View Full Version : New York 10.5 Ounce Law

01-19-2013, 09:09 AM
New York lawmakers, moving quickly in the wake of a wave of drunk driving deaths, have established a 10.5 ounce limit for all alcoholic beverage containers. New Yorker's are expected to immediately dispose of all beverage in excess of 10.5 ounces per container or risk being charged with misdemeanor alcohol possession. lawmakers stated they have no plans to limit the number of containers that can legally be possessed at this time.

Mayor Bloomberg, long a supporter of container control, applauded the legislature for their quick action.

When asked how the 10.5 ounce limit was arrived at, Governor Cuomo responded, 7 shots.

01-19-2013, 09:12 AM
Good comparison!


01-19-2013, 10:52 AM
Coumo is a Moron!

01-19-2013, 11:00 AM
A joke right? Please tell me this is a joke. I know New York is a joke but this has to be a joke and not a very funny one.

I'd do the snopes thing but the wheel fell off my wheelbarrow and I have to go out in the snow and cold now and fix it.

Tough packing fire wood without the wheelbarrow ya know?

01-19-2013, 11:06 AM
Good one, The1gun! When will the masses wake up and put the likes of Cuomo and Bloomburg in the unemployment line?

01-19-2013, 04:14 PM
I doubt that with all of the TAXPAYER money that they have been "spending". Some of it probably stuck to their fingers or fell into their own pockets or accounts along the way.


01-19-2013, 05:32 PM
Hey "the1gun" I love the joke, but of course NY is a joke!!!!
I just can't understand how SO MANY IDIOTS get elected in this country!
Of course some state have more idiots than others.

Tell me that your title "1gun" isn't true!!! How could anyone have only one gun?
I really can't understand.........

01-19-2013, 07:22 PM

Thanks for the comment...

You are right I have more than one gun. However, I do have a gun that is known as the "the 1 gun". My daughter was with me when I WON it. She was 12 at the time and it is my only gun that she insists that she get when I pass.

01-19-2013, 08:10 PM
This is funny! :D

The sad part is I believe this Gov would do this and more. He is a scary guy. I don't know how people could stand living in that state. What is someone suppose to do if three criminals decide to commit a home invasion and all the homeowner had was his/her seven rounds of ammo and due to excited delirium from the situation, misses all three? Well, if and when this situation takes place, I hope New York gets the absolute sh@* sued out of it and it wakes these idiots up to reality. /it's sad that law abiding citizens must be hurt or killed before a light turns on.

On Hannity the other night it was brought up that these clowns make up these asinine laws but you can guarantee their protection details have, lets say the Gov in this case, firearms with a lot more than seven rounds of ammo in them. So, NOT ok for the lowly citizens to have more than seven rounds but ok for the gov and other jackarses too?? :7:

This crap really ticks me off! It's sad that more and more ridiculous limits are put on LAW ABIDING citizens hindering them from protecting themselves from the dirtbags who do NOT care about these stupid laws. So, more and more will be victims thanks to laws like this.

Sad times.

les strat
01-19-2013, 08:47 PM
NYC already has a 16 oz limit on sodas, so this wouldn't surprise me a bit. Cuomo and Bloomberg are the essence of Nazi-era Germany.

You have the choice when it comes to abortion, but by gosh you don't have the choice of a large soda. That's messed up :rolleyes:

01-19-2013, 10:31 PM
If a person wants a 32 oz drink in NYC, can't they just buy two 16 oz drinks?

01-20-2013, 10:19 AM
If a person wants a 32 oz drink in NYC, can't they just buy two 16 oz drinks?

If a person wants to shoot 30 rounds, can't they just use 3 10 round magazines?

What business is it of the gov't to be nitpicking our lives like this?

01-21-2013, 06:28 PM
You know you're in very deep feces when the PEOPLE will let the government legislate soft drink size. Thats the very bottom of the slippery slope!

01-23-2013, 10:07 AM
NY legislated 7 round mags, I guess they want folks carrying 1911's or Kahrs, Keltecs, and Shields. I wonder if they would accept placing a block of wood in the bottom of a magazine so it would only hold 7. Like putting a plug in a shotgun. Probably not.
The funniest thing is they didn't exempt the police. Now they are all riled up.

01-23-2013, 06:58 PM
Didn't exempt the US military, either. Let's see them try to enforce that.