View Full Version : +P Underwood Ammo in .380 & .45
01-24-2013, 11:19 AM
I'll start this thread and add to it as I can. Since I went to Windows 7 Pro 64-bit on my main computer, I don't have the software to edit my video as I do on the updated laptop with Win 7 64-bit. When I originally tried to port the Canon software to my laptop, it locked the computer up and I had to restore to a previous point and then got the updated software for it.
Besides my usual laziness and procrastination, this hodge-podge of computers and software has slowed me down and a few things have fallen through the cracks. A couple of trips to the range were kind of disappointing in that the flashes weren't very distinct... different lighting, background, and camera angle. This latest test is not producing the results I wanted, either.
Anyhow, I'll post some pictures of the ammo and flashes and my comments, as I get to them.
01-24-2013, 12:15 PM
Ammo pictures. First the +P .380 using the 90-grain Speer Gold Dot HP bullets. Then the +P Underwood using the 230-grain Speer Gold Dot HP's... the regular Duty/LE bullets. The Speer .45 GDHP's are loaded deeper than the Underwood, but I had no malfunctions of any kind in firing a box of 50 through my PM45 and Springfield XD45 Tactical with 5" barrel.
After two 6-round mags of .380 +P, I donned my gun hand glove for the rest of the testing... very stout ammo and no fun to shoot in the P380... for RANGE use, anyhow!
01-24-2013, 12:22 PM
I measured the two .45 rounds and got 1.2305" OAL for the Underwood and 1.199" for the Speer factory ammo. Again, I had no malfunctions of any kind... other than two new PM45 7-round extended grip mags splitting. These are not the ones that Kahr sent me for replacements, but some I just got from Ivanhoe. I would guess that they are "older" stock, and Kahr is sending me replacements and a return mailing label for the bad ones.
I have to get ready for a dental appointment and will get to the other pictures in a few hours. Sorry for the "teasing" but being domestic, too, washing, drying, and cleaning, etc! It's not all fun!
01-24-2013, 10:03 PM
And now some of the flashes. First the P380 with pairs showing the flash and the rise in recoil. This +P really kicks and is uncomfortable pretty quick. After two 6-round mags, I put on my Nomex flight glove with the fingers cut off for the rest of the testing. That felt much better but the P380 still hurt my trigger finger a bit. No blood or tears, though... with the glove!:D
01-24-2013, 10:07 PM
Enough pain! Time for my glove!:D Then 3 more mags of .380. I brought 5 with me.
Now some +P 230-grain Gold Dots by Underwood in the PM45... definitely know you're shooting heavy loads!
01-24-2013, 10:11 PM
Now some of the XD45 Tactical 5" Barreled battle pistol firing the +P.
First a sequence of 4 starting from rest through recoil, then one firing.
01-24-2013, 10:14 PM
After shooting the .45 +P, I shot some standard FMJ in the XD45 and it was like shooting .22LR.
I fired one mag of 13 at 15 yards and got all on the sheet of paper... laying my forearms on the table and shooting fairly quickly.
The second picture is the second pass with the P380... shooting consistently low and to the left a lot... typical jerking and anticipation... my usual, though I try to squeeze the trigger smoothly.:rolleyes:
Then the PM45 and the XD45.
The four circles were with the XD45 and it was like I couldn't get any into the two top ones... did best just pointing!
I got a box of Atlanta Arms Ammo 230-gr Total Copper Plated ammo for additional shooting before I left. It felt pretty mild after the +P.
I think that I would have gotten better results with the camera a little further back... maybe could have seen the donuts then.
01-25-2013, 11:38 AM
Pretty cool! Looks like the little P380 is so quick on slide action, the video didn't catch that or a shell ejection. Any malfunctions with the .380?
01-25-2013, 12:53 PM
None at all. That's my first one... 31 March 2010 received it after 11-month wait for one with Night Sights! Sent it back the next day unfired... front night sight was DOA. It went back one more time for premature slide lock backs. Between what I've done and Kahr's service, it's pretty reliable now. I wear it most of the time around the house and the yard... and once in a while for short trips... or where I need the most concealed carry possible!
My Canon camera takes 720P movies at 30 frames per second and usually the flash is in one frame. Once in a while I miss the flash completely and I usually only show two frames to show the recoil rise.
01-26-2013, 06:55 PM
I really like Underwood. Shot this earlier today. I'm sad I have to send this one back, but I'll be getting one of my own soon enough and I know what I'll be carrying in it.
01-27-2013, 12:24 AM
The longer slide model looks better... more balanced... and the extra length in barrel is great for the compact size.
01-27-2013, 09:26 AM
The longer slide model looks better... more balanced... and the extra length in barrel is great for the compact size.
Amen. I think the short barrel is unnecessary because, even with this length barrel and slide, it is still a very compact gun.
01-27-2013, 09:33 AM
I really like Underwood. Shot this earlier today. I'm sad I have to send this one back, but I'll be getting one of my own soon enough and I know what I'll be carrying in it.
Almost 500 ft lbs of energy out of a 9mm!!! :eek: You can sure see it in the recoil, though.
01-27-2013, 09:49 AM
Almost 500 ft lbs of energy out of a 9mm!!! :eek: You can sure see it in the recoil, though.
No doubt there is more recoil with the +P+, but it's overstated in the video because I am seated and braced laterally against my knees for accuracy. I don't fight the recoil like I do when standing and fully braced for rise and push to the rear.
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