View Full Version : PM40 life span

01-21-2013, 08:28 PM
I've owned two PM40s over the years and I'm thinking about getting another. I really like the .40 but I shoot a lot to maintain proficiency, and I've had issues with the early PM40s. So my question for the PM40 owners out these is how many rounds have you fired through your gun? Thanks in advance!


01-22-2013, 12:22 PM

Top one has around three thousand rounds through it, probably more. Other than trimming the end of the feed ramp to keep it from breaking magazine followers and a new frame to replace the old one when it cracked (free service by Kahr), it has been great.

The bottom one is kind of a spare and has only about a thousand rounds through it. It is trouble free, since I trimmed the feed ramp to stop it from mashing followers. Do you see a pattern here? ;)

Hey, they are plastic pistols and kind of a commodity. Jocko's PM9 has more than ten times the number of rounds through it, compared to mine. So, maybe the "fotay" is a little over stressed. I dunno. But, ya' gotta love a pocket hand cannon and the nearly identical CM40 is quite a bargain. Go for it!

01-22-2013, 12:35 PM
I've owned two PM40s over the years and I'm thinking about getting another. I really like the .40 but I shoot a lot to maintain proficiency, and I've had issues with the early PM40s. So my question for the PM40 owners out these is how many rounds have you fired through your gun? Thanks in advance!


ar certainly not related to alot of rounds down range. U can't shoot out a kahr, u won't live long enough. If u got issues, then sumpin could be wrong with that gun, but it is certainly not from over shootin it. My pMJ9 has over 32K out of it and it looks as new as the day it came out of the box. Although it is now smoother than glass, it shows zero wear. Put that crapola of how long it will last behind u and shoot it some more. U could also state what issues, u had to and if they are still there. This forum is full of good guys who can help. The 40 poly karhs are also a handful and many times some issues are shooter induced to. If issue persist, I would recommend letting anutter good shooter shoot thegun, if he can duplicate, then u can reasonably assume it is gun related..

01-22-2013, 12:58 PM

Top one has around three thousand rounds through it, probably more. Other than trimming the end of the feed ramp to keep it from breaking magazine followers and a new frame to replace the old one when it cracked (free service by Kahr), it has been great.

The bottom one is kind of a spare and has only about a thousand rounds through it. It is trouble free, since I trimmed the feed ramp to stop it from mashing followers. Do you see a pattern here? ;)

Hey, they are plastic pistols and kind of a commodity. Jocko's PM9 has more than ten times the number of rounds through it, compared to mine. So, maybe the "fotay" is a little over stressed. I dunno. But, ya' gotta love a pocket hand cannon and the nearly identical CM40 is quite a bargain. Go for it!
if any pattern is the feed ramp mod that kahr is more than likely doing in house. Seems more prevelant in the 40 poly kahrs to, why that is I cannot say, . other than that I dojn't know of anyone with 20K out of a kahr 40 either but I have no doubts the gun ca do it with ease, not saying the shooter is not gonna get tired of being pounded by a 40 cal in such a lightweight gun. I willsay that some issues start after a person has shoot 50 lus rounds and I feel that some of those issues could be a tired shooter to.thereis no comparison between a 9 and a 40 kahr PM or cm. One is pleasant ad the utter takes good forum to keep issues away..

01-22-2013, 03:18 PM
If anyone from Kahr Arms is watching this thread, know that I volunteer to answer the OP's question. All you must do is provide me with a PM40 and a lifetime supply of ammo, at no charge of course. I'll keep an ongoing record of shots fired and provide you with an annual summary.

I'm happy to provide this service to the Kahr community. :D

A Delusional Compulsive Shooter