View Full Version : Just for fun! What is the first gun you fired.........
01-27-2013, 04:00 PM
What was the first gun you that you fired, and how old were you.
I was 13 during the 1967 Detroit riots. The rioters came within 11/2 blocks of our house and we had my Dad's 30-06, and my brothers 30 - 30 at the doors and they were ready to go! So after things calmed down I begged and begged him to let me shoot his 30-06. IT TOOK ME 2 YEARS TO CONVINCE HIM!!
He tried to scare me! He would say that gun will put you on the ground! You will be bruised for weeks! I wouldn't be dissuaded! When I FINALLY got to shoot the gun it was easy...... and I just turned to HIM and smiled.
01-27-2013, 04:03 PM
Some sort of .22 bolt action followed by an M1 carbine and a Colt 1865 revolver. I was probably about 10.
Cool to see another Michigander on here. I grew up around Detroit. These were all my grandfather's guns. We used to go up around Gladwin and we'd go shoot when we weren't fishing. :D
01-27-2013, 04:13 PM
I bought a Remington single shot 22, Model 530, when I was eleven for $9.95. I carried that rifle with me everywhere even on busses and to school sometimes. You could do that in the fifties and no one thought a thing about it. I still have it and I checked Gun Broker a couple of years ago. In good condition like mine they were selling for $350.
I was 11 years old in 1960. My dad took me out and we shot his old 12ga H&R shotgun. It kicked like a mule, but man was I sold. Not long after we went out and shot his .38 (under very close supervision). I don't remember what brand or model. I just remember it was big and black. On Christmas of that year I got my first gun, a Remington .22 single shot. I was never without a gun again.
01-27-2013, 04:45 PM
An M1 Garand .22lr Training rifle in Boy Scouts at 11. It was awesome.
01-27-2013, 04:45 PM
1957 when I was 11 years old. My first duck hunt, I learned to shoot with an old Model 12 16 gauge. All I remember is it kicked the begeezes out of me !!
01-27-2013, 06:22 PM
Don't remember the exact age but probably around 12 or so and was a 410 shotgun. Later moved up to a 16 gauge and then 12 gauge. Somewhere in there I got a nice Browning lever action 22 which I still have today and looks as good as new. Got my first deer at age 16 with a borrowed 250 Savage. I didn't shoot my first handgun until I hit my 50's and that was my glock 19.
01-27-2013, 06:27 PM
A Savage bolt action .22 when I was 9 or 10 was the first firearm. We shot cans and bottles at the dump. By the time I was 11 I had my own .22 and a .410 after that. I would shoot my father's .22 Luger look alike and his Remington 1100 as well. I have wonderful memories of shooting with family and friends as a kid.
I also cleaned and maintained my .22 and .410 back then. I was taught well.
01-27-2013, 06:32 PM
Had to be in '72 when I was eight (almost feel like a youngster around here!). Stevens/Savage Favorite Model 1915 in .22lr. My brother still has it and I bought a refurbished one last year to give to my 2 year old grandson when he gets a little older.
01-27-2013, 06:41 PM
I grew up in the country, on a farm, and my dad was/is an avid hunter/outdoorsman. He was taking me hunting with him almost from the time I could walk. The first time I fired a gun, other than my Daisy BB gun (which I got when I was 5) was a single shot 410 shotgun while squirrel hunting with my dad. I couldn't have been more than 5 or 6.
01-27-2013, 07:27 PM
.22 bolt action single shot Remington. I was 6-8 years old.
I still have the gun.
01-27-2013, 08:10 PM
A Marlin single shot 22lr bolt action rifle that my Dad got me when I was about 8 or 9.
01-27-2013, 08:28 PM
The first time I fired a gun I was five with the help of an adult. I don't remember much about it. When I was 10 I came home from school all pissed of because I got detention for acting up. My grandfather asked me what was wrong. I told him. Without saying a word he walked into the house and returned a few moments later with a lever action Western Auto branded .22. He tought me how to load and operate it and where the safety was. He taught me how to aim and how to squueze the trigger. My first shot connected with a coffee can that seemed far away but probably wasn't. We shot perhaps a box of ammo, then he taught me how to clean it. About a week later he brought me a brick of ammo and let me go out and set up some targets and have a field day. As it approached dark. We went back inside and he asked me if I remembered how to clean it. I did; and upon doing so successfully he said, "it's yours now". I was overjoyed. He might as well have hung the stars. I shot the rifle often years even when I graduated to larger calibers. I kept the rifle at his house and unfortunately it was stolen along with his Enfield .303 British during a break in. I wish I still had the rifle but I cherish the memory. My grandfather taught me respect and responsibility with firearms and turned me into a gun nut.
Thanks for the topic. It brought back some great memories.
01-27-2013, 08:50 PM
Shooting my cousin's Ruger 10/22 out in the country when we were kids. Fun times.
01-27-2013, 09:16 PM
I was probably 8 or 9 ( about 1970 ) My dad took me out into the country and let me shoot his single shot 410 at a few cans. First shot bloodied my nose because I was holding it wrong but I hit the can. My dad and I have had many good times together hunting and shooting since then.
A no name pellet gun, then a no name .22 single shot.
01-27-2013, 09:40 PM
A cut down single shot Remington bolt action .22 LR. I was 6 years old. My father had me shooting in the basement at targets in our coal bin using .22 shorts.
I was 8, got to shoot my gramp's Win.model 67, 22lr. When I was 10, got to shoot my first handgun, my uncles GI 1911.... I was ruined !! haha !:D
12 gauge that knocked me down. I was 10 will never forget it. Before that a daisy BB gun lol
01-28-2013, 06:33 AM
Rifle: Stevens Crackshot .22 when I was about 6:
Shotgun: Stevens Springfield Single 20ga when I was around 7:
Handgun: S&W Model 10 .38spl when I was around 7:
01-28-2013, 07:35 AM
LOL at some of the posts...
First real gun was a Ruger 10/22 Carbine.
But if we want to go all the way back to any projectile firing weapon?
1st - Classic Red Ryder BB gun
2nd Sheridan 5mm Air gun
01-28-2013, 08:02 AM
The first gun I ever shot was my dad's Remington 12c pump-action .22 when I was around 9 - 10 years old. It is a take-down rifle with an octagonal barrel, made in 1934, and you can feed it any mixture of .22 you want (short, long, long rifle). It became mine when Dad passed away, and I still have it.
01-28-2013, 10:30 AM
An original Chipmunk (when they were still hand made in SC), I was maybe five or six. Wish I still had that little gun, it was well used. I now have a Crickett with a purple stock for my child, and when she's ready, we will find a place to learn with that rifle. She's five, and I think it's getting to be time, then again I see many things that tell me she's not ready.
01-28-2013, 11:14 AM
Daisy was the first, and I still have it. The first real gun (even though I had to memorize the 10 safety rules and recite them before I could even touch the Daisy) was a Montgomery Ward Hercules .410 at cans my dad threw into the air. Still have it as well and it was my sons first experience too.
01-28-2013, 11:22 AM
Not counting BB guns...
Rifle: .22lr bolt action, don't know what brand/model. I was about 10.
Handgun: Astra A-75L 9mm, and I was about 21.
01-28-2013, 11:27 AM
M16A1 :amflag:
01-28-2013, 11:44 AM
M16A1 :amflag:
Way to ease into it, Sister! Daisy BB gun for me. Then 10/22 for rifles. Then 870 for shotguns. PM9 for handguns. In that order.
MW surveyor
01-28-2013, 11:45 AM
Spear gun! (this is not a joke)
Daisey BB gun, 22 of some kind. M-1
01-28-2013, 11:51 AM
My dad was not a gun guy but he hunted deer with my grandparents, aunts uncles. Back in those days hunting trips were family affairs quite often.
Somewhere around age 9 or 10 I'm guessing, I was allowed to walk with the hunters, a right of passage so to speak. The kids usually had to stay in camp.
On this particular trip some additional friends and co workers were along and we had met up middle of the day. Built a little fire to warm up and stand around and jaw. One of the friends had a 44 mag revolver, I don't recall what brand but not a name brand like Smith or Ruger, I'm thinking like Hawes but can't swear to it. A single action cowboy style.
So they were all taking turns shooting this thing. I was drooling wanting to shoot something sooooo bad. Out of the blue someone said why don't you let the boy shoot it. My dad at first said no, then relented when I begged.
Well believe it or not, they stood me up with my back against a tree, (apparently so it wouldn't knock me over) gave me basic instruction, told me to keep my arms locked and not to drop it no matter what. Prior to this there was another man who refused to shoot it, said just too much bang and he didn't want to.
Well I must have done something right cause I fired it, didn't hurt myself and was happy as a pig in mud. I asked to shoot some more (without the tree at my back) and ended up shooting it out and even reloaded and shot 6 more.
Well now the man that didn't want to shoot had a change of heart, hell if this 10 year old kid can shoot it I can shoot it just fine.
Well to keep a long story mid length he apparently didn't lock his arms, when it fired it came back and the hammer bit him about mid forehead right between the eyes and sliced its way darn near to the middle of the top of his head. Head wounds bleed like a stuck hog and he was bleeding something fierce. Ended up hauling him to the hospital and I don't recall but it took a lot of stitches to sew him back up.
Sad for him but it was a proud day for me. I was issued a Winchester 30-30 the next season (kicked like a mule, I was a little guy) and allowed to hunt with the men after that. I remember the spot and the whole shebang like it happened yesterday. The good days linger in our minds for a long long time.
01-28-2013, 01:23 PM
A Marlin 22LR rifle manufactured 107 years ago with lever action and octagon barrel. Been in the family since new and in queue for the next 2 generations.
01-28-2013, 01:41 PM
when I was a kid about12,I aid for my first wood stock daisy pump bb gun buy shooting robins and sparrows and selling them to anoldItalianacross the street for a nickela bird. He used tosetout bird traps what would hold a dozen spatzies atone setting even.I would robb that crate of what he caught, kill the birds and then sell them to the ol fella fore a nickel a bird. Not sure he ever caughton and maybe he did but knew I was paying for my BB gun to, so he wanted to help ol jocko, who back then was called young jocko. He once did commentthough that since I started hunting birds in the area. that he had not caught much. Just sayin.
oih for the good ol days.
01-28-2013, 02:35 PM
Somewhere around 8 or 9 I shot the .22 and .410 for the first time. At 12 I had permission to take the single shot .22 out for hunting or plinking whenever I wanted.
Hard to imagine that today with all this fuss about keeping guns out of the hands of "children".
I would think there are still places in lightly populated areas that fathers still allow their kids to do this, if the kid proves he is responsible enough. I had bb guns from the time I was 6, and never shot any car windows or anything, so I guess I was "responsible" enough for the .22.
01-28-2013, 06:13 PM
I was about 10 when I first shot my dad's single shot .22. It was a Winchester that you had to pull a knob back to cOck it. That was back in 1946 shootin' at woodpeckers. I still have that old gun.:D
01-28-2013, 06:18 PM
What do woodpeckers taste like? Always wondered about that, gotta be tough thru the neck I would imagine.
01-28-2013, 06:39 PM
The first firearm I shot was this Ithica Model 49, single shot .22, falling block saddle carbine.
It was purchased around 1963 or 4, or so by my dad to teach us to shoot. I shot many BB/CB Caps and short in my basement through this inexpensive but very fun carbine. I still have one of the two he bought in my safe.
Try as I may, the cat refused any but this pose. A real prima-cat.
01-28-2013, 06:44 PM
Where's my Khukri. That tail is mine!:eek:
01-28-2013, 06:47 PM
Colt Cobra .38 special,
Remington 870 12 gauge about 50 some years ago. A few weeks later I bought a Marlin 336, looked at that "little" bullet (compared to the 12 gauge shell; I didn't know squat about guns) and figured "This will be nuthin'..." and commenced to darn near knock my right shoulder off.
01-28-2013, 06:55 PM
Colt Cobra .38 special,
I still have my first carry pistol a nickel plated Colt Cobra. Near perfect condition too. Darn nice guns they were and still are today.
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