View Full Version : Need Advice Help

01-19-2013, 10:58 PM
I bought a KAHR CW40 new on 1/2/2013 thought i would go to the range today 1/19/2013 and i noticed the top slide was hitting the slide stop during firing. I was like damn this is a new gun and first time firing it now it has chunks out of the top slide. I am so pissed. Will they replace the top slide? Thanks in advance.

01-19-2013, 11:13 PM
Wow! Not sure why that was happening. From my experience with Kahr Service, they will make it right.

01-19-2013, 11:14 PM
Normally, the slide stop does graze the slide when the slide is moving backward and forward along the rails.

When the magazine is empty, the magazine follower will push against the slide stop with significant pressure. That pressure will force the slide stop into the notch which holds the slide open.

How about a picture?

01-19-2013, 11:25 PM
Specify graze? I have over 100 guns and been shooting and collecting 15 years and have never seen this. How do i post a picture here?

Booker T
01-20-2013, 01:08 AM
Yeah man, that's definitely not an ordinary situation. There's something out of whack there. Slide stop not quite in there right or slide stop spring messed up, something.

I think you can use Photobucket or TinyPic to link or post a pic.

01-20-2013, 01:47 AM
http://tinypic.com/r/2e3ws5z/6 http://tinypic.com/r/4twm82/6

Best i could do on the pics. It is not just on the bottom it is also on the outside of slide. I am not a gunsmith but it looks like the slide pin is riding the slide i could be wrong but not sure what to do to fix it.

Mike Brownhouse
01-20-2013, 03:04 AM
I noticed something on my CM40 that's similar to the marks in your last picture. The slide stop on mine is impossible to remove without a tool, and these marks line up suspiciously with where a tool would leave a mark if not used carefully. I don't know if this is the case, or if it's something else. I'm being extra careful removing the slide stop, and keeping an eye on it to see if it gets any worse.

01-20-2013, 06:31 AM
better photos would certainly beof help. from what I can see, I think sumpin is goin on there to but again just hard to tell. U need to get a better photo and then send it to kahr, attn Jay and present ur case. Your gonna got opinions here that might drive you nuts to. For a gun that has not been shot, that is strange. Make sure u state that to them and the date u bought it etc. Don't panic over this as if sumpin is not right Kahr will get it right..

01-20-2013, 06:34 AM
I noticed something on my CM40 that's similar to the marks in your last picture. The slide stop on mine is impossible to remove without a tool, and these marks line up suspiciously with where a tool would leave a mark if not used carefully. I don't know if this is the case, or if it's something else. I'm being extra careful removing the slide stop, and keeping an eye on it to see if it gets any worse.

stop lever is really nut supposed to come out with ur finners either.then IMO it is being held to loose. A push on the right side where the pin protrudes will move it back far enough to then pull it out. If u can pull it out with ease, u might find someday while shootin it that ihas moved left also. more rounds for some reason makes it easier to remove as many have found out. I put a dab of grease on that slide stop springhy, which helps somewhat to..

01-20-2013, 07:16 AM
Here's whats goin on. As the slide is bringing the barrel into battery, the fit is tight on the slide stop pin while the barrel is riding on that pin. That tightness is twisting the pin and forcing the lever part of the slide stop into the slide.

Grazing defined....lightly rubbing, at times, during the operation of the pistol, due to the forces of recoil bein greater than the little springs tension.

My PM9 has a little bit of that... PM45s just a little bit too.

01-20-2013, 09:30 AM
Would lubrication on that pin prior to shooting help mitigate this?

Mike Brownhouse
01-20-2013, 01:54 PM
stop lever is really nut supposed to come out with ur finners either.then IMO it is being held to loose. A push on the right side where the pin protrudes will move it back far enough to then pull it out. If u can pull it out with ease, u might find someday while shootin it that ihas moved left also. more rounds for some reason makes it easier to remove as many have found out. I put a dab of grease on that slide stop springhy, which helps somewhat to..

Absolutely, I didn't mean that there was a problem, I just meant, because the slide stop is tight, you need to use a tool to remove it, and improper use of the tool could have something to do with the slide damage. You're right about it falling out if it's too loose, the Colt Mustang has a similar design, but without the tension on the slide stop shaft itself. If the spring isn't adjusted just right, the slide stop falls right out. I think the Kahr slide stop spring is a better design, it rides against the shaft of the pin in addition to pushing the pin down, it's pretty brilliant.

01-20-2013, 02:25 PM
I didn't know the mustang had a similar set up. Indeed kahr's little springhy actually does two thigs and when adjust right, it doe sum both perfect to. I have over 32K out ouf my PMJ9 and I must have had the gun (slide) off 300+ times over the eyars and I have installed one springhy in all that time. If u take care of that area it is not a weak spot as manyt think it is.

01-20-2013, 03:43 PM
I would wonder if the slide lock pin was inserted incorrectly with the free end under the slide lock actuator, instead of on the ledge behind the slide stop lever. The video is very helpful:
The manual also explains this.

If the free end of the spring(the right side) is UNDER the actuator, it will push the slide lock up to engage the slide and hold it open. Inspect the SL spring for damage to the right or free end. Sometimes it's caught by the actuator or the "shelf/ledge" and damaged.
