View Full Version : New CM9...HELP

01-20-2013, 07:40 PM
hey everyone, i'm new, brand new, to the forum. lots a good info up for me but i have a question if someone could help me. ok so i bought the gun new last week. disassembled and cleaned and lubed according the instructions on the forum. not an easy gun to break down for a first time kahr owner, but i managed and i can do it easily now. so i went out today and shot about 100 rounds through it. was going for 200 but didn't have enough time.

i broke the gun down, cleaned and lubed it. then i assembled and maybe i never noticed before but there seemed to be decent gap between the frame and slide under the barrel. with a little research i found this to be normal(sigh of relief). now to the issue of me joining this forum and creating this thread.

there seems to be a small part of the frame that sticks out and is not aligned to the back of the slide. this doesn't affect me when racking the slide. seems to be just as smooth...well as smooth as a new kahr anyway.
any help would be welcomed to tell me if this is a normal side effect of the break in period. i can't remember if it was like this before i shot anything through it.

i have pictures but don't know how to get them up here? help on that too.

oh and by the way i had no issues whatsoever in my first 100 rounds. impressed and very happy with my cm9:D

geez sorry for the short story....thanks in advance.

01-20-2013, 07:45 PM
My frame sticks out a touch in the back. Its nothing. Mine shoots great, so its nothing I think about just be glad the pistol functions and u have had no issues. I just cleaned mine and greased it up a bit.

01-20-2013, 07:46 PM
not toally sure it has to be aligned with the back of the slide, I guess without photos ur getting an opinion also. The point is they gun is work ing great, I doubt if shooting done anything to change what ur talking about, now ur just looking it over more.

My opinion. Shoot the fokker like u stoleit and quite worrying about it. The gun with a few hundred more rounds through it will even smooth out beter and u will think u got a different gun . A person can look over his kahrs and I can assure u, one can sumpin to talk about. They are by some comparison not perfect in every detail but these baby's are built like a tank and once broken in, u can shoot it until the cows come home without any fears..

01-20-2013, 08:46 PM
Welcome to the forum. It will get easier to break down after a couple hundred rounds. You'll be able to pop out the slide stop with your finger.

I was just thinking the other day we haven't been getting may trouble post lately which is a good thing. I think they had a production boom a couple of years ago and a few QC problems but it looks like all of that is cleared up.

Like Jocko said, if it's running good, SHOOT IT LIKE YOU STOLE IT.

01-20-2013, 08:53 PM
thanks. yeah the spring has loosened up a little bit already only after 100 rounds. i can't wait to put a few hundred more through it. i couldnt get the slide stop out with just my fingers when i first got it but i can get it out now. it will only get easier im sure. thanks again for the quick responses everyone.

i will take your advice and shoot like its not mine.

01-20-2013, 10:43 PM
The frame on mine also protrudes ever so slightly out from the slide, but only on the left side. Right side is flush. Go figure. I figure it is just an imperfection in the frame and don't pay it any attention.

Booker T
01-20-2013, 11:39 PM
Hey Kindghost and Welcome. I just checked mine and it doesn't appear to stick past the slide at all. But like others have said, I don't think it's a problem at all, as some of theirs do the same thing.

If you need to post a pic in the future, you can use photobucket or TinyPic to post a link or pic.

01-21-2013, 07:35 AM
The frame on mine also protrudes ever so slightly out from the slide, but only on the left side. Right side is flush. Go figure. I figure it is just an imperfection in the frame and don't pay it any attention.

thats exactly how mine is. thanks. good to know i didn't mess up my gun on the first outing.