View Full Version : How Did The Name "Kahr" Originate ?

Ward Cleaver
03-26-2010, 03:40 PM
I know that the Kahr Arms company was founded by Justin Moon, son of Sun Myung Moon, founder of the Unification Church.
But, does anyone know where the name "Kahr" originated from?
Why is the company named "Kahr?"


03-26-2010, 04:22 PM
I know that the Kahr Arms company was founded by Justin Moon, son of Sun Myung Moon, founder of the Unification Church.
But, does anyone know where the name "Kahr" originated from?
Why is the company named "Kahr?"


why not run that by kahr in a email.

03-26-2010, 04:33 PM
why not run that by kahr in a email.

Excellent idea Ward, but you were a little hard on the beaver last night so perhaps after a nap? Curious myself now that you mention it. First time I've seen dad's name spelled I assume correctly. Everytime I tried to spell it the word censors gave me astericks. Obviously lost in translation somehow.
Wonder, does Unification church have their own language? Just a thought.

03-26-2010, 04:35 PM
I know that the Kahr Arms company was founded by Justin Moon, son of Sun Myung Moon, founder of the Unification Church.
But, does anyone know where the name "Kahr" originated from?
Why is the company named "Kahr?"


I thought everyone knew this. I've talked about it before and I believe it's in the info on how the company got started and how Justin came up with the name.
Basically, they were trying to come up with a name, and like I've said... if they used the family name, it would have been a flop... who wants to go shoot the MOON?
He/they decided on a "German-sounding" name and came up with Kahr. This is like the origin of Haagen Dazs -- another made-up name for marketing.

From an Interview : http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0BTT/is_154_25/ai_78870862/pg_2/?tag=content;col1
Ayoob: Where did the name Kahr come from?

Moon: When it came to marketing the pistol, I did not feel that Saeilo would be a "catchy" name to put on my gun. I wanted a name that was short, easy to remember, and symbolic of the high quality of manufacture. Given Germany's renown for engineering prowess and quality, I wanted a name that sounded German. That's how I came up with "Kahr.

03-26-2010, 04:37 PM
I thought everyone knew this. I've talked about it before and I believe it's in the info on how the company got started and how Justin came up with the name.
Basically, they were trying to come up with a name, and like I've said... if they used the family name, it would have been a flop... who wants to go shoot the MOON?
He/they decided on a "German-sounding" name and came up with Kahr. This is like the origin of Haagen Dazs -- another made-up name for marketing.

Dang, the needle just fell off my BS meter. What's with that?

03-26-2010, 04:42 PM
I added documentation from an interview by Massad Ayoob: The Rise Of The House Of Kahr - page 2 | American Handgunner (http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0BTT/is_154_25/ai_78870862/pg_2/?tag=content;col1)

Ayoob: Where did the name Kahr come from?

Moon: When it came to marketing the pistol, I did not feel that Saeilo would be a "catchy" name to put on my gun. I wanted a name that was short, easy to remember, and symbolic of the high quality of manufacture. Given Germany's renown for engineering prowess and quality, I wanted a name that sounded German. That's how I came up with "Kahr.

Wynn... NO BS!:D


03-26-2010, 04:57 PM
I added documentation from an interview by Massad Ayoob: The Rise Of The House Of Kahr - page 2 | American Handgunner (http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0BTT/is_154_25/ai_78870862/pg_2/?tag=content;col1)

Ayoob: Where did the name Kahr come from?

Moon: When it came to marketing the pistol, I did not feel that Saeilo would be a "catchy" name to put on my gun. I wanted a name that was short, easy to remember, and symbolic of the high quality of manufacture. Given Germany's renown for engineering prowess and quality, I wanted a name that sounded German. That's how I came up with "Kahr.

Wynn... NO BS!:D


So you think hes a naughtsy. We gettin along with them now that we took care of that Obam, I mean Hitler fella?

Longitude Zero
03-26-2010, 09:11 PM
Who really gives a crap about the name, as long as the product works??? They could call the weapon ***** and as long as it work I would not care.

03-26-2010, 09:27 PM
A lot of people care... consumers... as we care. That's why there are a lot of marketing firms. A name can make or break a company. Justin made a good choice.
15 or 20 years ago, a Japanese car company was going to introduce a new model called the Incubus ... impressive unless you know what one is... an Incubus, that is... there have been several movies and at least one prior to that name choice. There was quite an outcry and the company quickly decided to use a different name. (from Wikipedia:An incubus (from the Latin, incubo, or nightmare; plural incubi) is a demon in male form supposed to lie upon sleepers, especially women, in order to have sexual intercourse with them, according to a number of mythological and legendary traditions.)
I wonder why you would make your comments. That contributes nothing to the discussion.

03-26-2010, 09:30 PM
Guess they would have a hard time to take off if they named it like some of those more traditional Korean business names... e.g. (I'm making these up here... LOL)

Lucky Silver Star
Kumho Arms
Hyun Nam Arms
WooJin Arms

(just messing ....)

03-26-2010, 10:05 PM
It was made by some guy named MrCrapper. Hence we got all of the derivatives. most of which the word police would probably x out.

Ward Cleaver
03-27-2010, 11:16 PM
Who really gives a crap about the name...etc...etc...

I wonder why you would make your comments. That contributes nothing to the discussion.

Wynn, I'm a member of several other forums, and without exception, there's always one like him in every crowd.

By the way, good analogy about the proposed "Incubus" car.


03-28-2010, 07:45 AM
Who really gives a crap about the name, as long as the product works??? They could call the weapon ***** and as long as it work I would not care.

Longitude Zero,while admittedly showing a lack of flowery prose in his post,was merely stating his opinion.He is certainly entitled to do so as a member of this forum. His thoughts are, in fact, a contribution to the discussion.While I do not share his opinion in this particular matter,I welcome his contribution.Heck,I never thought that Smuckers was a marketable name for jelly. Keep hitting that keyboard,LZ.

Ward Cleaver
03-28-2010, 09:09 AM
Longitude Zero...was merely stating his opinion.

Mr. Dietrich, if a group of guys are sitting around discussing cars let's say, and a fellow in the group asks...
"hey, how did the Chevrolet Chevelle get its name?"...and one of the guys blurts out..."who gives a crap,"...
that fellow hasn't given his "opinion," nor has he contributed anything meaningful or worthwhile to the topic at hand.

He is certainly entitled to do so...

Then likewise, we're certainly entitled to give our opinion concerning him.
So, what's your point? Let's move on.


03-28-2010, 09:31 AM
Don't make me come down there you two! This ain't worth getting worked up about.

Ward Cleaver
03-28-2010, 09:40 AM
Don't make me come down there you two! This ain't worth getting worked up about.

Plus, while June was making my eggs and bacon this morning
she remarked that she thought perhaps I'd been a little rough
on the Beaver last night...and I have to admit, I was.


03-28-2010, 09:45 AM
Plus, while June was making my eggs and bacon this morning
she remarked that she thought perhaps I'd been a little rough
on the Beaver last night...and I have to admit, I was.


Well there now, ya see. Everything worked out just fine. Now even if your Harley don't start at least you got laid. Is this kiss and tell or what? Give my regards to June, its gonna be a fine day. Looks like wet today so I'm off to my room to maybe work on refinishing a stock I've been putting off or at least get a start.

03-28-2010, 12:17 PM
Coming up with names for things is a big deal. I can remember hearing how the previous name of Nissan came up and the research leading up to that... it seems this Japanese car company had a German designer working for them and one day they gave him a timetable to come up with a new name... tomorrow!
The poor guy asked "Dat soon?" And yes, there was born the forerunner to Nissan... the Datsun. True story... I think!:D

03-28-2010, 12:31 PM
Actually,I found LZ`s post to be rude but I`m seeing more and more boorish behavior here lately. Unfortunately,there is no rule that states all posts have to be meaningful or worthwhile.Come to think of it,that may be a good thing.Who would decide? His opinion,while presented rather distastefully,was just that.An opinion.To him the name origin didn`t matter and he excercised his right to speak up.We all enjoy that right and even though I didn`t care for his presentation,I defend his right to voice his thoughts as I would for anyone else on this forum.I find myself getting tired.

03-28-2010, 12:49 PM
Actually,I found LZ`s post to be rude but I`m seeing more and more boorish behavior here lately. Unfortunately,there is no rule that states all posts have to be meaningful or worthwhile.Come to think of it,that may be a good thing.Who would decide? His opinion,while presented rather distastefully,was just that.An opinion.To him the name origin didn`t matter and he excercised his right to speak up.We all enjoy that right and even though I didn`t care for his presentation,I defend his right to voice his thoughts as I would for anyone else on this forum.I find myself getting tired.

True enough in all respects. I believe it kind of keeps the place a little more lively when we stray off topic occasionally and perhaps that's meaningful in it's own way sometimes. I know that we get alot of repetivism (is that a word, same stuff over and over) here and that's unavoidable due to new folks showing up all the time and they should benefit as we all do from previous experiences of all here. I agree it was sort of a sudden rude outburst from LZ, I suspect fired from the hip without forthought which has certainly caused all kinds of grief everywhere thru out history. I'm not sure what your meaning of boorish around here means specifically but have a guess.
Hope you take a nap so your not tired and continue to contribute. Your one of the earliest new guys here, a plank owner so to speak and have certainly started some of the most enjoyable and unique threads. Thoughts of molasses bread and the escapades of nemo and friends still linger in the very small storage compartment of my brain.
In short you da man. After your nap perhaps you could kick off another interesting thread, Loved the Clint Eastwood one.

03-28-2010, 12:50 PM
Hmmmm... is that a way to say you didn't appreciate my poor attempt to bring some humor to this thread...<sniff>:(

03-28-2010, 01:02 PM
Nearly every time I pick up my PM9 I look at the logo on the grip and think of the "Circle K" store logo. Then I smile thinking about how funny it would be for the convience store to be selling pistols.:)

03-28-2010, 02:52 PM
Well I guess, If a Korean guy, wants to name his invention, with a name that sounds German. That is his right. Or should I say Reicht. I guess it could have been worse. Just think. We could ALL be the proud owners of "LIL' HITLERS".

I am trying to imagine the front profile of a PM45 with a little mustache under the barrel.
Of course it would'nt show up very well on the DLC models.

Might not be an issue, they seemed to prefer blondes in that era.

03-29-2010, 10:25 AM
Dang kids, I go away for a few days and look what happens, LZ goes all Eddie Haskell and ticks off Ward who takes out his stress reaming out the Beaver again then Dietrich gets bored with the whole thing and goes back to sleep and the house is a wreck, what am I going to do with y'all???:31:...Now back on subject sorta....I like the name Kahr but I always want to spell it Khar for some reason, anyway its simple and easy to say....Mr Moon could have done much worse with the name by calling it something really German sounding like the Earginschplittinloudenboomer, or something really macho like the Maximum Terminator Gangsta Blaster, or how about any District attorney's favorite the Super Ultra Magnum Destroyer .50 caliber....So IMHO Kahr is a pretty good name although the Manlicher and Bushmaster names always make me giggle...Oh yea theres the famous Star BM...Who thought that up??? Can you imagine someone at the range saying Hey man that sure is a nice looking BM you got there, I wish I could get my BM to stay on the paper!!!!. You know considering how much time and money companies put into product names you would think sometimes they could do a little better...GM messed up with the Chevy Nova name because in spanish it means No Go....Can you say woops....Now y'all kids behave or I'll turn this Kahr around right this very minute!!!...:banplease:

03-29-2010, 11:15 AM
Well said, definitely got ugly here for a bit. I was really surprised considering the players involved. I know theres some anxiety among a few members which this exchange did nothing to help. I guess you better not leave for very long we don't want this stuff happening. Funny how one little comment, "who cares" can ignite the makings of an all out fisticuff with Eddie, Wally, Ward and Jerry Mathers as the Beaver all caught up in the melee.
Why can't we all just get along. Cause it's more fun poking each other every chance we get I suppose.:boink:

03-29-2010, 11:31 AM
+1 Good Kahrma make for much Kumbaya on forum...:cool:

03-30-2010, 08:10 PM
Dang kids, I go away for a few days and look what happens, LZ goes all Eddie Haskell and ticks off Ward who takes out his stress reaming out the Beaver again then Dietrich gets bored with the whole thing and goes back to sleep and the house is a wreck, what am I going to do with y'all???:31:...Now back on subject sorta....I like the name Kahr but I always want to spell it Khar for some reason, anyway its simple and easy to say....Mr Moon could have done much worse with the name by calling it something really German sounding like the Earginschplittinloudenboomer, or something really macho like the Maximum Terminator Gangsta Blaster, or how about any District attorney's favorite the Super Ultra Magnum Destroyer .50 caliber....So IMHO Kahr is a pretty good name although the Manlicher and Bushmaster names always make me giggle...Oh yea theres the famous Star BM...Who thought that up??? Can you imagine someone at the range saying Hey man that sure is a nice looking BM you got there, I wish I could get my BM to stay on the paper!!!!. You know considering how much time and money companies put into product names you would think sometimes they could do a little better...GM messed up with the Chevy Nova name because in spanish it means No Go....Can you say woops....Now y'all kids behave or I'll turn this Kahr around right this very minute!!!...:banplease:

getsome--Thanks for the giggle! You had me snorting (very unladylikely) out my nose with that one! What's up with you guys? I leave to go to work for a couple of days so I can support this family and I come back to black eyes and bruised egos?! I'll start the second round of kumbaya....:music:

03-30-2010, 09:07 PM
Mr. Dietrich, if a group of guys are sitting around discussing cars let's say, and a fellow in the group asks...
"hey, how did the Chevrolet Chevelle get its name?"...and one of the guys blurts out..."who gives a crap,"...
that fellow hasn't given his "opinion," nor has he contributed anything meaningful or worthwhile to the topic at hand.

Then likewise, we're certainly entitled to give our opinion concerning him.
So, what's your point? Let's move on.


See my point!

03-30-2010, 09:14 PM
Plus, while June was making my eggs and bacon this morning
she remarked that she thought perhaps I'd been a little rough
on the Beaver last night...and I have to admit, I was.

I see an identity:crazy: crisis boiling here!

03-31-2010, 08:44 PM
It's here! Pix:


Dang! One defect... so far! The front Trijicon sight is DEAD -- not a glimmer! YHGTBSM!

04-01-2010, 12:44 AM
I just fired an E-mail off to Ian Burr at Kahr Service about the D.O.A. front night sight and the machine scratches on the rear one. I wish I could get a DLC NS slide out of this... I did ask about that, if I paid the difference. What the heck?:rolleyes:
Is there a notch in the recoil spring "socket" of the slide on a P380 like the other PMs??
Well, I HAVE a P380N or half-"N"... or 2/3 "N"!:D

There's always something... at least there's not a flooding river coming up to my front door... yet!


on the pictures: First one I have a flashlight pointed off to the left... a little light. The dark one, I just have a tiny bit of light and if you vary your viewing angle, you can see the top of the slide with the front sight dead.
I'll add the pix of the sights. too. Also the recoil spring socket with no "Notch" -- I'm not sure it should??