View Full Version : Learning the CW9 Trigger - Accuracy

01-22-2013, 09:30 AM
Here's a quick backstory of how I finally came to choose the CW9 as my ccw. Originally I purchased a Kel Tec P11 which was very reliable but with its extremely long and heavy DA trigger pull I had an extraordinarily difficult time putting shots on target. Got patterns more than groups. I migrated to a Glock 26 which is an excellent pistol. Keeping 1 inch groups at 7-10 yards was very easy. Due to its thickness though, I found it very uncomfortable to carry all day and it never did feel great in my hand. So recently I purchased a CW9. Feels great and is extremely comfortable to carry. However I'm struggling to get decent groupings with it. Maybe 2-3 inches at 7-10 yards. The trigger is very smooth but I wonder if I'm having a hard time getting used to it. I've put around 300 rounds through so far (with no malfunctions) and though I really like the pistol, I'm not crazy about my level of proficency yet.

Anyone else struggle "learning" the Kahr trigger? Any tips or suggestions?

01-22-2013, 09:41 AM
I gotta say I think you're being unrealistic with the accuracy thing. 2-3" groups is nothing to be ashamed of at 7-10yds.

Think about it...Put a 3" circle on your chest and tell me how that makes you feel? Probably not very warm & squishy.

You're doing pretty damned well with 2-3" groups. Maybe I'm all wet but I wouldn't change a thing.

01-22-2013, 10:38 AM
Here's a quick backstory of how I finally came to choose the CW9 as my ccw. Originally I purchased a Kel Tec P11 which was very reliable but with its extremely long and heavy DA trigger pull I had an extraordinarily difficult time putting shots on target. Got patterns more than groups. I migrated to a Glock 26 which is an excellent pistol. Keeping 1 inch groups at 7-10 yards was very easy. Due to its thickness though, I found it very uncomfortable to carry all day and it never did feel great in my hand. So recently I purchased a CW9. Feels great and is extremely comfortable to carry. However I'm struggling to get decent groupings with it. Maybe 2-3 inches at 7-10 yards. The trigger is very smooth but I wonder if I'm having a hard time getting used to it. I've put around 300 rounds through so far (with no malfunctions) and though I really like the pistol, I'm not crazy about my level of proficency yet.

Anyone else struggle "learning" the Kahr trigger? Any tips or suggestions?

tinman stated is very correct. It ain't a glock it does nothave a glock short triggter.Ur kahr has a 3/8"TRIGGER TRAVEL. I would say ur groups are excellent. I can tell u after over 32K rounds out ofmy PMJ9 my groups are no better. It is whatit is, If it was a target type gun u would have amuch shorter trigger travel. It is a defense gun with no safety, excpet your finger stuck i ur nose. YOuwillget better but don't expect samehole accuracy. the gun can do it most all shooters cannot. IMO, ur good to, accept it..

01-22-2013, 11:14 AM
You guys are probably right. I realize that this is not a target pistol and at personal defense distances I'm sure my "groups" would be sufficient. I'm just obsessive sometimes and like to be able to get the most (in regards to my abilities) out of my firearms.