View Full Version : CW380 info...

01-21-2013, 10:36 AM
Good morning all! Ever since the announcement at Shot show, I've been extremely interested in the new CW380. After not hearing much about the release date, etc, I called and spoke with a salesman with Kahr this morning. He was very nice and knowledgeable about the gun and even said that he was one of the beta testers on this one. He anticipated a limited release to dealers within the next 30 days with a more widespread availability in the next 45-60 days.

We already knew the MSRP but I did discuss previous issues on the P380 and ammo preferences. He said that a lot of things have been ironed out on this gun and that he personally had over 1000 rounds when he beta tested. He said that he used every kind of .380 ammo they could find (blazer, wwb, american eagle, federal, etc) and it shot flawlessly except for the russian ammo which had multiple issues. He said just use good, US made SAAMI approved ammo and there should be very little issues with ammo problems.

All in all, we spoke for about 15 minutes and he was very excited about this release. I'm now more excited about this than I had been before I called! Hope this little bit of info helps anyone else who is looking forward to the CW380!

01-21-2013, 10:45 AM
Good morning all! Ever since the announcement at Shot show, I've been extremely interested in the new CW380. After not hearing much about the release date, etc, I called and spoke with a salesman with Kahr this morning. He was very nice and knowledgeable about the gun and even said that he was one of the beta testers on this one. He anticipated a limited release to dealers within the next 30 days with a more widespread availability in the next 45-60 days.

We already knew the MSRP but I did discuss previous issues on the P380 and ammo preferences. He said that a lot of things have been ironed out on this gun and that he personally had over 1000 rounds when he beta tested. He said that he used every kind of .380 ammo they could find (blazer, wwb, american eagle, federal, etc) and it shot flawlessly except for the russian ammo which had multiple issues. He said just use good, US made SAAMI approved ammo and there should be very little issues with ammo problems.

All in all, we spoke for about 15 minutes and he was very excited about this release. I'm now more excited about this than I had been before I called! Hope this little bit of info helps anyone else who is looking forward to the CW380!

thanks!Put one on order last week. Hopefully my lgs will get one from the first batch.

01-21-2013, 10:52 AM
That's good to hear. I have the P380, and love it; but my wife got rid of her LCP, and wants a Kahr. the CW380 will fit into our budget better than another P380.

01-21-2013, 11:47 AM
That's good to hear. I have the P380, and love it; but my wife got rid of her LCP, and wants a Kahr. the CW380 will fit into our budget better than another P380.

than just pulling the trigger, can ur wife make the P38 function, such as racking the slide to load a round, racking the slide to clear a jam etc. Noramlyt a woman has a heh of a time hand racking any kahr, let alone these tiny ones. Just asking. If shye can doit, then good for her, if she cannot then re-consider this purchase.

Many women want the ability to easily unload the weapon if in the home and kids are around etc. I should never say never but most women cannot rackthe P380 kahrs..:israel:

01-21-2013, 11:59 AM
Good point Jocko. The reason we got rid of the LCP was, compared to the P380, we new we had an inferior product. She can shoot my P380 ( loves the trigger), but admits the slide is a little tough on her. But she wants another .380 semi-auto, so she'll, admittedly, have to practice "dry cycling" the slide.

01-22-2013, 08:12 PM
This is the pocket gun I have been waiting for. I have lusted after a P380 for awhile. I just couldn't fit it into the budget.

01-22-2013, 08:18 PM
Good point Jocko. The reason we got rid of the LCP was, compared to the P380, we new we had an inferior product. She can shoot my P380 ( loves the trigger), but admits the slide is a little tough on her. But she wants another .380 semi-auto, so she'll, admittedly, have to practice "dry cycling" the slide.

will take a few good months before the cw380 appears on any dealersw shelves. Seem after the shot shot it is 3+ mnthys before u start to see um floating around. In the mean time while ur waiting u can start looking for some buys on 380 ammo.

being u have a P380, u can challenge her in that she has to learn to hand rack that gun and also be able to lock open the slide etc, before u buy her a cw380. If she ca't do yours, she can't do the cw380 as they will be identical in recoil spring etc. at leat she has sumpin to practice with. buy her some snap caps and load them in the magazine and see if she hand rackone inn the gun. remeber;

Practice does not make perfect but perfect priacticve does. I hope she can do it OK. I can say I had a hell of a time at first hand racking my P380. I am not afraid to admit it and that is wy I say, she will have difficulty. . She can prove me wrong and make u happy at the same time. I just don't want you to buy sumpin and then she can't do it and the gun then just sits like a safe queen..

deputy tom
01-27-2013, 02:10 PM
Thanks for the update. I am hoping to get a CW380 too. tom.

01-27-2013, 02:25 PM
probably the gun will bemore available than 380 ammo for awhile.

deputy tom
01-27-2013, 02:32 PM
probably the gun will bemore available than 380 ammo for awhile.

I sure hope ammo will start showing up. Everything is in short supply around here. tom.