View Full Version : Austin gun show today

01-26-2013, 07:02 PM
A guy I know posted this on another board.

This is the line to get in at 10am this morning - a 30 minute wait:


Here's his comments about the show:

Alot of people were trying to unload their ARs. I would guess I witnessed 50 or so patrons walking around with AR's for sale with the price written out on paper sticking out of the top. I didnt see any for less than 2k from patrons and nothing less than $2,500 from people with tables. Lowers were going for $800. I didnt see anyone buy any ARs, so it was not as if they were flying off the shelves.

The market on pmags had significantly softened this week. There were several people walking around with backpacks full of 30 round pmags they were trying to sell for $45-55. Dealers at the table had pmags for $35 on up. One guy was working the line outside with pmags strapped to his hat, he was selling them for $40.

The line at 10am was crazy but by 1 it wasnt that bad at all.

01-26-2013, 07:19 PM
That's insane. I'm going to hit up the next one in San Antonio in a couple weeks.

01-26-2013, 07:44 PM
We have the bigger show here in Jacksonville next Saturday the 2nd of Feb. I'm going and hope to score something at a decent price. It's unlikely, I guess, but I'll wait until after that before getting really serious online or at the local large GS Shooters.


01-26-2013, 07:59 PM
maybe buyers are starting to release whatthe words ripped off means . .Let those dealers and guys walking around eat them ar's for that kind of money.

Once this frenzy gets calmed down alot of buyers are gonna look at those $50 mag ans $2500 ar.s and say, wow, what a dumb fokkI was. and 75 cents a round for 5.56 ammo./

mr surveyor
01-26-2013, 10:17 PM
the last couple of shows I've been to in Longview and Tyler were the same. At least a 30 minute line outside, then herded like sheep through the aisles. I no longer care for the crowds or prices, but I'm glad to see so many people "expressing their opinions" by attending.

Last I heard, the libs in Austin city government were trying their best to close down the gun shows inside the Austin city limits.

01-27-2013, 06:30 AM
Travis County backed off on their proposal to ban shows from public facilities after Greg Abbott threatened them with a state lawsuit..

The City of Austin has been quiet about it ever since..... so far.

Round Rock said, "Gun shows are welcome up here". :Amflag2:

Longitude Zero
01-27-2013, 11:00 AM
jocko .75 per round started way before the craziness. Frankly I see prices moderating slightly but a returnn to prices of say last summer. Not likely to happen. At the last gun show here in OKC lines were long, prices were high, sales volume was very high. I suspect Austin is the same.

01-27-2013, 06:48 PM
In Waco a nice Yugo SKS would go for around $300 which is nothing to do the happy dance about seeing as how they used be around $85 before the Clinton AWB. Now one in horrible condition is $500 and a nicer one $800. I saw a used mini 14 for $1200 and base model AR's are going for around $1500. I'm with the other poster. I don't think prices will return to the levels they were at before everyone went crazy.