View Full Version : Threat of Impeachment keeps the Fuehrer in check

01-16-2013, 11:23 AM
Looks like America remains Free - for now.
But we must all remain vocal and vigilante as the next wave
of attacks on our second amendment rights moves to Congress.

01-16-2013, 11:33 AM
Not sure Free is the word I would use.

01-16-2013, 11:39 AM
Not sure Free is the word I would use.

Agreed. It's been more 'free-ish' for the last 100 years or so.

01-16-2013, 12:30 PM
I believe it is still coming.... in two years. Lately, our pres has been blaming the repubs in congress (always has) for all of the problems with our debt and now he has put forth gun laws for them to vote on. I don't believe congress will approve these and as we all know, gun violence is not going to change. He is going to continue to blame the congress (repubs) for every death for the next two years and continue his fight to make them look like the cause of all of Americas problems. There will be a huge push for the dems to take over congress and then the next major violent situation, he will once again come out and try to save the world, only then he will have all of the votes he needs to get it done. On top of that it will be congress's fault and completely legal.

remember folks...he supports the 2nd ammendment - I heard him say it so it has to be true :der:

01-16-2013, 12:35 PM
I feel better now, I thought it was going to be a whole lot worse. Using letters and families is such a smack in the face to all Americans.

01-16-2013, 12:35 PM
Sounds like a good possibility. Actually, not good, but you know what I mean.

01-16-2013, 12:50 PM
gulfwarvet is correct. it's pretty easy to see how this is potentially going to play out if the GOP and the Libertarians don't get their collective heads out their ***es. The Dems and the Progressives know they can't get it thru congress, they know (thankfully, I wasn't sure until today) that bans and taxes thru EO would have caused a royal mess for them at a minimum. so they opted for these measure, which are mild, albeit disturbing in some cases.

but this is how I see it potentially going now, to build on gulfwarvet's comments.

1. they've taken some action to be ABLE to say, we did all we could we didn't have the votes to do more.
2. they will keep kicking the ecomomic can down the road, never doing much or making it worse.
3. obamacare will continue to drive the cost of health care and health insurance thru the roof to the point that people STILL won't be able to afford either. but they will continue to kick this can as well.
4. they will move on immigration reform to build their 'vote getting' base by improving their standing in the Hispanic community and those people w/ family members getting to stay or getting in for free will easily give them another big jump in votes.
5. when the time comes for the mid-terms, they'll have the immigration vote, the moocher vote (those still disgruntled that obamacare didn't work out like they hoped), and the republicans still in the minority and taking the blame for being obstructionist.
6. when the debates and talking heads come out prior to the midterms, they'll also be able to claim that they never came after your guns and that it was all NRA fear mongering.

its the perfect storm...

They'll pick up enough in the house, or overtake the house. Change the rules in the Senate to shutdown filibuster. Then they'll use the last shooting, whatever that is, to play on emotion again. Done.

This is going to the SCOTUS before it's all said and done, and if they do it thru taxation (ammo, guns, etc) along w/ a minor 'ban' on some types of weapons (they did it in '34, no reason SCOTUS will stop them this time)...that'll be it.

01-16-2013, 05:44 PM
EXACTLY !!!! good job chrish. We have to move to impeach him on the crap he is already guilty of.

les strat
01-17-2013, 08:53 AM
Once a a resident, isn't there like a 4 yr waiting period before one can vote? If so, the mid-term won't happen with this administration. But eventually, as the free-sh!t army, immigrants, and pansey liberal numbers grow, it will happen.

Chief Joseph
01-17-2013, 10:14 AM
I believe it is still coming.... in two years. Lately, our pres has been blaming the repubs in congress (always has) for all of the problems with our debt and now he has put forth gun laws for them to vote on. I don't believe congress will approve these and as we all know, gun violence is not going to change. He is going to continue to blame the congress (repubs) for every death for the next two years and continue his fight to make them look like the cause of all of Americas problems. There will be a huge push for the dems to take over congress and then the next major violent situation, he will once again come out and try to save the world, only then he will have all of the votes he needs to get it done. On top of that it will be congress's fault and completely legal.

remember folks...he supports the 2nd ammendment - I heard him say it so it has to be true :der:

And that's the problem, when you have a voter base so stupid that they either are not smart enough or are so wrapped up in their own pockets, they refuse to see this scumbag in chief for what he DOES. It's easy when you can do something right in front of someone, then point to the other guy and say he did it and they believe it. It also adds to the confidence for the dbaggers that they are untouchable and can destroy this country without fear of voter backlash.

01-17-2013, 12:07 PM
Wait a second les... don't you remember that those "others" don't have to show an ID to vote??? Now when I went to vote a few months ago, I was asked for ID and told I can't vote without it... I about lost all control!

01-17-2013, 03:47 PM
EXACTLY !!!! good job chrish. We have to move to impeach him on the crap he is already guilty of.

What good will it do to impeach him if the Senate won't convict him? Slick Willie was impeached, but remained the president. You guys need to cool your jets.

01-17-2013, 03:50 PM
Once a a resident, isn't there like a 4 yr waiting period before one can vote? If so, the mid-term won't happen with this administration. But eventually, as the free-sh!t army, immigrants, and pansey liberal numbers grow, it will happen.

I believe that the law states that you have to be a citizen to vote, not just a resident. Of course, that law only applies to republicans.

01-17-2013, 03:54 PM
And that's the problem, when you have a voter base so stupid that they either are not smart enough or are so wrapped up in their own pockets, they refuse to see this scumbag in chief for what he DOES. It's easy when you can do something right in front of someone, then point to the other guy and say he did it and they believe it. It also adds to the confidence for the dbaggers that they are untouchable and can destroy this country without fear of voter backlash.

Chief, it isn't that they don't see what he is. As long as they are getting theirs they don't care what he is. That's the hard truth.

01-17-2013, 05:27 PM
Chief, it isn't that they don't see what he is. As long as they are getting theirs they don't care what he is. That's the hard truth.

This is the real world and why obama won.....


Joseph Stalin said it best- It didn't matter who voted for what; But who counted the votes!