View Full Version : Ammo and Range

01-25-2013, 11:50 PM
So went to the range today to break in another new pistol. Well i got there and shot little over 100 rounds and was told i could not buy anymore ammo there because there was a limit of 1 box per customer and you had to shoot it there. So i sat there thinking about it for a minute and i was like okay i pay a membership to shoot here and now you are going to tell me how much ammo i can buy to shoot with. This ammo **** is really getting old. I mean it is bad enough you cant find it half the **** time but now it is hurting ammo range centers and long time customers who have paid memberships that shoot all the time. So instead of breaking a gun in with 200 rounds have had to resort to 100 rounds per new pistol. Just sharing some information.

People don't misunderstand what i am saying. The ammo crisis is hurting everyone not just customers it is affecting businesses nationwide also people will not spend money to go to a range if they cant find ammo. People will not buy new guns if they cant find ammo to break them in or even shoot with for that matter. People will not buy or pay for a membership at a gun center with all the ammo stuff going on. just sharing some information.

My point broke down:

Range per visit non members $19.95
1 box of ammo average what $14.99 or $18.00 a box and higher

And if a person is limit to 1 box of ammo to me it just doesn't add up. To me it is almost not worth it. How will a business stay a float like this. How will they survive and sale guns also if they have no ammo for the guns they are selling. I feel very sorry for the mom and pop places they will not survive this ordeal. Just sharing some information.

My point broke down:

Some permit safety classes where i live range from $60.00 to $90.00 and even higher

People will not get there carry permits if they have no ammo to put in a gun to take the course with. Therefore proper training will not be completed
I think everyone sees my point. Just sharing some information.

This is hurting current gun owners. Businesses. New gun owners. People seeking safety classes to educate or to obtain legal permits to carry. If no ammo to put in guns then there will be no need for accessories for our guns either. Just sharing some information.

01-26-2013, 12:53 PM
Just a suggestion, but if I were you I'd find another range to shoot at. I can see them restricting ammo sales to the general public, but not to a member. Tell them that you aren't happy with the situation and demand a refund. Maybe they will get the message.

01-26-2013, 01:10 PM
probably won't get ur dues back but I would if u had anutter place to go tellthem where to put their excess ammo. I will admit this ammo thing seemsto be a feeding frenzy of gun people who just think now they need to have 10K rounds of ammo and somerounds for guns they don't even own. Gonna take a good whilefor this to change to. until the congress votes this gun bill thing, ucan expect to see no ammo anywhere. and I will agree, it has to be huring businesses to. Our area sporting clays is suckng wind big time according to their one employee..

01-26-2013, 05:34 PM
Where I work, we have been limiting the amount of ammo customers can buy for about 3 weeks. It got so bad at one point that we were limiting customers to only two boxes (20 rds each) for the AR stuff. We can't even keep .22lr on the shelf!

We have even gone to other suppliers to help things out and have ammo from companies I've never heard of. We still get trucks in every week with the usual stuff but something dawned on me yesterday. I have not seen any new ammo from Remington. I know the company is based out of NY but not sure if the ammo plant is there. Might have something to do with a recent law in that state?

Luckily, I have ammo for what I own. I haven't been buying up just because. I buy when supplies get low or I find a great deal. Last buy I did was 250 rds of .45acp of Mag-Tech for a whopping $39. Can't beat that!

01-26-2013, 07:22 PM
After expending 150 rounds of .45ACP at the ranch recently,, I went around to the usual places (Wallyworld & Academy - several locations) to replenish my stock. I like to keep about 800-1000 rounds for each handgun on hand at home and replace it as used.

Anyways, none of those locations had any range ammo - no WWB, no Monarch, no Federal....and this is going back 2 or 3 times to these stores.

Finally a few days later I walked into one Academy and saw that they had been putting out lots of WWB ammo on the shelves. But as I got there some guy in front of me took all ten 100 count boxes of WWB .45.

He said "sorry man". I told him I hoped to do the same for him another day.

So I zipped on over to another Academy store 10 miles away. They had five boxes of 50 count WWB .45ACP. I bought three and left two.

Guess my a-hole isn't quite as big as that other feller's.

Early this week the Academy stores all started limiting one box each of three different calibers per customer (9mm, .38SP, .357, .40, .45ACP)

01-26-2013, 07:28 PM
My wallet limits my ammo purchases, or else I'd have bought 10,000 rounds last year to hoard when it was still on the stores' shelves.

01-26-2013, 07:36 PM
Nothing wrong with buying a few cases when ammo stocks are a'plenty in non panick times.

01-26-2013, 07:50 PM
A co-worker got a call at work the other day. It was 9am and his contact was saying the Academy up the street from us had finally put out some handgun ammo. By the time I got off work and got to the store at 4:15 all they had left was three boxes of 250grn .45 Colt...
Everything else was gone. Oddly enough they had a good supply of .223 Monarch. maybe fifty boxes.
Bought an NYPD K9 weeks ago and still have not found any 9mm to try it out.
I do belive the worst of the hysteria may have passed. Ammo is still short but folks are not paying the crazy money for the guns like they were in the last few weeks.
Here's to things getting better sooner rather than later.:cool:

01-26-2013, 10:11 PM
I went to the range today, and my dad wanted to try out a Ruger MK III 22/45. Wish he'd told me that beforehand, I would have brought one, and some cheap ammo I bought months ago.

Anyway, I rented one for him to use, and I bought a box of 100 CCI Mini-Mags to shoot. They were $12.99/box. Given the current ammo situation, I paid it. I was glad they had some.

01-27-2013, 03:02 AM
Two things went right for me... I got a Dillion system for Christmas and enough supplies to make 2500 rds of EACH 9mm .40 and .45 (Supplies priced- pre-increase)
I also have 1k rounds of each factory loaded.
Now I'm reading, don't blow them off at the range as this president wants to make the bullets impossible to get and never touch your gun (2A):Amflag2:
Bench has been expanded since this pic..

01-27-2013, 06:35 AM
I've heard that even reloading supplies have dried up in the past few weeks.

No telling what those sneaky, underhanded, back stabbin' sumbitches in Washington are going to pull next.