View Full Version : Need help with two PM40 Issues

01-27-2013, 08:36 PM
I'm a first time Kahr owner and I'm hoping someone could help me out with two issues that I'm having. For backgound, I purchased a PM40 late last year, cleaned it prior to firing per the instructions, racked the slide 100 times before going to the range and since have put 300 rounds though it.

Now, my 2 issues
(1) When I rack the slide when empty (with empty mag inserted), the slide no longer catches and stays open. I never had this issue when initially racking the slide for breakin. Keep in mind, when I load and fire the weapon, the slide does lock open after the last round.

(2) When the weapon is loaded, if I take out the mag and then rack the slide to expel the round in the chamber, I can't rack it all the way back to have the shell in the chamber eject. The only way I could get it out was to actually fire the round in the chamber.

Thanks in advance for your input.


01-31-2013, 05:30 AM
I'm having the same problem with the slide not locking back if I manually pull it back on an empty mag....strange thing is that it only happens when I use the standard mag....the extended mag is no problem. I even switched the followers to see if that would help to no avail. I've got a message in to Kahr tech support. I'll report back if I hear anything

01-31-2013, 07:16 AM
I'm a first time Kahr owner and I'm hoping someone could help me out with two issues that I'm having. For backgound, I purchased a PM40 late last year, cleaned it prior to firing per the instructions, racked the slide 100 times before going to the range and since have put 300 rounds though it.

Now, my 2 issues
(1) When I rack the slide when empty (with empty mag inserted), the slide no longer catches and stays open. I never had this issue when initially racking the slide for breakin. Keep in mind, when I load and fire the weapon, the slide does lock open after the last round.

(2) When the weapon is loaded, if I take out the mag and then rack the slide to expel the round in the chamber, I can't rack it all the way back to have the shell in the chamber eject. The only way I could get it out was to actually fire the round in the chamber.

Thanks in advance for your input.


if it locks open on th last round, my thoughts are that maybe ur just not hand racking it hard enough to get the slide back far enough to lock open. the recoil springs in kahrs as u well know are very stout and the fact they u have 300 rounds through it, IMO the springs should have taken their designed set and bemuch easier to hand rack etc.

I would email kahr, attn. Jay and explain and ask him if he thinks a new recoils assembly would take care of this issues.

IMO it is recoil spring related, Why or what I don't know but the gun is cycling well when firing and that is the way it is designed to do. Not saying it is u but it just reads to me that your not racking it hard and fast enough to get the job done.

Start first with a new recoil assembly which at first willbe stout ..:amflag:

01-31-2013, 08:14 AM
I spoke with Jay at Kahr and he seems to think that my problem is in the follower. He is sending me one ASAP. I can honestly say that Kahr's customer service so far is hands down the best CS of any firearms manufacturer I've dealt with.

01-31-2013, 10:09 AM
Sounds to me like the slide lock lever spring is loose or not oriented properly on the lever itself. If an empty magazine is in place and you rack the slide and it don't stay back the lever isn't getting pushed up to hold it.

Has to be the spring on top of the lever. The mag should still push the lever up to lock the slide regardless.

Not being able to clear a round is often times not enough gusto when racking it out. They are tight and they don't react well to finessing them out.

Just my guess and it might not be right.

01-31-2013, 11:49 AM
I spoke with Jay at Kahr and he seems to think that my problem is in the follower. He is sending me one ASAP. I can honestly say that Kahr's customer service so far is hands down the best CS of any firearms manufacturer I've dealt with.

no sense being u even tried exchanging followers from mag that did work into the one that didn't worki. I hope that is the issue, but IMO it ain't if the above circumstances are true. Keep up posted..

Make sure the mag springs are in correctly, this can effect lock open or lack of it..:amflag:

01-31-2013, 12:13 PM
If I read the initail set up post correctly it says the mag springs should slant up towards the feed end of the mag correct?? Also, the spring in the extended mag is MUCH stiffer than the regular mag....is that normal??

01-31-2013, 06:04 PM

Thanks for the replies....I'm going to put my big boy pants on and leather gloves and see if I can use some force to get through my issues. :)

Formatt45...glad I'm not the only one

01-31-2013, 06:11 PM
If I read the initail set up post correctly it says the mag springs should slant up towards the feed end of the mag correct?? Also, the spring in the extended mag is MUCH stiffer than the regular mag....is that normal??

both counts. the 7 round mag spring has one more coil so if u put it in the 6 round mag, it is gonna be stiffer and might not allow 6 rounds in the mag .

By checking out the mags, u are just eliminating a possabilty. More than likely they are fine. Kahrs mags come fully assembled so they are assuming the maker of the mags installed everything right. BUT we have seen mags withthe springs in wrong, so assume nutting when it is ur gun. check things out..

If u look at the kahrt tech section under propper prepping thread ad also n the cw45 fixes thread there are some dandy tips on how to looks for litlte things that might be causing ur issues. Often times a tweek here and a tweek there saves alot of hassle qand down time in sendig it back.

Yo do allu can at home and thenif all tips fail, indeed call kahr present your case to jAY AT KAHR AND ash them to ussue a pick up on the gun. document everything to them of what you have done tec and what thegun is doing and with what ammo if u can do that. Kinda gives the techs a good startign point.

02-02-2013, 10:23 AM
After putting some force to the slide, looks like my problems have been solved. Thanks for the input!