View Full Version : First Kahr - first post

01-27-2013, 08:32 AM
Hi, everyone.

I just purchased my first Kahr - a CM9 - and can't wait to get it out to the range the first time. Overall, it seems to be very well built, and I'm fairly happy with it. I am a bit concerned with the propensity for the first round to jam straight into the feed ramp when chambering from a freshly inserted mag, but I'll revisit that after the 200 round break-in.

Anyways, happy to have found this forum I hope to enjoy being a Kahr owner for a long time.

01-27-2013, 08:35 AM
Welcome to the forum, TerpDX. Here's some info to peruse and a video to watch that is helpful:

Welcome to the Kahrtalk forum supported by Kahr Arms.
Here are a few essential links and things to do BEFORE you take your new pistol to the range, and ESPECIALLY BEFORE taking it apart and trying to re-assemble it! The Kahr is a different design… 6-7 unique patents cover the Kahrs. I’m not trying to imply that you don’t know anything about guns, but many don’t know anything about the Kahrs and some of the things you can do to damage or cause malfunctions of your new, or new-to-you Kahr pistol.
First, if you don’t have a manual, yet, or one didn’t come with your pistol, you can download the pdf file here:
Impatient? Watch one of these videos FIRST! These videos can point out possible problem areas and emphasize correct procedures!
Take down and re-assembly videos:
T, TP, CW, P, & PM/CM Series:
MK series:
K series:
There are many links on fixing problems listed in several places… under the New Member or Kahr Tech sub-forums.
A very handy one is the Kahr Lube Diagram:
Many of your questions can be answered in these areas and you can learn how your Kahr works and not damage it with improper handling.
Frequently asked questions: http://www.kahr.com/faq.asp?
There are many helpful members here most of the time who might be able to help you, but as anywhere, there are many opinions and not all are correct. Be mindful of this before doing anything drastic to modify your pistol!

Aka wyntrout

01-27-2013, 09:23 AM
Hi, everyone.

I just purchased my first Kahr - a CM9 - and can't wait to get it out to the range the first time. Overall, it seems to be very well built, and I'm fairly happy with it. I am a bit concerned with the propensity for the first round to jam straight into the feed ramp when chambering from a freshly inserted mag, but I'll revisit that after the 200 round break-in.

Anyways, happy to have found this forum I hope to enjoy being a Kahr owner for a long time.

Are you using the slide stop to chamber that first round or tying to sling shot it?The round should not jam if you use the slide stop.

01-27-2013, 09:52 AM
Welcome to the forum from North Dakota

01-27-2013, 10:48 AM
You CAN limp wrist a slide stop release and NOT get a round chambered. The pistol must me held firmly for either method. A proper rack with clean release will work more often than the slide lock release, IF done properly.


01-27-2013, 12:47 PM
Welcome to the forum, TerpDX! :) There is a wealth of valuable information in the New Member Area (http://kahrtalk.com/forumdisplay.php?f=56) and the Kahr-Tech (http://kahrtalk.com/forumdisplay.php?f=27) sections of the forum.

And welcome to the CM9 Owners Club! :D Our official symbol is the wide grin smily because we are so happy with our purchase that we can't wipe the smiles off our faces!

Here is your club badge.

01-27-2013, 10:53 PM
Hello, TerpDX, and welcome from Missouri to a great forum. Good people and info here!

Take care, and best wishes to you and yours!

01-28-2013, 06:42 PM

01-28-2013, 06:52 PM
Welcome, CM9 is a great selection.

01-28-2013, 07:01 PM
Welcome TerDX!!
If you run the Kahr the way it was intended it is EXTReMELY reliable. I have a Sig 226 that is almost 27 years old and has never had a malfunction.
My Kahr pm9 has almost 2,000 rounds and is now as reliable as my Papa Sig.
These are great guns, but they do have there own manual of arms!!!
Learn how to run the gun and it will not let you down!!
And by the way, I have no idea how many rounds my Sig. 226 has. Back then I did not know that it was important. All I know is that it is a lot!!! and that I would trust both with my life and with those important to me.