View Full Version : True story

01-19-2013, 07:48 AM
Just wanted to share this experience and get opinions. I live in a rural community in western PA. There are no ordinances about discharging firearms. I was on my property testing some reloads for my 38 special. While I was writing done velocitys from my chronograph my neighbor approached me with gun in hand telling me he has a problem. Telling me to stop shooting and that I was disturbing the peace. I told him I would stop and he was to get off my property that he was trespassing. On another occasion he called the police. When the state trooper came I had told him about the incident. He asked me if I wanted him to go to talk to the neighbor about it. I just kinda laughed and said no. In the past this guy was brought up on stalking charges from a school teacher he had a dispute with. I was just upset the officer acted like it. Wasn't a big deal the guy came on my property armed like that.

01-19-2013, 08:12 AM
Well, my opinion is that if it's legal to shoot and you are doing it in a safe manner at a reasonable time of day then he could go pound sand.

01-19-2013, 08:18 AM
Thanks! Now when I shoot he stands on the edge of his property with a video camera to film me. Lol , he's nuts!!

01-19-2013, 08:20 AM
Thanks! Now when I shoot he stands on the edge of his property with a video camera to film me. Lol , he's nuts!!

Good fences make good neighbors.

01-19-2013, 09:06 AM
This brings up a question. How big is your property? Is it a small 2-3 acres or is it a larger property? Sounds like your neighbor's house is very close by. Do you have a sufficient backstop? Fill in the blanks here, we don't have enough info to give a good opinion yet.

01-19-2013, 09:23 AM
It's 2.5 acres one side borders a wooded area that connects to a farm. I built a large backstop using pine trees that I cut down. The state trooper checked it out and said it all looked good to him. The guys house is about 60 yards away from where I shoot but its behind me and over a horizon so I can't even see it.

01-19-2013, 09:44 AM
Whether or not there is an ordinance, whether or not you were disturbing the peace. Some guy (neighbor or not) just walked on to your property with a gun, likely loaded for all you know, and confronted you about your activity, whatever that activity was. In most states, that's brandishing, regardless of anything else at play. I personally would have considered that a threat, at a minimum told him to get off my property and if he comes back with a gun again you would press charges. I think I'd have called the cops either way. He's DANGEROUS.

He's lucky you are who you are and kept your wits about you. I expect in some places, he'd have left back home with lead in his ***.

Given your details, yea, he's probably pissed about the noise and I'd consider that and try to have a chat with him about an agreed upon time that he'd be OK with it. He may just be a jerk about it and say never, but, if there is no law/ordinance, then he's SOL I guess unless you opt to be the bigger man (not saying it's right, just saying) and give up your ability to shoot on your property.

Ick, sorry you have to deal with this, not fun.

01-19-2013, 09:52 AM
I think you handled the situation correctly. After all he's still going to be your neighbor. Maybe he had a gun in his hand because he thought something may be wrong and was ready to take care of business. I'm not saying you need to but maybe if you make him aware before you start target practice, that may ease his concerns. However if he's an controlling ass, nothing you do will suffice.

01-19-2013, 09:57 AM
I doubt you will be able to make friends with this guy. Too bad. Make sure your backstop stops 100% of the bullets or the farmer could join in the fued too.

01-19-2013, 10:07 AM
I was just upset the officer acted like it wasn't a big deal the guy came on my property armed like that.

Why? Did the guy do anything illegal? Verbally threaten you or brandish the firearm in a threatening manner? Did he leave when you directed him to do so? What he did may have been extremely stupid, but illegal? No law against stupid. Should be, but there isn't.

Kudos to you for taking the high road and being what sounds like from your description of the events, the level headed one. Sounds like you need to keep an eye on him as much as he seems to be keeping on you.

01-19-2013, 10:51 AM
Just wanted to share this experience and get opinions. I live in a rural community in western PA. There are no ordinances about discharging firearms. I was on my property testing some reloads for my 38 special. While I was writing done velocitys from my chronograph my neighbor approached me with gun in hand telling me he has a problem. Telling me to stop shooting and that I was disturbing the peace. I told him I would stop and he was to get off my property that he was trespassing. On another occasion he called the police. When the state trooper came I had told him about the incident. He asked me if I wanted him to go to talk to the neighbor about it. I just kinda laughed and said no. In the past this guy was brought up on stalking charges from a school teacher he had a dispute with. I was just upset the officer acted like it. Wasn't a big deal the guy came on my property armed like that.

u expect the trooper to do. he offered to talk to the fella and you said no Unles su had your property even posed etc, the neighbor next door broke no laws that I can see, He came to you and ask you to stop shootin. whethger he had a gun or not.

I would have told the neighbor to pound sand also but he ha dthe right IMO to approach u this one time on ur property. Next time he comes on ur property u might tell him u will now file charges against him for threatening u and trespassing as now u at leat have a report in with the state troopers.

U might have to prove thgat whgere ur shooting is 100% safe to but that is ur callto make to. I think you have the right to shoot in this area according to you, probably as much as the neighbor has the right to approach u and ask u to not do it. U now just gotta decide if you want a sh!t head for a neighbor or maybe want to try to get along. for damn sure u gotta make sure where ur shootin is absolutely safe and no way kendangers his property rghts.

after that: Fokk him and the horse he road in on.

01-19-2013, 11:19 AM
He does make me nervous. I'm constantly looking over my shoulder doing yard work! I just don't trust him! You know chainsaws are pretty loud too!

01-19-2013, 11:34 AM
Before you started shooting it would have been nice of you to have informed your neighbor of your intentions. You could have explained that you are a responsible gun owner and that you wouldn't be shooting before 9:00 A.M. or after six P.M. so as to disturb him as little as possible. You could have informed him that you had constructed a suitable backstop and you might even have invited him to participate if he liked. You started out on the wrong foot. You can try to rectify the situation, or allow it to escalate. It's your choice. Good neighbors make good neighbors.

01-19-2013, 11:56 AM
Hell, maybe he just wants to shoot with you. Ask him. If he doesn't, tell him to leave you the fokk alone.

Longitude Zero
01-19-2013, 12:21 PM
I would keep a close eye on the bozo neighbor. That is a fool looking for a confrontation. Stay safe.

01-19-2013, 12:54 PM
I'd move to a friendlier neighborhood like Brooklyn.:D

01-19-2013, 01:20 PM
I think if the guy wanted to be friends, he would have come over interested in what you were shooting, would have wanted to talk about guns, how you built your backstop, etc...just would have been friendlier to begin with. Good neighbors make good neighbors goes both ways. Sounds like there were issues already, but either way, when you are on your OWN property and someone comes on it and starts off on the wrong foot, you are hardly to blame.

01-19-2013, 03:47 PM
In Florida, armed trespassers could find themselves taking a permanent dirt nap. Reasonable fear of their life may induce a landowner to legally protect himself from an armed threat upon his own property.

Meeting an armed individual in public may also result in the same scenario, but the odds of a Zimmerman scenario are more likely.

01-19-2013, 03:51 PM
Considering the scenario a little more, I might have been prompted to ask "... or else what? You're going to shoot me?"

That would have forced the issue. A yes is a direct threat. If you don't have to shoot, don't, but call the cops, have the guy busted. A no would be self inflicted putz shrinkage (aka deschmeklization) on the part of the armed intruder, and he most likely would go home.

Thing is, you really don't know when he comes over, gun in hand, do you? One little thing could set him off. Its a crap situation, not one I'd like to be in, but one I'd love to be victorious in.

01-19-2013, 03:53 PM
In Florida, armed trespassers could find themselves taking a permanent dirt nap. Reasonable fear of their life may induce a landowner to legally protect himself from an armed threat upon his own property.

Meeting an armed individual in public may also result in the same scenario, but the odds of a Zimmerman scenario are more likely.

You can't call a neighbor comming over to your property with a holstered pistol an "Armed Threat". Cut the guy some slak, he didn't unholster his gun, now did he. Your senerio could be given every time you meet another open carry person on the street, or the grocery store.

01-19-2013, 04:21 PM
Maybe you simply need to invite him over to join you in a little target paractice.

01-19-2013, 04:59 PM
Ikeo74, he had his gun in his hand.

01-19-2013, 05:08 PM
You can't call a neighbor comming over to your property with a holstered pistol an "Armed Threat". Cut the guy some slak, he didn't unholster his gun, now did he. Your senerio could be given every time you meet another open carry person on the street, or the grocery store.

Ok, now you cut ME some slack....

JWhile I was writing done velocitys from my chronograph my neighbor approached me with gun in hand telling me he has a problem.

Gun in hand = armed threat.
Holstered gun, which was not mentioned = not armed threat.

01-19-2013, 05:25 PM
yup thats what he origially said. I myself many times have been guilty of shooting my mouth off for misreading a post. Eating crow is not a bad thing, but you need to get allthe damn freathers off the bird and then soak the bird in wine for 7 days, then drink the wine first and then eat the damn bird. Works for me. Course the best way is to READ CORRECTLY.

There is nuttin wrong in admitting u did wrong either. It is just getting around to doing it. Quote: Lance Armstrong

01-19-2013, 05:33 PM
yup thats what he origially said. I myself many times have been guilty of shooting my mouth off for misreading a post. Eating crow is not a bad thing, but you need to get allthe damn freathers off the bird and then soak the bird in wine for 7 days, then drink the wine first and then eat the damn bird. Works for me. Course the best way is to READ CORRECTLY.

There is nuttin wrong in admitting u did wrong either. It is just getting around to doing it. Quote: Lance Armstrong
OK. I'll try that crow but can I dress it first?

Gun in hand dully noted.......:7:

01-19-2013, 05:39 PM
Slack duely noted as well....!~

01-19-2013, 05:46 PM
OK. I'll try that crow but can I dress it first?

Gun in hand dully noted.......:7:

I think a pink dress would go well with the crows black head. Just sayin:cheer2:

01-19-2013, 07:58 PM
Wait 'till he accidentally wanders too far over the property line and shoot him in the face. "Camera, what camera? I knew it was a gun and he was coming at me and pointing it at me." A onetime pita to explain but then it's over and done with.