View Full Version : Carry Permit Classes

01-27-2013, 12:45 AM
Well the wife went for her safety class today and of course she passed everything with flying colors and since there seems to be a shortage on ammo all over the world where i took her only required her to use 20 rounds. See even the safety classes are finding ways to work around this issue. Not how it should work but hey she passed and so did another 20 students in her class. Glad to see that some of the carry permit classes are understanding this and making it work. Just sharing some information.

Wish i could of got mine years and years ago with just using 20 rounds. Oh well what ever works right LMFAO...LMFAO...LMFAO

01-27-2013, 07:43 AM
Congratulations to your better half. What kind of hardware does she plan to tote around?

Texas still requires a total of 50 rounds last I saw, but there is a proposal to cut the number of classroom hours in half.

My oldest son & his wife are both planning on taking the CHL course whenever the hysteria slows down. Central Texas classes are pretty well booked up right now from what folks say, and the kids' schedules are pretty tight until summertime.

At least they can carry concealed in their vehicles without a CHL.

01-27-2013, 09:06 AM
Could it be that the only 20 rounds for the class has to do with the shop wanting the revenue from others using the range with the store's ammo at the same time keeping the revenue coming in from the classes. The will to make a buck will find a way.

01-27-2013, 09:37 AM
I select personal defense courses, and rate them, based on the number of rounds fired. The more, the better.

Range time is key.

Zippo Guy
01-27-2013, 10:09 AM
How many rounds are normal if 20 is a reduced number? California still requires 30 rounds per weapon.

01-27-2013, 12:12 PM
[QUOTE=Zippo Guy;216328]How many rounds are normal if 20 is a reduced number? California still requires 30 rounds per weapon.[/QUOT

In the course I took we spent two hours on the range and followed a course of instruction that expended 100 rounds. To qualify you had to keep ten shots on a 9"x12' piece of paper at 21 feet, slow fire. No one in my class failed. In Ohio all instructors have to be NRA certified. The classroom instruction was a full eight hours.

Zippo Guy
01-27-2013, 01:24 PM
In California we take a two hour course with multiple choice test at the end. We then must qualify with each weapon we want on the permit, where I live we can have four weapons. We then shoot slow fire with 30 rounds, with at least 24 in the 8 ring at 21 feet with each gun.

01-27-2013, 07:29 PM
The class I took, here in Az., was 8 hours long & required only 10 shots by any handgun you wanted. The permit is good for all weapons & as many as you want to carry. We do not need permits to CC now, but I keep mine up so I can buy guns without a background check. It just saves time.

01-27-2013, 07:42 PM
Heah in Jawja one just has to apply and pass the background check to get the permit. It is a weapons carry permit not strictly a gun concealed carry permit, if they made me qualify with each type of weapon covered by the card that I intend to carry we would be there quite some time...