View Full Version : Poll - Anti 2A businesses Yes or No

01-25-2013, 05:33 AM
Would you be interested and support a thread devoted to "outting" Anti-2A businesses and Corporations?

01-25-2013, 07:57 AM
As the famous words of Rocky Balboa said.......Absolutely

01-25-2013, 10:26 AM
Gonna be a mighty long list.

01-25-2013, 10:48 AM
So be it. If you know going in, you can make an informed decision.

01-25-2013, 12:37 PM
It sounds good on paper.
And I like supporting gun rights.
But I'll do business with whomever has the best price and is most convenient.
All things being equal?
I'll pick a pro gun business over and anti gun.
And I used to not go into businesses that posted "no weapons" signs.
But now I just ignore that crap and go where I please.

People, even business owners, are allowed to have different opinions than me.
I respect that.
It's these politicians that try to force their notion of how to live on me that I've got problems with.
We need to vote those ()*&_() out of power.

01-25-2013, 02:35 PM
I won't knowingly do business with any company that is anti-gun and thereby anti 2A. Bring it on bro.

01-25-2013, 02:39 PM
It sounds good on paper.
And I like supporting gun rights.
But I'll do business with whomever has the best price and is most convenient.
All things being equal?
I'll pick a pro gun business over and anti gun.
And I used to not go into businesses that posted "no weapons" signs.
But now I just ignore that crap and go where I please.

People, even business owners, are allowed to have different opinions than me.
I respect that.
It's these politicians that try to force their notion of how to live on me that I've got problems with.
We need to vote those ()*&_() out of power.

The business that are anti 2A are the same businesses that contribute to liberal progressive socialist democrats. I particular about where I spend my money. Those business owners can have opinions that differ from mine, but they can't have my money if they do.

01-25-2013, 10:00 PM
I won't knowingly do business with any company that is anti-gun and thereby anti 2A. Bring it on bro.

I agree I no longer buy music or see movies where the artist are outspoken gun critics. They can hold that opinion as long as they don' use there position to take away my constitutional rights. Once they get vocal they loose my money.

01-25-2013, 10:30 PM
Some what along the same line, I no longer listen to Bruce Springstein, for those that remember.

01-25-2013, 11:01 PM
A big YES on that!

01-26-2013, 01:42 AM
I'm in. I've already started one of my own

01-26-2013, 03:59 AM
This thread was started nearly 24 hours ago, and currently has 126 views. Only 19 people voted.

Perhaps the lack of participation in the poll speaks louder than the actual poll results.

01-26-2013, 07:45 AM
Perhaps it's up to the few to do for the many. This country is full of lazy people who wait for other people to do the heavy lifting for them. Why should this forum be any different? Only two percent of us served in the military. Fewer than that volunteered their service.

01-26-2013, 08:44 AM
This thread was started nearly 24 hours ago, and currently has 126 views. Only 19 people voted.

Perhaps the lack of participation in the poll speaks louder than the actual poll results.

Strictly a theory, but based on my own usage patterns. 19 people voted, fewer commented, but many if not most view the new threads. Many, like me, have cruised through here on a daily basis. When that happens, a new view is counted. There's no direct correlation to the views vs votes.

01-26-2013, 08:33 PM
I will not knowingly support any business that is anti 2nd amendment,,not one red cent from me! I firmly believe that everyone has there right to form their own opinion but I also have my right to disagree and not to support them.

01-26-2013, 09:13 PM
If you elect not to frequent a pro gun control business, IMO it is important to also write to the CEO of that business and tell him or her the effect of that policy on their bottom line.

01-26-2013, 09:44 PM
Yes !!!

01-27-2013, 07:57 AM
There's several national gun boards and a couple Texas ones that have had their lists of gun-hatin' businesses for several years.

But have at it.

I won't touch Ben & Jerry's ice cream and have refused to patronize 7/11 stores for 40 years.

Chief Joseph
01-27-2013, 11:01 AM
I'll never buy from geico and I'll drop my accounts with any banks who drop gun sellers. I've already stopped all emails from dicks sporting goods. The pocket is the only way to fight libtards, they are the TRUE greedy sob's of this era.

01-27-2013, 08:15 PM
It sounds good on paper.
And I like supporting gun rights.
But I'll do business with whomever has the best price and is most convenient.
All things being equal?
I'll pick a pro gun business over and anti gun.
And I used to not go into businesses that posted "no weapons" signs.
But now I just ignore that crap and go where I please.

People, even business owners, are allowed to have different opinions than me.
I respect that.
It's these politicians that try to force their notion of how to live on me that I've got problems with.
We need to vote those ()*&_() out of power.

I am with Barth on this one. I too do what he does and recognize that owners have the right to run their shops how they want. They have a choice. The fight is with the politicians that want us not to have the choice.

01-27-2013, 10:31 PM
I am with Barth on this one. I too do what he does and recognize that owners have the right to run their shops how they want. They have a choice. The fight is with the politicians that want us not to have the choice.

The liberal politicians who want to strike down our second amendment rights are supported by the anti-gun business to which you give your money. Supporting anti-gun businesses is like cutting your own throat. Penny wise. pound foolish.

01-28-2013, 07:59 AM
This was done on www.thetruthaboutguns.com (http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com) some time ago, I know there are some partial lists floating around, but the number would truly stagger someone. BTW the site I link to that kind of stuff is in their archives, and I'm too lazy to track it all down for everyone.
For the record also, look what happened to Reed exhibitions, and their handling of the Eastern Sporting and Hunting Show (don't remember the exact name of the show) when they unilaterally declared modern sporting rifles taboo.

01-28-2013, 10:38 AM
Well WHERE's The listing begin at?

01-28-2013, 11:05 AM
Search for it. Someone missed the part where I said I was too lazy to do it for you.

01-28-2013, 11:09 AM

Says it's old but fools seldom change.