View Full Version : Nutzi germany

01-15-2013, 02:44 PM
has come to the city of NY thanks to cuomo

I had to disquise the word Nazi to Nutzi, for that word is banned on this forum, which has to be the stupidest MF-er I have ever seen. what next ??GOD:israel::israel:

I am truly getting to old for kids games anymore. trying tellin the jews not to use the word NUTZI or the good German people who lived through that era.
Cuntry is going to hell:behindsofa:

01-15-2013, 02:48 PM
You couldn't pay me to live there!

mother cuomo, may I have a 20oz coke? mother cuomo may I have one bean for my pea shooter? mother cuomo may I lay down my life when I have no gun and some BG breaks into my house?

01-15-2013, 02:56 PM
Here's one for you. A member of another gun forum was wondering why the ACLU wasn't standing up for 2nd ammendment rights.:p:D

01-15-2013, 03:17 PM
It's comforting that I'm on the opposite side of the continent.

How terribly pathetic they are.

01-15-2013, 04:29 PM
In case some haven't seen the news: New NY State Gun Lawsl (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/15/new-york-state-gun-laws-first-united-states-newtown-sandy-hook-shooting_n_2478418.html) :eek:

NY Times Article (http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/16/nyregion/tougher-gun-law-in-new-york.html?pagewanted=1&_r=0)

01-15-2013, 04:35 PM
I just threw up a little bit in my mouth a lot!

NY, lead the way? Extremist. Morons more like it.

01-15-2013, 04:53 PM
Don't we expect to see legal challenges to this travesty? NRA-ILA and others? The SCOTUS just rebuked Illinois for similar foolishness, and Washington, DC, also.

01-15-2013, 04:55 PM
ur all right, but the sad fact is that one or two people can fokk everyone with no remorse. Obummer is gonna do it tomorrow. They realy don't give a damn about the constitution or gun rights. And people are still gonna die, until we get tuff on those who break laws,, quit letting criminals out of jail because jails are full. WTF, so u let out criminals who have been in jail for awhile and then put new ones backi in. Does this make any damn sense. And this stupid Pr!ck Pres is gonna have a bunch of damn kids in the back ground tomorrow while he hammers gun owners and AMERICA. I am sorry for what happened in Ct, but wat is going on now with the kids being used as shields and objects to increase stupid gun laws, is really pissin me off. We think nuttin about askingour "kids" to go to war at ages 18 and dieing over worthless ass cuntry's. and the parents get a damn form letter robo signed by the Pres and his ass kissin V. P..

To my knowledge as of now I don't think there is any 7 round mags for AR type guns that cuomo is limiting rounds to. So now what??? Hell cuomo knew that to, so in essence right now anywaYS SHOOTING AN ar ANYWHERE in NY is gonna make u illegal, unless u load it single shot.

Someone ask here where is the ALCU??? Fokk them to. and what is glock owners and most all double stack hand gun owners to do now also..:israel:

Just sayin

In a sad way I am glad that Deitrich is not here today to see this sh!t either..

01-15-2013, 04:57 PM
I just threw up a little bit in my mouth a lot!

NY, lead the way? Extremist. Morons more like it.

Yeah, what exactly are they leading the way in other than a possible public revolt? What is really scaring me is the way they are cramming it down our throats in special meeting and behind closed doors! I have been writing senators, reps, president etc....... daily and I just get responses back like we are looking out for the best interests of the public....... since when did they decide they can tell me what is good for me? Thank god I don't live in New York! On the other hand we should be doing everything we can to help them fight this ridiculous garbage they call legislation!

Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2

01-15-2013, 05:17 PM
You couldn't pay me to live there!

mother cuomo, may I have a 20oz coke? mother cuomo may I have one bean for my pea shooter? mother cuomo may I lay down my life when I have no gun and some BG breaks into my house?

ur right,u would think the NY people would rise against this back door dictatorship but IMO NY people arejust stupid, and if I offended any NY-ers here, then please move:israel:

01-15-2013, 05:18 PM
A march on Washington DC seems too tame of a response.....

These are terrible times. And I fear it will just keep getting worse!!!!!

01-15-2013, 05:23 PM
ur all right, but the sad fact is that one or two people can fokk everyone with no remorse. Obummer is gonna do it tomorrow. They realy don't give a damn about the constitution or gun rights. And people are still gonna die, until we get tuff on those who break laws,, quit letting criminals out of jail because jails are full. WTF, so u let out criminals who have been in jail for awhile and then put new ones backi in. Does this make any damn sense. And this stupid Pr!ck Pres is gonna have a bunch of damn kids in the back ground tomorrow while he hammers gun owners and AMERICA. I am sorry for what happened in Ct, but wat is going on now with the kids being used as shields and objects to increase stupid gun laws, is really pissin me off. We think nuttin about askingour "kids" to go to war at ages 18 and dieing over worthless ass cuntry's. and the parents get a damn form letter robo signed by the Pres and his ass kissin V. P..

To my knowledge as of now I don't think there is any 7 round mags for AR type guns that cuomo is limiting rounds to. So now what??? Hell cuomo knew that to, so in essence right now anywaYS SHOOTING AN ar ANYWHERE in NY is gonna make u illegal, unless u load it single shot.

Someone ask here where is the ALCU??? Fokk them to. and what is glock owners and most all double stack hand gun owners to do now also..:israel:

Just sayin

In a sad way I am glad that Deitrich is not here today to see this sh!t either..

Amen to this. Glad he didn't have to see this BS.

01-15-2013, 05:38 PM
A march on Washington DC seems too tame of a response.....

These are terrible times. And I fear it will just keep getting worse!!!!!

this is gonna be a bad week for gun owners, bring out the school kids,let them write some more ltters to swing our congressman.

Uy know I wonder why some pro anit abortion representatives did not march out a bunch of kids and say, "Look with abortion these kids would not be here today. I
hate it when u drag out kids that have no clue what the fokk they are doin there in the first place and used as damn puppets. No doubt obummer is pullin out all the stops to screw gun owners. he has to stand behind that podium as he is simply wetting his pants gettin his rocks off over fokking AMERICA.:israel:

01-15-2013, 05:43 PM
It's comforting that I'm on the opposite side of the continent.

How terribly pathetic they are.

say the TSUAMI started hundreds of miles out to sea. Get my drift colonel.:israel:

01-15-2013, 06:04 PM
Well now, guess it's back to revolvers and tube fed .22s and lever actions.

New opportunity for Ruger...a 7/22.

I can at least understand the "logic" of 10. The number seven is completely beyond me other than....that's the original 1911 mag and/or that totally dorks everyone up.

01-15-2013, 06:32 PM

Amen to this. Glad he didn't have to see this BS.

I thought the exact same thing. God bless his family and I wish them well through this all.

01-15-2013, 08:37 PM
Don't we expect to see legal challenges to this travesty? NRA-ILA and others? The SCOTUS just rebuked Illinois for similar foolishness, and Washington, DC, also.

When the Supreme Court to Andrew Jackson that he couldn't drive the Seminole Indians out of Florida. Jackson told the court to send it's army to stop him. Historical fact.

01-15-2013, 08:39 PM

Amen to this. Glad he didn't have to see this BS.

I think he's watching.

01-15-2013, 08:44 PM
You guys are getting way to worked up about this. It ain't over until it's over. To quote one of my old Navy buddies, "I have not yet begun to fight." J.P. had it right.

01-15-2013, 08:53 PM
It definitely ain't over. I'm out in my man cave, hereafter referred to as the knitting room cleaning my muzzle loader.

54 Caliber Hawkins with double set triggers. She's wicked accurate, a little lacking in reload time even in full auto.

When I get done with that I'm gonna work on a new tinfoil hat. I skimped on the last one and it just isn't holding up under all this pressure.

01-15-2013, 09:18 PM
The more states that cave like NY, the more crime we'll have. And the more the government borrows and wastes, the more the moochers and leaches will be cut off when the tit runs dry. Recipe for anarchy. WROL. Best to nipp it in the bud right now. RFN.

01-15-2013, 11:34 PM
has come to the city of NY thanks to cuomo

I had to disquise the word **** to Nutzi, for that word is banned on this forum, which has to be the stupidest MF-er I have ever seen. what next ??GOD:israel::israel:


Actually I think "Nutzi is quite apt both seventy years ago and today.

01-15-2013, 11:35 PM
It definitely ain't over. I'm out in my man cave, hereafter referred to as the knitting room cleaning my muzzle loader.

54 Caliber Hawkins with double set triggers. She's wicked accurate, a little lacking in reload time even in full auto.

When I get done with that I'm gonna work on a new tinfoil hat. I skimped on the last one and it just isn't holding up under all this pressure.

With all the stuff coming down from the king and his minions, a tinfoil hat just won't be enough. Thought I'd share my thoughts on a great man cave:


If anyone has any leads on a stainless steel gun safe, please let me know. :p

01-16-2013, 01:40 AM
More crime... just think of all of the once law-abiding citizens that will now become "criminals" if they don't adhere to the oppressive new rules and regulations, or LAWS!

We lived in Maine for 5 years or so('86-end of '91) and always dreaded traveling through NY and MA as we went south. I wasn't leaving my guns at home and back then there was a mandatory one year in jail for getting caught with an unregistered gun in NY... and I wasn't sure about MA! I don't travel without protection, so I won't be visiting Canada any more. I don't want to go anywhere I can't CCW. I don't like being a "sheeple"!


01-16-2013, 04:02 PM
has come to the city of NY thanks to cuomo

I had to disquise the word Nazi to Nutzi, for that word is banned on this forum, which has to be the stupidest MF-er I have ever seen. what next ??GOD:israel::israel:

I am truly getting to old for kids games anymore. trying tellin the jews not to use the word NUTZI or the good German people who lived through that era.
Cuntry is going to hell:behindsofa:

Try using the nick name for Richard. Heh,heh He said D!ck.

01-16-2013, 04:03 PM
has come to the city of NY thanks to cuomo

I had to disquise the word Nazi to Nutzi, for that word is banned on this forum, which has to be the stupidest MF-er I have ever seen. what next ??GOD:israel::israel:

I am truly getting to old for kids games anymore. trying tellin the jews not to use the word NUTZI or the good German people who lived through that era.
Cuntry is going to hell:behindsofa:

Try using the nick name for Richard. Heh,heh. He said D!ck.

01-16-2013, 04:07 PM
Funny, tit isn't censored.

I don't see why the size of my magazines is anyone's business. Cops aren't interested in conducting roadside mag checkpoints. Let's just get on with our lives.

01-16-2013, 04:16 PM
Funny, tit isn't censored.

I don't see why the size of my magazines is anyone's business. Cops aren't interested in conducting roadside mag checkpoints. Let's just get on with our lives.

Now there's a fine idea right there. Let's move on to something more important, like why the heck didn't I get a free cell phone.

01-16-2013, 05:20 PM
u don't get a free cell phone when u work, colonel, so that leaves u and the rest of us out in the cold..

01-16-2013, 06:10 PM
Don't like it. CA hates to be one upped by NY so now I suppose they will come out with their own even stricter versions.