View Full Version : First Range Report PM9

01-25-2013, 01:18 PM
I took my new PM9 to the range today for the first time after cleaning and lubing it per sticky and also doing the break in ritual of racking it 500 times ( thanks Jocko ), well to sum it up it ran 200 rds of Federal 115 gr ( RT9115 ) fmj Flawlessly, and it was a joy to shoot to boot, then I ran 10 rds of GDHP 124gr.+P also Flawless. could not have asked for a better start for a new gun. I am one happy camper.

01-25-2013, 01:38 PM
more than likely the gun would have been ok out of the box, but IMO what u did wqas u also got a good inside view of the gun and how it works etc and how to assembly and disassemble BEFORE THAT FIRST SHOT WAS EVER FIRED. Nice report, kinda boring though.

I was in my local wal marttoday andwalked back to the totally empty sorting goods area and zero ammo of anything. The gal I know there very well told me, that new policyt for their store anyways is 3 box limit on any ammo- PERIIOD and they they bring the ammo out every morning at 7 a.m when they opent he doors,so that if it comes in today it stays in the back area until the next morning, ./ Shesaid if u want any ammo be here at 7 a.m and what we have will be out there. She said I think we have a bos of 9mm wwb coming in tonight. I said a 10-00 rounds and she hell no, \One boxc of 100. I find that hard to beievbe but I will try to be their tomoorw mornig to find out.