View Full Version : 8 round mags will work in cm9 I will show you how

01-17-2013, 04:13 PM
Hi everyone
This is to tell you that 8 round mags work in cm9. I was a little skeptical about the follower mod being that 9mm is so tapered in its self. So this is what I did and found out, first I cut down the follower close to the parting line in back using some thing small like a pencil, that got the shape I put a round on it held it up to light but could see light at bottom it wasn’t seated down far enough so I had to find something slightly larger in diameter and found a ultra fine line sharpie worked good only using about1 1/2" of the end . After working with that a little bit I was able to get the round to seat nicely on the follower. Time to find out if this was going to work so I reassembled the mag and put 8 rounds in it I’m using Cor Bon +p 115 jhp they have a fairly wide mouth on them which normally has a hard time feeding. From there I put the mag in the gun and tried to sling shot the slide, still hanging up a little but better, I looked at the feed ramp still looked pretty polished but I polished again anyway tried it again about the same. Then I was thinking I saw someone was cutting down the mag spring made me wonder about that, I didn’t want to cut the spring if I didn’t have to. So what I tried was taking the spring from my 6round mag and using that, time to try again loaded 8 rounds this time with that spring things looked real good put the mag in the gun pulled back the slide let it go and right in 2nd round perfect 3rd perfect right down the line. Did this 4 times every time ran good, I think the stock spring was too much pressure and making the casings to get out of shape. The stock 8 round spring is 8" the 6 round spring is 5 3/4" the lighter spring was the magic. I have been using 124g lrn with the stock 8 round mag and being round they would feed fine but not the hollow points. I did this for my self but hope this will allow you guys to run 8 round mags also. I do also have a bit of motive because if I can show you this works I’ve been working on some nice full grip extensions that really make the gun feel good. So if this works for you and what an extension PM me. I wish all to try this good luck, I thing you will see this is a solution for these mags. For all of the people that had ideas on working on the mags I thank you for your ideas

01-18-2013, 10:48 AM
Good to see the photos of the followers and the difference in angle. I have been useing an unaltered 8 shot mag as a backup for both my cm and cw9 and allways found the the cm9 functioned better than the cw9 no matter the mag used. I can work the slide as slowly as I want to and chamber a round . CW9 is not that slick and will get the grined out and see if what you have done helps more with my cw9. Thanks

01-18-2013, 10:53 AM
Interesting, I might mod my 8 rounder for the CW

01-18-2013, 03:56 PM
I find it so strange that kahr doesn't do this. I do not believe this should be up to us the owners of these guns to have to alter the follower.I could under stand if it was close and you wanted to fine tune it, but this is nowhere even close.I did see guys doing the mod but no one showed the rounds in the mag.I wanted to take alittle more off to give it more angle but I was getting to close of running out of material.I think 8 round is about the max single stack that can be done.But do try a 6 round spring that's when it really worked the best.You do have to give a good sling shot to get the 1st round to go in or the slide release,but this is how it should work, like I said before I didn't think of this but I wanted to show the results of how they stacked.This is my favorite way to use 8 round mag

01-26-2013, 05:25 PM
Gorgeous Harry! Is that a wood grip that you fabricated in your shop?

01-27-2013, 08:41 AM
Hey Riccardo
Yes I have been making some of these,I wanted a 8 round mag grip and no one makes them.So at that point I decided to make my own.Didn't seem like anyone was interested,I was about ready to give up on my idea.But I also was doing them in walnut,thanks for your kind words.This is the one I did in walnut

12-22-2014, 10:48 AM
I have had nosedives with my PM9 and 7 round mag. Did this to the follower and seems to solved the problem. Will do the mod to my other 7 rounder and post here.

12-22-2014, 10:53 AM

12-22-2014, 03:13 PM
I find it so strange that kahr doesn't do this. I do not believe this should be up to us the owners of these guns to have to alter the follower.I could under stand if it was close and you wanted to fine tune it, but this is nowhere even close.I did see guys doing the mod but no one showed the rounds in the mag.I wanted to take alittle more off to give it more angle but I was getting to close of running out of material.I think 8 round is about the max single stack that can be done.But do try a 6 round spring that's when it really worked the best.You do have to give a good sling shot to get the 1st round to go in or the slide release,but this is how it should work, like I said before I didn't think of this but I wanted to show the results of how they stacked.This is my favorite way to use 8 round mag

Kahr doesn't modify the follower because it doesn't need to be done. There are literally thousand of these guns in service with stock followers that function just fine. You cured the problem in your gun with a jury rigged fix. I wouldn't recommend that others do it.

12-22-2014, 04:31 PM
but muggsy you where the first to jump in and say you could see why the nose dives occur from don't you remember?


12-22-2014, 05:29 PM
its always good to catch muggs in something.

Back on topic, i had to do the harrylee follower and spring mod to get my 8 round 9mm mag to work in my cm9.

04-10-2015, 09:15 PM
Will this mod work on a 40s&w?

04-10-2015, 09:21 PM
I had my first nosedive with my 8 round CM9 mag last week. The first couple times I used the mag I had no issues, but this nosedive was not the kind of malfunction that would be fixed by tap, rack, bang. I had to take the mag out and re-seat it.

Thanks for showing how you fixed this.