View Full Version : Could prescribed drugs have a role in these shootings?

01-22-2013, 05:59 AM
A co-worker posed the question about anti depressants, and other prescribed narcotics,
possibly playing a role in this rash of shootings.

Children killing their own families and going on suicidal rampages
makes me wonder what the )(*) is going on.

My understanding is that the New Mexico kid was home schooled.
And not allowed to play video games or watch violent t.v. shows.
He did take pictures of himself in what appears to be military garb.
And looks like a nut job - but still.

Also it goes without saying
that it seems the weapons were not locked and stored properly from children.
Which is a problem as well.

So I pose the question?
How many kids are on meds these days compared to twenty years ago?
And could that be having an effect on these children?

01-22-2013, 06:45 AM
I think the pediatric Med Phase started about 25-30 years ago. So these lil ticking time bombs are at the Gun buying point NOW!

01-22-2013, 07:16 AM
I don't think the " buying stage" had anything to do with it. Weren't the last few shootings done with guns that were either stolen or taken by a member in the gun owning home??

Keeping guns secure is paramount BUT if you live in the home you can probably get access to them. I feel we have a cultural problem with young people today. These shooters are in their teens to early twenties. I'd look at violent movies and video games and the lack of responsibilty and discipline at home.:mad:

01-22-2013, 07:32 AM
My wife and I talk about this all the time.
We both think our kids (meaning ALL our kids) are losing the ability to socially interact.
Their whole worlds are seen through smart phones.
They hold entire running conversations in the form of text and twitter posts.
There's no way you can pick up on bodily cues, nuances in speech and other non verbal cues in tweets and texts.
I think the more isolated our society becomes, whether medicated or not the more problems we will see.

MW surveyor
01-22-2013, 10:29 AM
When you reflect on all of the drugs currently being marketed on television that have warnings that say: suicidal thoughts, anti-social behavior, etc. You just have to think of the number of people who take these drugs. That is very scary.

Hey, snail (SKahrGo). Great play on words and welcome to the forum. :)

Wow, you waited nearly 16 months before making your first post!

01-22-2013, 11:20 AM
Hell Yes the anti-depressants come with pages of warnings of side effects, including suicidal behaviour, Hallucinations, and all kinds of bad stuff. PLUS the Dr. has no way of knowing how you will react, so they take a trial and error approach. Sometimes they go through quite a few drugs before they frind the one that gives the desired result. I know, I was a guinea pig. Anti-depressants are normally given to people undergoing chemotherapy. Narcotics (opiom based pain meds) on the other hand, mostly relieve pain, and unless you abuse them, they don't cause weird behavior. Now once a person has become medically dependent on the narcotics, if they run out they may exhibit some strange behavior, but mostly it's like having a bad case of the flu. Street junkies are another thing altogether, and who knows what they've been ingesting.
A friend of mine was given an anti-depressant, and his wife caught him in the basement beating the floor with a hammer. She asked what he was doing, and he said he was killing bugs. I guess he was seeing bugs everywhere. She took him to the ER and they got the stuff out of his system, and is back to normal. He's not tried anything else. The anti-d they put him on was one of the newer ones they advertise on TV. Everyone reacts differently to every anti-depressant, and they can cause some very unpleasant side effects. That is what makes them so dangerous.

01-22-2013, 11:51 AM
does a bear poop in the woods?

01-22-2013, 11:53 AM

01-22-2013, 12:10 PM
That could be used as a back door to gun control. Have the Dr.'s issue you something, and have a bad reaction to it, so now you're labled unstable, and the Dr. reports you as dangerous. No more guns for you.

01-22-2013, 02:09 PM
Boys who are now diagnosed as being hyper active were simply described as boys being boys when I was a kid. We didn't take drugs in those days. We learned to behave by the seat of our pants. Seems to me there way to much prescribing going on and not enough discipline.

les strat
01-22-2013, 02:43 PM
When you have a society that can't deal with everyday happenings without a pill, you end up with a bunch of zombies that are suicidal, homicidal, or just don't care about anything or anyone at all.

As a teen, I had a female friend who's Dr. put her on prosac because her boyfriend cheated on her and she was depressed. It made her like a robot, and she knew it, so she came off of it. She ate a box of rat poison trying to kill herself. Somehow, she survived. Drs. put her back on it, she came off after a few weeks, took a bunch of sleeping pills and shot herself in the head with a .22. She survived as her body was slowed down by the pills and it didn;t go into her brain. This was a beautiful girl from a good home that was coerced by doctors into taking a pill for slight depression that ended up making her try suicide twice.

To me, a lot of the bad things we go through in life are character builders and help shape us into a better person. At least that's what The Bible says. When you depend on pills to see you through it, you end up sweeping it all under the carpet until that mountain of dirt shows itself.

We now have Mt. Everest in America.

01-22-2013, 04:42 PM
It's all about money and control. The FDA (Federal Death Administration) and Big Pharma, push all these pills so they can make their billions. Then run TV ads to make you think you need this drug and be sure and ask your Dr. for a prescription. Feel a little sad? Here's a pill for that. Feeling angry? Here's a pill for that. etc.
At the same time, they smash any attempt to cure cancer that involves anything that Big Pharma can't patent and make billions of dollars from. Every wonder why the treatment for cancer hasn't changed since the 1950's? You either cut it out, burn it out with radiation, or poison it with chemotherapy, most of which comes with a warning that the drug causes cancer, ain't that a bunch of crap. I think most cancer has been cured, but the cures are suppressed by the FDA, because Big Pharma can't patent the substances used. And then any Dr. that dares to defy the FDA is dragged through court, labled a quack, and has their reputation destroyed. There is a Dr. Burzynski in Texas, that found a way to increase the chances of survival for children with inoperable brain tumours. The standard chemo/radiation treatments had a survival rate of less than 1 percent, while Dr. Burzynski developed and patented a way to give these children a greater than 20 percent chance at survival. He attempted to go through the FDA, and do the required clinical tests and everything they require, yet was given the brush off because he wasn't associated with some big university, or with Big Pharma. He was drug through court numerous times, either winning his case or having it dismissed. So the FDA just raided his office and took all his records, which he was then able to go to Washington, and have photocopies made of HIS records at .50 cents for each sheet of paper. Meanwhile the FDA stripped him of his patents, and awarded them to some Big Pharma company. Thankfully the Dr. is somehow still in business, and saving children's lives.

I know this is way off topic, but I just wanted to give an example of how a government agency in charge of protecting us, is killing thousands of people, and running rampant over Dr.s that are trying to make a difference and save lives. They do all this so their buddies in Big Pharma can keep on raking in the billions. The FDA gets a big payday everytime they allow a new drug to be marketed. The FDA is clamoring to be able to regulate vitamins and herbal supplements so they can run them out of business.
Then Big Pharma has the nerve to ask you to donate for their cancer research programs. They aren't getting a nickle from me.
A good Youtube video to watch is "Cancer: The Forbidden Cures" a documentary by Italian film maker Massimo Mazzuco. It's quite an eyeopener. Or read Suzanne Somers' book about how she beat cancer without radation and chemo.
A word of note: Be careful if investigating alternative cures. As usual, there are plenty of con men out there that want to separate you from your money. And not all alternative cures works for all types of cancer.
They push drugs on children for ADHD, even dragging parents into court who refuse to drug their children, when most of them just need a good swat on the butt and told to settle down. But that might harm their little self esteem....Bullmalarkey. The major figure who started all this mess, Dr. Benjamin Spock; had a grandson that took his own life while he was in his 20's.

I'm not saying there isn't a need for some drugs, they do help some seriously ill individuals with major mental issues, but too many people look for happiness in a pill.

01-22-2013, 04:47 PM
To paraphrase Rev. Wright, "The pharmaceutical companies' chickens are coming home to roost!"

01-22-2013, 04:55 PM
I see the current situation as one of the Medical profession and The Pharmaceuticals delivering what they consider good customer service.

Parent, educator or Family Doc sees an issue with behavior that doesn't fit the new mold: Placid, docile, absorbing everything the teacher spews, never rowdy, always attentive kid.

Something must be wrong with him. Let's have him tested. So he gets tested and they apply the proper label. ADD/ADHD, Autism, Aspbergers, and a host of other labels. So now we treat him for said label. Let's throw some meds into the mix along with special learning plans and a dedicated teaching aid.

All the medical and pharma profession is doing is what parents and educators demand.

We are raising a generation of "pussed out" male kids. All the fight and "piss & vinegar" are medicated and conditioned out of them.

Don't forget, these are the kids who will defend our country in the future. And will likely be caring for all of us in our declining years.

Kinda scary ain't it?

01-22-2013, 05:19 PM
My wife and I talk about this all the time.
We both think our kids (meaning ALL our kids) are losing the ability to socially interact.
Their whole worlds are seen through smart phones.
They hold entire running conversations in the form of text and twitter posts.
There's no way you can pick up on bodily cues, nuances in speech and other non verbal cues in tweets and texts.
I think the more isolated our society becomes, whether medicated or not the more problems we will see.

Plus 1 and a lot of single parent homes where the parent there, is maxxed out in their own life and kid is on their own :(

01-22-2013, 05:44 PM
I came from a "broken home" and I turned out alright, didn't I?

MW surveyor
01-22-2013, 06:18 PM
I came from a "broken home" and I turned out alright, didn't I?

Please define "alright".

01-23-2013, 09:07 AM
When you reflect on all of the drugs currently being marketed on television that have warnings that say: suicidal thoughts, anti-social behavior, etc. You just have to think of the number of people who take these drugs. That is very scary.

Hey, snail (SKahrGo). Great play on words and welcome to the forum. :)

Wow, you waited nearly 16 months before making your first post!

I'm a snail. I never go fast.:typing:

01-23-2013, 12:02 PM
Experts agree that drugs are behind the massacres:

01-23-2013, 01:36 PM
In today's world, if you discipline kids the way I was disciplined you'll end up in jail for child abuse and your kids will end up wards of the state. Discipline and morality has been constantly eroding for decades to the point it is now.

My 20 year daughter has a part time job while going to college and she came in the other night telling about the new girl they had hired. She said the girl told her that her dad has 20 children, 20! And all but 2 of them have different moms. I wander how many of those children he has actually been a "father" too. My guess is 0.

01-23-2013, 01:43 PM
Good post Tman, I agree totally.

It's all money. I also completely believe that the technology is available to make a 1 ton dually pickup truck get 80 miles to the gallon but that is all kept well hidden and out of public knowledge, same principle as the drug companies.

There are lots of good things available that never will go public because there's too much money to be made without them.

01-23-2013, 02:10 PM
I came from a "broken home" and I turned out alright, didn't I?

Hey I resemble that, and like some others please define alright. Is that one of those meaning of is things again?

01-24-2013, 02:41 PM
I define alright as being a semi-normal well adjusted gun nut kinda like Jocko or Bawanna.

MW surveyor
01-24-2013, 04:11 PM
I define alright as being a semi-normal well adjusted gun nut kinda like Jocko or Bawanna.

Ok then. As long as you are "semi-normal" kinda like jocko and Bawanna. ;)

01-24-2013, 06:10 PM
You've seen this right?


coincidence? I don't think so....