View Full Version : Why do so many gun Manufacturers stay in these anti-gun states?

01-27-2013, 08:13 PM
It's ironic that many of the most liberal, anti gun states are also home to some of the most prolific of firearms manufacturers. I know it's a lot easier said then done, but I'd love to see these companies pack up and set up shop elsewhere just out of principal.

On top of that, I'd love to see them refuse to sell any of their wares to their LEO's, or other state run organizations, and encourage a boycott of those foreign companies that do. Hitting them financially helps greatly in getting the desired results we need to protect our freedoms. No politician wants to be directly responsible for a large amount of lost jobs and revenue in this economy.

If some companies can pack up and move to Mexico or China, then how much easier to relocate in the USA? The east and west coasts are not the be-all and end-all of everything. There are plenty of other people looking for jobs in America.

mr surveyor
01-27-2013, 08:24 PM
Texas is wide open for the gun makers to move in. But, you're really not talking a massive number of actual "jobs" in the big scheme of things.

01-27-2013, 08:35 PM
Texas is wide open for the gun makers to move in. But, you're really not talking a massive number of actual "jobs" in the big scheme of things.True, but there are lots of people that would be effected related to the firearms industry there, not just the gun manufacturers themselves.

The people in those states keep voting in left-wing extremist politicians who don't want guns and seek to hinder or take away our constitutional rights? Fine... let them work for minimum wage at their coffee shops and other "hip" places.

Send those good paying, skilled manufacturing jobs our way here in WI, or down there by you in TX! :Amflag2:

01-27-2013, 08:54 PM
I would welcome Ruger, Colt, and S&W to move to Texas.

Ruger is already in Arizona with half their manufacturing.

mr surveyor
01-27-2013, 09:07 PM
I'd take Kahr and Kimber too.

01-27-2013, 09:47 PM
I would welcome Ruger, Colt, and S&W to move to Texas.

Ruger is already in Arizona with half their manufacturing.Ruger is in a nice position to move the rest of their manufacturing to AZ if they want to. I would if I was running Ruger.

The others would have to start from the ground up, but like I said, if companies can move to China they can move to other parts of the USA much easier.

01-27-2013, 10:22 PM
It's ironic that many of the most liberal, anti gun states are also home to some of the most prolific of firearms manufacturers. I know it's a lot easier said then done, but I'd love to see these companies pack up and set up shop elsewhere just out of principal.

On top of that, I'd love to see them refuse to sell any of their wares to their LEO's, or other state run organizations, and encourage a boycott of those foreign companies that do. Hitting them financially helps greatly in getting the desired results we need to protect our freedoms. No politician wants to be directly responsible for a large amount of lost jobs and revenue in this economy.

If some companies can pack up and move to Mexico or China, then how much easier to relocate in the USA? The east and west coasts are not the be-all and end-all of everything. There are plenty of other people looking for jobs in America.

The reason that so many gun makers are in liberal states is because gun making started in the original 13 colonies. The thirteen colonies that formulated the 2nd amendment to the constitution. Old traditions die hard. I'd rather see our guns made there than in some foreign country.

01-27-2013, 10:30 PM
The reason that so many gun makers are in liberal states is because gun making started in the original 13 colonies. The thirteen colonies that formulated the 2nd amendment to the constitution. Old traditions die hard.Times and people change. The liberals are always trying to remind us of that. Many of the great American's that once inhabited those lands are no more.

I'd rather see our guns made there than in some foreign country.No one here said they wanted to see them made in a foreign country, just moved elsewhere where people still hold true to American values.

mr surveyor
01-27-2013, 10:34 PM
many of us wouldn't mind the thought of Texas being known as a foreign country:)

Longitude Zero
01-28-2013, 08:57 AM
As yet unmentioned is the immense cost of moving and setting up new equipment. There is no way the manufactureres can afford to shut down for a year or more to move the old equipment.

So they must buy new and then basically abandon the old. Not cost effective. Not to mention the local/city/state governemtnst are now very stingy with handing out incentives. Way too many companies had communities in bidding wars in the past that the gorvernments will not be duped anymore.

mr surveyor
01-28-2013, 09:12 AM
our community, and many in Texas, offer great tax abatement and other incentives to industry to build locally. We got room.

01-28-2013, 09:13 AM
many of us wouldn't mind the thought of Texas being known as a foreign country:)

Very true. But I prefer the term "sovereign nation" instead of "foreign country". :)

01-28-2013, 09:56 AM
many of us wouldn't mind the thought of Texas being known as a foreign country:)

We aren't?


01-28-2013, 10:04 AM
Very true. But I prefer the term "sovereign nation" instead of "foreign country". :)

Well, we were for almost 10 interesting years.

God Bless Texas and General Sam Houston!



01-28-2013, 10:31 AM
The Connecticut River Valley was known as gun valley as all the major mfg'ers were located there, starting with Colt, with the exception of Remington.

Bill Ruger summer vacationed in NH and wintered in AZ, so that explains that.

Many other companies started building small arms during WW2, some continued, most did not.
My take, and just some useless info,