View Full Version : Response for my representatives

01-22-2013, 12:59 PM
I hope this is the right section, but I wanted to share this because it made me grin. I guess I should preface this by saying I know this may have never even been seen by Joey Hensley, and I certainly know he didn't write the response, but the content of the reply is what makes me happy. I'll start with what I sent to all my representatives:

Sen.-elect Hensley:

I will not accept any compromise from my elected officials on any weapons ban bill nor any compromise on my second amendment rights. I would greatly appreciate a stand from my elected representatives. The second amendment makes no mention of self defense or hunting as the anti gun community would have us believe, but rather a militia, that if need be could defend against a tyranical government. The proposed bills are solely feel good legislation and will do nothing to stop instances of mass killings, as supported by info gathered from the AWB of 1994-2004. This "assault weapon" attack is not on true assault weapons, as those have been banned from being bought by the public since 1986. The proposed bans are based on physical features, or looks of the guns, not the firing function of the weapon. The term "assault weapon" and "weapon of war" are simply made up terms to put fear in the minds of those uneducated on the subject. As my representative, I implore you to not only disregard these terms and oppose these bills, but to educate those who choose to use these terms to further their agenda.

Kyle King

And the reply:

I am the Senate sponsor of the bill presented in the House by Representative Joe Carr that prohibits the enforcement and prosecution of certain federal law implemented or executed on or after January 1, 2013, concerning certain firearms, firearm accessories or ammunition.

I am firmly and unshakably in support of our second amendment rights. You can count on me to do everything I can here at the State level to protect them

Thank you for writing and please do so any time I may be of service.

Senator Joey Hensley, MD


01-22-2013, 01:46 PM
Thanks for sharing, KKing. I am thankful for your letter and the response of this TN Senator.