View Full Version : I'm ashamed

01-25-2013, 08:18 AM
I ashamed. Bawanna and Greg are always trying to bamboozle, flimflam, chisel, or otherwise scam someone out of their prized firearm. Just recently a well respected LEO almost succumbed to Bawanna's meager offer to pay for half the shipping costs if said LEO would send him his prized custom 1911. This type of finagling has got to stop. Mostly I'm ashamed that I didn't think of it first, myself. I want everyone to know that I'll pay full shipping charges for any firearm that you want to send to me. It doesn't necessarily have to be a 1911. Any H&K, Colt, CZ, S&W, SIG, Kahr or other fine firearm will do. I'm not choosy. And, let it not be said that Muggsy isn't fair.

01-25-2013, 08:31 AM
I'll pay full shipping charges, insurance, and all FFL fees. :cool:

01-25-2013, 08:35 AM

01-25-2013, 08:39 AM
Those guys are just amateur bamboozlers. :p

I once knew a gent who talked an old lady into trading her genuine Dance Brothers (made in Texas) Confederate revolver for his single barrel H&R shotgun.

True story.

01-25-2013, 08:41 AM
Damn! John got me again. Some days ya just can't win.

01-25-2013, 08:53 AM
Ashamed? Or no shame? :rolleyes:

01-25-2013, 08:53 AM
When I was a cop we had a lady who lived by herself, was kind of old and crazy. She'd call about neighbor kids getting in her yard, etc. She was lonely and would like to chat you up when you got there, but the really bad part about it was she'd try to give you stuff.....stuff you didn't want to turn down, but really HAD to.

The top two things I was offered, and did not take were a World War 2 1911 Pistol that had been carried by her husband in Europe.....looked to be about 95%....and a set of Newspaper Printing plates from St. Louis, from 1944 when the Cardinals won the world series, declaring the Victory. Not sure what either would be worth, nor would I have even wanted to sell them....but alas, my "good" side prevailed. Too bad I didn't know Jocko and Bawanna back then or I could have asked what I should have done....

01-25-2013, 09:29 AM
Mugsy & John,

You have made very generous offers to folks, really. I can in no way match them. I can only tell folks that I would also graciously accept any quality unwanted firearm as well, but I cannot match those generous offers from John and Mugsy.

But, what you will be doing, if you send me your firearms, is allowing me to protect my family and other needy folks. You see, I also help at an orphanage, serve lunch at a soup kitchen most days, and run a food bank.

See, we really NEED your help. I have 58 foster children I support with an income of $15 per year. With crime like it is, well, you see, I could really use your help.

Just thinking of your generosity brings me to tears! Just PM me to get the address you can ship, pre-paid, your firearms to. Frankly, it would really help if you could send lots of those "clip thingys" and a few thousand rounds of ammo for each weapon as well.

How's that? :)

01-25-2013, 10:09 AM
There's a big difference between legitimate genuine fair offers and trying to scam old ladies out of their WWII Colts.

I think myself and Greg and even Jocko in a loose sort of way were only making genuine fair offers.

At our front desk I'm the go to gun guy for some reason, mostly cause I'm always here. I get old ladies all the time want to turn in dads guns for melt down. I talk them into trying to sell them and of course rules here clearly state they can't be sold to me.
They have offered to give them to me, put them in my van for me, want me to have them and I can't take them.
Couple years ago on lady brought in 8 old military guns, 30-40 craigs, 303's all nasty, dirty, greasy. I pleaded and finangled but alas they all got melted down. Couldn't save them. Still depressing to this day.

On ammo it's different kind of deal.

01-25-2013, 10:15 AM
HEY! There was no scamming involved. SHE WANTED to give them to me....I didn't ask, and I always declined. Just woulda been nice to have a friend I could have referred her to....that would share the wealth, lol.

When I worked at the Fire Department, the Highway Patrol would bring in guns to be cut down - we'd take the metal saw or cutting torch through the middle of the receiver. There were several of those I had to leave the room on, seeing a fine piece of machinery get destroyed....a few class 3 full auto guns and a few really nice rifles (mainly cheap crappy guns, but still a shame to see them go, I'd have given them a good home and the TLC they needed).

01-25-2013, 10:21 AM
HEY! There was no scamming involved. SHE WANTED to give them to me....I didn't ask, and I always declined. Just woulda been nice to have a friend I could have referred her to....that would share the wealth, lol.

When I worked at the Fire Department, the Highway Patrol would bring in guns to be cut down - we'd take the metal saw or cutting torch through the middle of the receiver. There were several of those I had to leave the room on, seeing a fine piece of machinery get destroyed....a few class 3 full auto guns and a few really nice rifles (mainly cheap crappy guns, but still a shame to see them go, I'd have given them a good home and the TLC they needed).

That's one thing that sucks about working for LE. If they are offering it because you are LE you can't accept it. Like going to a garage sale and they give you a lower price cause your a cop, can't do it.
Although I hear its common practice on the East Coast. Free meals in restaurants, free stuff everywhere. A lot of that in New York which kind of figures.
When I ran our property room I didn't destroy any guns. I just kept them all stored. Can't do anything with them but don't have to destroy. Some have to be destroyed but there's not time limit.
Now the new property person (a non gun person) has regular melt down days, takes em down to a steel place and watches them melt.
We call her the man hole cover queen.

01-25-2013, 10:35 AM
Yeah, we weren't supposed to take meals or anything either....but I always paid whatever they asked me to pay....I didn't question why it cost what it did. I suppose that's not any different than taking an actual item, but at the same time I justified it to myself, just like getting a free fountain drink from a gas station. I've also gotten free fountain drinks here recently...not sure why, I walk up to the counter, and they'll ask "is that all?" and I'll say yep and they reply "don't worry about it". Maybe they just don't want to count the change I'm holding....

01-25-2013, 10:47 AM
I have zero problems with convenience stores and fast food places taking care of the local constabulary and EMS & fire service folks. It's just smart business.

We were in our local Chik Fil A a few months back and a couple of PA State Troopers were in line ahead of us. The manager refused any money from them. They both protested but the manager said to them it's our company policy, First Responders in uniform do not pay in our restaurants.

One of the many reasons I like that outfit.

01-25-2013, 10:53 AM

01-25-2013, 10:57 AM
If only one child is saved you'll be glad you did.

01-25-2013, 01:20 PM
I guess I should add, I'm not restricted in taking firearms, if offered! Love that do it for the children thing. The dems always want to do that, except when they're talking about something like abortion.

I wouldn't want all the great friends here at Kahrtalk getting into bidding wars or anything. Just trying to help. :)

01-25-2013, 01:24 PM
Asking for handouts is quickly becoming the american way!

:amflag: (new smiley just for Jocko, so he'll stop waving the Israeli flag all the time):Amflag2:

01-25-2013, 01:29 PM
Asking the government for handouts is what is really becoming the American way. The libs don't like competition from charities and are shutting them down when they get the chance. The just shut down a mission in Seattle that had been feeding the homeless for decades. I am not sure why. I suppose their menu might not have been approved in New York.

Really, I don't have near that many kids... But, the part about being able to accept guns is correct! ;)

01-25-2013, 01:30 PM
That's one thing that sucks about working for LE. If they are offering it because you are LE you can't accept it. Like going to a garage sale and they give you a lower price cause your a cop, can't do it.
Although I hear its common practice on the East Coast. Free meals in restaurants, free stuff everywhere. A lot of that in New York which kind of figures.
When I ran our property room I didn't destroy any guns. I just kept them all stored. Can't do anything with them but don't have to destroy. Some have to be destroyed but there's not time limit.
Now the new property person (a non gun person) has regular melt down days, takes em down to a steel place and watches them melt.
We call her the man hole cover queen.

we have a nice restaurant here in my home town, privately owned thaqt offers any LEO inuniforum a discount. They flock there for that reason only. I see nutting worng with it and that place has never been robbed or broken in to. Good busines sIO. They are still making money fro the officers. I don't know of any aorundhere that feed um for free, which is MO stretching it alot to do that. Give um to uch and they willbe like hummingbirds and the next day the feeder is loaded with humming birds.:amflag::amflag::amflag:

01-25-2013, 01:57 PM
Mugsy & John,

You have made very generous offers to folks, really. I can in no way match them. I can only tell folks that I would also graciously accept any quality unwanted firearm as well, but I cannot match those generous offers from John and Mugsy.

But, what you will be doing, if you send me your firearms, is allowing me to protect my family and other needy folks. You see, I also help at an orphanage, serve lunch at a soup kitchen most days, and run a food bank.

See, we really NEED your help. I have 58 foster children I support with an income of $15 per year. With crime like it is, well, you see, I could really use your help.

Just thinking of your generosity brings me to tears! Just PM me to get the address you can ship, pre-paid, your firearms to. Frankly, it would really help if you could send lots of those "clip thingys" and a few thousand rounds of ammo for each weapon as well.

How's that? :)

Foster home? Food banks? sound kinda liberal to me. I don't think that anyone would want their prized firearms grabbed by a liberal. Now you might be forgiven if you ran a home foe wayward girls. That I could understand.

01-25-2013, 01:59 PM
I'm told on the East Coast it's expected. It isn't the business owners option they expect it for free, almost like extortion.

A discount is a nice thing. I sometimes even get discounts on accessories at the gun show even though I clearly tell them I'm just an office puke, not an officer in any way.

I do find stuff for officers here also and don't argue with a discount in those cases.

Our current chief could care less but my favorite and first chief would fire her best friend for taking anything free, not ethical.

Her test and I've used it several times is when offered something for free or at discount is to ask the person if they would give to another person and point to somebody. If they say yes they would your golden, if they say no you better not accept it.

Still sad when the little old lady comes in with a pile of nice project guns. Front desk has even had me go meet them outside so they aren't in the building but I still couldn't do it. My first chief taught me ethics well.

01-25-2013, 02:05 PM
My LGS keeps a box doughnuts on his counter just in case he gets a visit from the local gendarmes. Coffee is in the back room.