View Full Version : Piers Morgan, pwned yet again

01-17-2013, 10:40 AM
Two good lookin' pro-2A women shoves it down his throat last night, and he has a meltdown.


I don't see what's so hard about saying the 2A allows us to own tanks. Nothing in the 2A prohibits it. If Morgan has a problem with it, he's living in the wrong country.

les strat
01-17-2013, 11:22 AM
Oh he is living in the wrong country for sure. He needs to leave.

les strat
01-17-2013, 11:42 AM
They owned him. I love his little temper tantrum at the end. Typcal liberal. Can't listen to reason or accept facts, has no respect, and has to resort to childish antics.

01-17-2013, 02:28 PM
Gee, I wonder if he'll have the kids and parents on next to commiserate with him on if all guns were outlawed then there would be no guns cause nobody breaks the law. He is trying to revive a failed show and needs the ratings. I suspect if he had all the left wing Hollywood liberals that agree with him and they had a love fest it wouldn't do much to save his show. He isn't doing anything Heraldo didn't do with his having cat fights on TV.

01-17-2013, 03:35 PM
I think that both of his regular viewers might disagree with you Linc. :) Why is anyone even concerned with the opinions of a second rate talk show host on a third rate network?
He seems to be helping our cause.

01-17-2013, 04:28 PM
Who neutered that that poor man? He obviously doesn't have a set. LOL

01-17-2013, 05:30 PM
I don't like the guy, but they really didn't do a very good job if you ask me. They need to answer his questions matter of factly and stop. Quit w/ the quippy comebacks and trying to show-him-up. There are so many good answers to his questions and they didn't get ONE of them.

01-17-2013, 05:35 PM
I thought the blonde was very pretty.

01-17-2013, 05:47 PM
What a dbag. Gets all bitchy and cuts them off. When the blonde lady talked and he raised his had to shush her I would have thrown a beating on him. Pure disrespect.

01-17-2013, 05:53 PM
Just some of the questions in that video...best I can remember w/o watching and typing at the same time. I suppose SOME of that was mixed in there, among the garble and yelling, but they didn't do a very good job of sticking to it.

I'm also assuming the jackass would give you time to respond. He's not exactly polite and respectful of people when they are in 'answer' mode.

1. should you be able to own a tank? why yes, given the purpose of the 2a to defend against a tyrannical government, I suppose I should. But I haven't given it much thought. It's impractical to store, maintain, operate, and train with. plus, it requires more than 1 person to operate. so in the spirit of the people bearing arms in the 2a it's not really applicable. Please read the federalist papers. People of that period could have legally owned a canon, but they didn't due to practicality. It is also not necessary to own a tank to defend against a tyrannically government. Actually, the more I think of it, it's a stupid question Piers and a straw man argument you are using to try and make gun owners and 2a proponents look crazy.

2. I am OK with people owning a handgun or shotgun to defend their homes, but why do people need an "assault weapon" for home defense? Well Piers, first, lets stop using the term "assault weapon" (lets deal with that later), but are you aware of the ballistics difference between an "assault weapon" round like a .223/5.56 and a handgun round and a shotgun slug? You should research that and then get back to me on which would be safer for home defense and keeping your neighbors safe while simultaneously defending yourself from an intruder. You will probably come back and tell me that everybody should get an AR and we should ban handguns, but that's a different debate, you wanted to talk about "assault weapons".

3. why do you need a magazine with 30 rounds that can shoot X rounds per minute? Well Piers, that would be necessary to defend against a tyrannical government. And I would still be overmatched by fully automatic weapons. But I'll take that chance. But, you are correct, I probably don't NEED 30 rounds to defend my home, but that's really none of your ******* business and has nothing to do w/ any of the recent tragedies. A semi practiced revolver owner, or a semi practiced nutjob, with speedloaders, could easily empty the same number of rounds as a semi-automatic rifle, and do more damage due to the caliber involved.

4. my brother says that military style weapons like the AR you are referring to only have a battlefield purpose. what do you say to that? Well Piers, I agree completely with that point, which is why nobody has those weapons (not that we shouldn't mind you) but those are already illegal. The weapon we are talking about, the AR-15, is not used by anybody in the US military, they all have fully automatic versions that have a rate of fire exponentially higher. You and your brother are talking about a totally different category of weapon and you need to stick to the facts.

01-17-2013, 06:01 PM
Perhaps his laxative can be unpredictable, causing severe pressure and discomfort in the lower abdominal region when confronted with actual facts. Throw in two bold, confident, and competent guests and the pressure reaches the threshold for soiling his Spiderman Under-Oos. He just couldn't deal with having his own rear end handed to him on a plate. Our cause is just; Piers is anything but just.

01-17-2013, 07:20 PM
If nobody needs an AR15, why do the police have them?

Do police have rights that we don't?

01-17-2013, 07:31 PM
If nobody needs an AR15, why do the police have them?

Do police have rights that we don't?

The path that that would lead down with answers would give Piers a heart attack. He would just melt right in his chair.

He's defended the great and mighty UK on their gun ban time and time again, then in this video he says 'I do not have a problem w/ a handgun or shotgun'. Really? Then why keep pumping up the UK and their fake crime stats? He's as slickery as they come.

01-17-2013, 07:39 PM
Perhaps his laxative can be unpredictable, causing severe pressure and discomfort in the lower abdominal region when confronted with actual facts. Throw in two bold, confident, and competent guests and the pressure reaches the threshold for soiling his Spiderman Under-Oos. He just couldn't deal with having his own rear end handed to him on a plate. Our cause is just; Piers is anything but just.

I think he knows more about his rear end than most..just sayin:puke: