View Full Version : PM9 - how much these days?

01-23-2013, 04:54 PM
Hi guys, I'm new to the forum and new to Kahr firearms, and I'm wondering if you guys can help me out with a dilemma I'm facing.

I was offered a used PM9 Diamond edition as part of a trade. The guy tells me he broke it in with the 200 rounds, carried it for a summer, and put it back in the safe/ It comes with all the standard accessories and a Galco pocket holster.

How much would you guys estimate this gun is worth (i.e. how much would you pay for it)? If I take the trade, I'm giving the gun to my wife, and there is no way to tell whether or not she's going to like it. Neither of us have ever handled or fired a Kahr, and no shop within 1,000 miles of me seems to have one in stock. If she doesn't like the gun (which she probably won't, she's picky as hell), I'll have to resell it, and I want to make sure I'm not getting hosed on the deal.

Before you guys flame me, I tried to do some research myself, but due to all the craziness going on, most retailers are out of stock and won't give a quote. Plus I got such a wide variety of answers online on old forum threads and reviews (anything from $400 to $800) that I don't trust my research to be current. Some live feedback would really be helpful.

Thanks for all your help guys - I appreciate it!


01-23-2013, 04:56 PM
We hardly ever flame. We cajole, we offer fatherly advice, but we hardly ever flame.

It would help to know more about the gun. Approx ser#, rounds through it, photos, etc.

Lotta experience here and you'll get some guidance.


01-23-2013, 05:02 PM
my opinion only. Ur wife willnot be ablto handle that pm9. She willnot bne abletop rack the slide to load a live round or to rack to clear a jam etc. If there was a way before u do anything to let her try that uch, it would tellu alot. If she cold do this with ease (which I think she cannotj) then she would love the gun IMO. If thegun is that new and in the dlc finish with extra magazine and box and papers.I would say it is worth $500. That is the cadillac of the kahrs. It would certainly make u the best poclet 9 u ever carried . Ronds out ofthe gun mean nadda. U can't shoot out a kahr. U would be ableto sell this gun easily to for $500. If the gun looks new and is not abused by the owner, ..

If ur trading to resell then I would drop down from the price of $500 to around $400. Ucould start there anyhow. Thatis one really nice gun my friend..

01-23-2013, 06:11 PM
$500.00 is a safe number.

01-23-2013, 06:37 PM
.....what Jocko said. Not a pistol for a woman.

Value $500.

01-23-2013, 09:04 PM
I tend to agree with Jocko and Jim. They're stiff little guns and strongly sprung. My wife has trouble releasing the locked slide- she's no weakling but can't push the lever down easily.

I would also not buy anything without being able to handle one, at least the same model if not the gun itself.

01-23-2013, 09:19 PM
.....what Jocko said. Not a pistol for a woman.

Value $500.

don't say thatin malice towards kahrs either. Theyare what they are. Many many women simply cannot make the gun work in all aspects. anyone canpull the trigger if u load it for them, but a women has to be ableto load andunload a gun incase she just needs to do it.thatis part of owning agun, not just shootin it.

Ibought y friends used PM9that he bought used for his wife the gun has had over 200 rounds through it, it works great, but she just could not rack that slide PERIOD. Ando for her to even try wa slike watching a wrestly match even. It wa snot fun adonce she mentally felt she could not do it, then the game was over, she wanted uttin to do with the gun. We often ten tobuy for our gals what WE THINK IS BEST,not what they think is best. Many women look at a smallass gun and think wow that is reallycute, they have no clue how to make it work. For damn sure the P380 is not a womans gun. that is the tuffest little bastard to hand rack that I ever had PERIOD. I had a hell of atime at the beginning with mine. If u wanna own a kahr by proxy then buy it for ur wife andit will some come home to you pronto. Just sayin

01-23-2013, 09:57 PM
Thanks guys, I'll let you know how it goes.

01-25-2013, 10:08 PM
$500 for a PM9 with DK? Really? Why in the heck are P380s so much more? The PM9 seems to really lose its value versus the P380. Whats up with that?

01-25-2013, 11:21 PM
Excellent gun but tight. Agree with jocko's take on it.

01-25-2013, 11:39 PM
I got my PM9 DLC with Night Sights for $588 out the door with taxes and the $5 call 3 years ago. The pistol was a 2006 model and LNIB... a consignment for someone moving to another state where he couldn't carry it as a backup.

$500 sounds about right, but $525 wouldn't be BAD.


01-26-2013, 01:35 AM
Damn. I think i got reamed. Bought my pm9 with night sights for $800. It was the only dealer near me that had it in stock, and my first handgun purchase, so i didn't know much about looking for deals.... /sigh

01-26-2013, 09:15 AM
Damn. I think i got reamed. Bought my pm9 with night sights for $800. It was the only dealer near me that had it in stock, and my first handgun purchase, so i didn't know much about looking for deals.... /sigh

Don't worry about it micotu. You've got a great gun that's pretty hard to find now. Markets go up and down and are very local in this category. I saw one at a lgs a month ago for over $900 here. As Jocko says, just shoot it like you stole it.

01-26-2013, 10:31 AM
Damn. I think i got reamed. Bought my pm9 with night sights for $800. It was the only dealer near me that had it in stock, and my first handgun purchase, so i didn't know much about looking for deals.... /sigh

really . iN TODAYS INVIROMENT GUNSARE NOT GONNA BE DISCOUNTED LIKE THEY WERE 6 MONTHS AGO. be damn glad u were able to find one even. Buying a gun is not llike buying a hamburger, where as once u eat it u have nuttin t show for it, except maybe a turd in the stool 4 hours later. U bought thegun, u own it, it ain't gaonna break or wear out. Its a one time thing, so indeed now just do the kahr tech s

#1 kahr lube chart
#2 propper prepping of ur kahr

and then just shoot it like uy stole it..:amflag:

01-26-2013, 10:57 AM
When I was shopping for Kahrs back in early 2010, I noticed that the PM9's were listed at $780 for SS slides and regular sights at the gun shows. The black ones were more and the NS even more. I paid $825 for my new DLC PM45 with NS and three mags and the dealer paid for shipping (GunBroker) and threw in a Kahr cap. I did have to pay about 2.5% for the credit card use. They were really scarce then and I was quite happy to get one.


01-26-2013, 11:07 AM
I paid $850 for mine brand new back in the summer of 2011 but it has night sites, lci, and a thumb safety. All extras that if I sell I wont get back the money I paid for them. But on the other hand in this sellers market right now I might!!! LNIB for a PM9 has a pretty high going rate right now!

01-27-2013, 05:43 AM
I paid my LGS $825 cash OTD for my PM9 black w/night sights back in July of 2011. The MSRP at the time was $958.00, maybe still is. :confused:
Only one LGS had a black PM9 in stock and they wanted close to MSRP w/no night sights. That pistol had issues.
Buying one online and having it shipped to my FFL + the FFL transfer fee + sales tax put it way above what I wanted to spend for a pistol that I "wanted", not "needed" at the time.
So, saving $133 OTD was a good deal as far as I was concerned.
And no, I don't expect to get anywhere near what I paid for it should I sell it.
I try not to sell guns any more.

01-27-2013, 12:04 PM
Just buy a CM9 and call it done. Ceracote it black later if you really want it all black.

Oooooops $500 used? Grab it! Sell it for $700 and buy a CM9 for just $400 ish. $300 profit goes to ammo. Lol

01-27-2013, 12:08 PM
Just buy a CM9 and call it done. Ceracote it black later if you really want it all black.

Loops $500 used? Grab it! Sell it for $700 and buy a CM9 for just $400 USB. $300 profit goes to ammo. Lol

No thanks, I prefer my PM9 over the CM9. ;)

01-28-2013, 12:53 AM
In California, back in Nov. 2012, I bought my PM9 + 3 six rd. mags for $700 out the door. Gun's serial # indicates manufacture date of May, 2004, and it's condition was like, pristine/unfired by previous owner.

01-29-2013, 08:06 PM
Thanks for the feedback guys.

I ended up taking the trade, and the PM9 is quite the little gun. It felt very solid, very well built for such a small, light gun. I'll admit, I'm not a double action guy, but for a DA trigger it was impressively smooth.

As jocko suggested, my wife couldn't easily operate the slide, so she passed on keeping the gun.

However, the good news is that I posted the gun for sale on my local classified site at $750, and it sold within 10 minutes. The buyer had placed an order for a PM9 at the LGS months ago with no delivery date in sight, and finally threw in the towel when he saw my ad. Even more telling, we did the exchange at the state's biggest gun show, and there was only one PM9 to be found at the show, listed at $895.

Sorry to see the gun go, but glad I got the opportunity to play with one for a little while.