retirement I was laid off by the Pacific Telesys (marketing manager and operations manager, Apple Computer (program manager), NeXT (program manager), before being hired by Microsoft. Each time I had the option to give up or pound the pavement until I found the next job. Between NeXT and Microsoft I had sent out 65 resumes and it took 3 months before I got a positive response. Bottom line, each time the Lord had something better for me. I trust that you will find the same as well. Blessings on your journey!
01-15-2013, 05:53 PM
Last time I was in the job market it took a couple months to land a good one, and that was when times were good.
01-15-2013, 06:04 PM
I have heard that companies are showing a new kind of discrimination, where they would prefer to hire someone who is currently employed. In this job market they can be pickier, and I guess current employment is further proof that you are qualified and desirable if you are already being employed by someone.
01-15-2013, 06:17 PM
Thanks, at the last I'll make the best of this situation and try like hell to come out on top. Unlike my wonderful generation I'm not one to give up and shy away from hard work.
And that being the fact, long term you'll do fine. Hang in there.
01-15-2013, 06:35 PM
Thanks for words of encouragement. It's mostly the next 18 to 24 months I need the employment, I was planning on striking out on my own with a business I've given a lot of thought about and can make fly for sure with my personality, ingenuity and work ethic. Either way wherever I am I'll give it 110% becausewhenI die I don't want anyone to be able to say I never pulled my own weight our did my fair share.
01-15-2013, 06:41 PM
Jfootin. That's one thing I don't have to worry about, I've been employed since the second I could legally work and have never been unemployed.
01-15-2013, 07:43 PM
a 25% pay cut for me would be enough to push me into another agency and get a raise for doing it.
i guess im lucky to be where i am as i make about $4/hr more than my counterparts at adjacent agencies save for one.
This morning at work we have a stand up talk to discuss the new contract that just got finalized and what that means to us. I work for the usps and have been working under the te contract for 5yrs, what that breaks down to is no opportunity to get the career employee benefits including health insurance. I've worked 6days a week for just their wages which are good enough to have kept me there in hopes of gettin a career position.
Back to the new contract, the regular fulltime career employees will be getting no cola pay increases for a while. As for me, starting the middle of February I will still have no opportunity at the benefits and take a 25% cut in pay. Yes that's twenty-five not two point five. I know this has very little to do with guns other then I can no longer afford more or the bullets for that matter with a family to feed. Mostly I just wanted to get that off my chest somewhere and you poor lot were the chosen one's. Haha
Good Gravy! My wife works for the USPS, as a relief rural route carrier, works six days a week. in two months she goes "Full Time" and gets career status with benefits at one year. We are in Al. but its all the same USPS isnt it? Why are you getting a bad rap there?
01-15-2013, 09:28 PM
I'm on the letter carrier side. different unions different contracts.
01-15-2013, 09:34 PM
jerry switching agenciesisn't viable option for me either, that's why I'm leaning towards a complete career change.
01-15-2013, 10:02 PM
jerry switching agenciesisn't viable option for me either, that's why I'm leaning towards a complete career change.
youre lucky to have a contract....i am an "at will" employee...
01-15-2013, 11:37 PM
You must be a Part Time Flexible (PTF)? Or a Casual?
After the USAF, I was a mail carrier in Albuquerque NM South Valley. The first year I was PTF, working 6 days a week, and 60 hours per week - for one year straight through. However I was lucky there was a mass hiring, and I made regular after 1 year, and elected to work 5 days a week, and 40 - 45 hours per week thereafter.
I gave them 7 years, banked some money, then resigned to RV travel full time. I also banked some matching funds on the Thrift Savings Plan - won't cash that out for another 3 - 5 years.
If you are PTF how is it looking time wise to make regular? Many non USPS folks do not realize USPS is no longer Civil Service, and has a reduced retirement plan compared to the "Old Days". There are some still grandfathered in for Civil Service retirement - but soon all will be gone.
This morning at work we have a stand up talk to discuss the new contract that just got finalized and what that means to us. I work for the usps and have been working under the te contract for 5yrs, what that breaks down to is no opportunity to get the career employee benefits including health insurance. I've worked 6days a week for just their wages which are good enough to have kept me there in hopes of gettin a career position.
Back to the new contract, the regular fulltime career employees will be getting no cola pay increases for a while. As for me, starting the middle of February I will still have no opportunity at the benefits and take a 25% cut in pay. Yes that's twenty-five not two point five. I know this has very little to do with guns other then I can no longer afford more or the bullets for that matter with a family to feed. Mostly I just wanted to get that off my chest somewhere and you poor lot were the chosen one's. Haha
01-16-2013, 09:25 AM
Jfootin. That's one thing I don't have to worry about, I've been employed since the second I could legally work and have never been unemployed.
That's what I'm saying. With your work ethic, your prospects are very good! Keep your head up. :)
01-16-2013, 10:00 AM
Good luck to you Lentevan...I've been with my current company 29 years now but in the earlier years there was always a constant threat of lay off so I know how that uncertainty feels...I like and respect your attitude and work ethic and it's great to hear that from someone your age, keep it up and it will take you far...Good luck with your new business venture and welcome to Kahrtalk..
01-16-2013, 02:55 PM
jerry I can't remember ever if I'm at will it under contract. I'm not a ptf I'm just a lowly te which is the usps's response to no more casuals. But that job title is no more, we're soon to all become cca's at a crappier pay scale.
The timeline for ptf to regular is basically never, in our office the one ptf we have has been one for 9 years I believe. Basically the plan with this new contract is to completely eliminate the ptf positions. You will either be full-time career or the new fancy named casual with no hope of promotion without a retiring person.
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