View Full Version : Hello, and K/CW question

01-20-2013, 04:23 PM

Just found the forum, and good to find a site for Kahrs. I am fortunate to have the P380, the K9 and the CW9, my latest.

Had the K9 and CW9 out at the range for a test run/comparo, and found I was much more accurate with the K9, which is a used, LEO trade, than with the new CW9. The results were dramatically different. The K9 puts the hole where I want it with no fuss. At the same distance -15 feet - I was dropping holes all over the target with the CW9.

So now I am wondering why. The K9 fits my hand better, and maybe the extra weight helps, but with the CW being so similar to the K9 I thought I would drop in and see if anyone has any ideas.


01-20-2013, 04:32 PM
Check for a loose nut behind the trigger.

Its...weight, feel, grip, recoil recovery....all that,and more....

Took me FOREVER to break the 1911 habit with the Kahrs.

01-20-2013, 04:41 PM

Just found the forum, and good to find a site for Kahrs. I am fortunate to have the P380, the K9 and the CW9, my latest.

Had the K9 and CW9 out at the range for a test run/comparo, and found I was much more accurate with the K9, which is a used, LEO trade, than with the new CW9. The results were dramatically different. The K9 puts the hole where I want it with no fuss. At the same distance -15 feet - I was dropping holes all over the target with the CW9.

So now I am wondering why. The K9 fits my hand better, and maybe the extra weight helps, but with the CW being so similar to the K9 I thought I would drop in and see if anyone has any ideas.


my K9 NYPD used gun much betterthanmy 2PMJ9's. It is what it is..

01-20-2013, 05:02 PM
My K9 runs rings around my CM9 (yeah I know the CW9 is bigger). It's the mass of the frame that makes it shoot so well. I don't have to be so determined with the K9. The CM9 makes me really take my time.

01-20-2013, 06:47 PM
Check for a loose nut behind the trigger.


Uh...by this I assume you are saying itiis a PEBCAK error? Not denying this could be so..but is there really something with the pistol I should be checking?

01-20-2013, 06:51 PM
my K9 NYPD used gun much betterthanmy 2PMJ9's. It is what it is..

And being a newbie here I am NOT trying to flame or troll....just honestly curious. What are the differences between the K and CW which makes the K easier to shoot accurately?

01-20-2013, 07:11 PM
The K has more weight and the recoil is lessened... for one thing. I like both... my K and my P, but the P is easier to carry because it weighs half a pound less than the K.


01-20-2013, 07:57 PM
My K9 fits my hand way better than my than the CW9 does. It weighs more, so I'm more steady with the gun. All in all IMO you should be happier the gun that costs several hundred dollars more shoots better.....I understand what you're asking, they are very similar in size, same company, etc, but the K is their super nice gun (only one better is the T) while the CW is the "economical" gun. Not saying it isn't a good gun, and doesn't make a great carry piece, but it is going to fit your hand differently than the K, which is a super nice gun.

01-20-2013, 08:31 PM
It's not that the CW is made sloppily or any less accurate. It is just not as easy to hold and shoot. I'll bet you will find it just as accurate from a rest.

01-20-2013, 09:09 PM
Thanks, all...yeah, I am not faulting the CW, I just noticed a dramatic difference between the two for me with its inaugural shoot. I prob would not have gotten it since I have the K, but the LGS had a nice sale price on it, and things being what they are, I am not passing much up these days.

Now, having sd all that, the CW DID go thru a 100 rounds of range ammo -Blazer -without a hiccup. So it could be that as the CW settles in I will have more success with it.

Like the CW but I am not getting rid of the K....

Now, in the Kahr pantheon, where does the P series fall?

Is there a post here that outlines the models?

01-21-2013, 10:11 AM
I can't add to the discussion, but welcome to the forum from North Dakota

01-21-2013, 03:47 PM
Thanks, Flincher! We are getting some of your weather today in Ohio. You may have it back whenever you wish.

01-21-2013, 05:28 PM
With my CM9 I can keep the majority of my shots within a three inch circle at 7 yards. Likewise my P380. You might try experimenting with different types of ammo to tighten up your groups.

01-21-2013, 05:32 PM
The K9 is made out of awesomnium. That's why.

01-21-2013, 05:47 PM
The K9 is made out of awesomnium. That's why.

what he said

01-22-2013, 02:54 PM
With my CM9 I can keep the majority of my shots within a three inch circle at 7 yards. Likewise my P380. You might try experimenting with different types of ammo to tighten up your groups.

My P380 is wonderful, the K9 is fantastic, it is the CW9 that surprised me. Guess that is what I get for hitting the Kahr rummage rack. No doubt I will get better as I putter with it more.

(the cardboard box and ONE mag should have clued me in....)

01-22-2013, 03:00 PM
The K9 is made out of awesomnium. That's why.

Gotta say..the K9 ranks up there with my Sigs as my favorite go-bangs in their size catagory. Mine was an NYC LEO tradein so I wasnt even aware of the MSRP on the thing until I started hanging around here.

01-23-2013, 04:22 PM
CWs also have standard button rifled barrels. Questionable tho as to how much difference that actually makes.

01-23-2013, 05:09 PM
agree, guns have bene made that way jfor a 100 years. They shoot better than the finger in the trigger. It would never be an issue wit me one way or th eutter.I would not pay a dime more to have either one,if that was an option. It is a sellin point more than IMO an actual benefit.

01-24-2013, 06:10 PM
agree, guns have bene made that way jfor a 100 years. They shoot better than the finger in the trigger. It would never be an issue wit me one way or th eutter.I would not pay a dime more to have either one,if that was an option. It is a sellin point more than IMO an actual benefit.

For the intended effective range, I certainly won't notice the difference in the barrels...the K9 FITS my hand..the CW is fine, bit it doesn't FIT.

Both go bang when asked, and I am probably going to carry the CW more than the K9 due to weight...and if I have to surrender the weapon for some reason, my tears will be lessened...but geesh...I like that K9....