View Full Version : barrel coating change?
03-29-2010, 10:32 AM
I've got a PM45 that's not but a year or two old and the barrel is almost as shinny as if it were nickel plated or something and the feed ramp looks like glass. In contrast I just bought a PM9 that's a good bit older and the barrel and feed ramp are dull silver at best. Did Kahr change the way they made the barrels or is mine just an odd occurrence?
btw, the PM45 was sent back to Kahr at some point and had the barrel replaced.
03-29-2010, 11:34 AM
Did Kahr change the way they made the barrels or is mine just an odd occurrence?
I would swear that they are different. My older barrels do not look like my new barrels... period. One vote for "changed at some point".
03-29-2010, 12:10 PM
all kahr barrels are nickel plated inside and out. Some I have seen (mine did) come with a dull ass coating on the barrel, that wore off very fast but under that is still the nickel finish.
You got a shinny one, maybe they inhouse did some polising to it also. They have been know to do that, reasons I know not why, maybe bored from lack of service to guns etc.or maybe jsut because they like you..
I do think lately that kahr is putting a much nicer finish polish job on the feed ramps..
03-29-2010, 12:16 PM
all kahr barrels are nickel plated inside and out. Some I have seen (mine did) come with a dull ass coating on the barrel, that wore off very fast but under that is still the nickel finish.
You got a shinny one, maybe they inhouse did some polising to it also. They have been know to do that, reasons I know not why, maybe bored from lack of service to guns etc.or maybe jsut because they like you..
I do think lately that kahr is putting a much nicer finish polish job on the feed ramps..
Took ya long enough Mr. Jocko. I just knew you had the answer to this question. I was ready to send out a search party for ya. Probably out polishing the Harley for Spring?
03-29-2010, 01:00 PM
Pender--don't know...I had a barrel replacement last November for a June 2009 PM9. The first barrel was shiny. The new barrel is a dull finish, but the feed ramp is super mirror shiny--a lot more so than the first. The new barrel is also harder to clean--the black fouling soot just does not want to come off with various bore cleaners. The first barrel was much easier to clean.
03-29-2010, 02:42 PM
Took ya long enough Mr. Jocko. I just knew you had the answer to this question. I was ready to send out a search party for ya. Probably out polishing the Harley for Spring?
How is this for another possability to . Kahrs barrels are sent out to a specialty plating company and I am going to venture to say that when those barrels come out of the vats etc, that even though nickel plated, they are in a dull state of finish and only addtional polishing will bring out the shinny nickel finish.
Maybe that is why some are reporting such a highly polished feed ramp but the rest of the barrel is still in it;s dull state
I dremel polish all my kahr barrels, they shine super and being nickel plated, they are durable in that state to, and certainly looks alot nicer than my dull finished barrel that wore in certain areas where metal against metal made contac. Now that I have it all nickel polished to a shine, I see no wear marks anymore either..
whatta think bananas, could I be on to something here, or should I go back to cleaning my Harley:7:
03-29-2010, 02:54 PM
How is this for another possability to . Kahrs barrels are sent out to a specialty plating company and I am going to venture to say that when those barrels come out of the vats etc, that even though nickel plated, they are in a dull state of finish and only addtional polishing will bring out the shinny nickel finish.
Maybe that is why some are reporting such a highly polished feed ramp but the rest of the barrel is still in it;s dull state
I dremel polish all my kahr barrels, they shine super and being nickel plated, they are durable in that state to, and certainly looks alot nicer than my dull finished barrel that wore in certain areas where metal against metal made contac. Now that I have it all nickel polished to a shine, I see no wear marks anymore either..
whatta think bananas, could I be on to something here, or should I go back to cleaning my Harley:7:
Well keeping ones Harley shiney should certainly be high on the priority list for sure, looking cool at all times is certainly job one. One job that I truely hated but spent alot of time doing. Cleaning Harleys is work. I really should find me some training wheels so I can abuse myself again. I thought about suggesting what you apparently already do. Dremel polish the barrel. It would look nice and should clean up much easier. No areas for the black soot too stick too. I've been hesitant but first chance I get I'm polishing my K40 barrel. I'll try to even post a before and after shot if my camera heals itself. It was ill over the weekend and the trip out the kitchen window into the back yard in my frustration I fear didn't help matters. oooom, hari krishna, oooom, hari krishna
03-29-2010, 03:58 PM
banans, get your kahr owners manual out first and look up what the picture of a barrel looks like before you take a dremel to anything. Nout sure I would want you within 50 feet of my two Harleys with a polishing cloth either.
03-29-2010, 05:08 PM
banans, get your kahr owners manual out first and look up what the picture of a barrel looks like before you take a dremel to anything. Nout sure I would want you within 50 feet of my two Harleys with a polishing cloth either.
I will do exactly as you suggest. I thought I had this one in the bag, it's that round straw like thingy that sticks out the end with the hole that Wyn could use a a telescope? Just a (let me see, N, O, R , S ahh) SWAG.
You should have now worries about me near your Harleys, I'd do em proud. Probably the only thing I worship more than a fine woman (can I say that) or a good 45 is a fine Harley. AND looking cool has always been job one for this fella.
03-29-2010, 05:55 PM
I dremel polish all my kahr barrels, they shine super and being nickel plated, they are durable in that state to, and certainly looks alot nicer than my dull finished barrel that wore in certain areas where metal against metal made contac. Now that I have it all nickel polished to a shine, I see no wear marks anymore either..
You wouldn't happen to have a picture of one of your barrels post-polish would you?
03-29-2010, 06:00 PM
I will do exactly as you suggest. I thought I had this one in the bag, it's that round straw like thingy that sticks out the end with the hole that Wyn could use a a telescope? Just a (let me see, N, O, R , S ahh) SWAG.
You should have now worries about me near your Harleys, I'd do em proud. Probably the only thing I worship more than a fine woman (can I say that) or a good 45 is a fine Harley. AND looking cool has always been job one for this fella.
there was something besides kahrs that I kinda liked u for. and being a Harley man, well then ur OK in my book, but again not within 50 feet of my two bikes. Wife ownes one and she said no bananas around my bike:33:
03-29-2010, 06:06 PM
Pender 1. Only in my mind is the picture. I am computer savvy about 3 steps behind Bawanna and as u know all he can do is type words. Now if my son was home it would be a different story. At my age, just to damn old to learn this new stuff. Just this year learned how to post another post on a thread I was writing. Never really understood copy/Paste stuff.
My harley is starting to get more complicated even to start, so I just leave the bast--d running 24/7!!!!!!!
03-29-2010, 06:15 PM
You wouldn't happen to have a picture of one of your barrels post-polish would you?
I'll be the guwanna pig. I'm gonna polish mine. I'll get a pic before I start and after I get finished. I think the chamber area especially will be an improvement, the wear areas will be polished out and shiney and I don't care who you are, you just gotta love shiney. Gentlemen, hold your polishers until you see the whites of bawannas eyes.
I gotta find that owners manual Jocko mentioned. I think it's the little book with a bunch of really big words and stuff in it. Hope there's some good pictures and maybe that slim is keen girl too?:001_tt2:
03-29-2010, 08:58 PM
Well, here's a report on my homework project. I can easily say the hardest part of this project was getting photos for show and tell. I'm not a photographer so my best effort is still questionable and I hope my grade isn't totally dependant on the pics.
The best way I can describe is to look at the wear spots on your barrel hood, nice and shiney, like a polished feed ramp. (I looked that up in the book while I was trying to figure out which piece was the barrel). Anyhow compare that shiney to the rest of the area around it or if you have a stainless slide it has the same look, kind of flat satin, not shiney.
Well with some judicious use of the dremel tool with some polishing compound and I then switched to Flitz and polished some more. The wear marks pretty much dissapeared and will completely when I polish some more. I just wanted to turn in my project before I got a late penalty. Anyhow it looks way cool and worth noting is it's now baby backside smooth. (can I say that). Stuff wipes off very easily. I'm gonna polish some more, might even jewel that barrel hood while I'm playing with it.
Sorry for the lousey pics, I tried.
03-29-2010, 09:35 PM
2 words came to mind: "repeatability" and "consistency"......
I've got a PM45 that's not but a year or two old and the barrel is almost as shinny as if it were nickel plated or something and the feed ramp looks like glass. In contrast I just bought a PM9 that's a good bit older and the barrel and feed ramp are dull silver at best. Did Kahr change the way they made the barrels or is mine just an odd occurrence?
btw, the PM45 was sent back to Kahr at some point and had the barrel replaced.
03-30-2010, 09:19 PM
I dremel polish all my kahr barrels, they shine super and being nickel plated, they are durable in that state to, and certainly looks alot nicer than my dull finished barrel that wore in certain areas where metal against metal made contac. Now that I have it all nickel polished to a shine, I see no wear marks anymore either.I read posts stating that the barrel has dull spots or flaking, etc. I have always thought they were referring to the inside of the barrel. You say you dremel polish your barrels, does that include inside? If so how do you do that?
03-30-2010, 09:37 PM
I read posts stating that the barrel has dull spots or flaking, etc. I have always thought they were referring to the inside of the barrel. You say you dremel polish your barrels, does that include inside? If so how do you do that?
Just the outside. It seems some of the barrels are polished and some arent'. They are all nickel plated. Jocko is saying and I did mine last night that we just polished the barrels that aren't shiney. The insides should all be the same, if they are flaking they were probably in a bad batch from the platers and need to be replaced.
I absolutely love how my barrel turned out after polishing. The hood looks real sharp all shiney contrasting the satin slide and the typical wear marks (unsightly) are non existant.
03-30-2010, 09:59 PM
Since I don't have a Dremel and haven't needed one before, is polishing something I can do with a special cloth? In the USAF 45 years ago I used Nevr-Dull. Is that good or what do you recommend?
03-31-2010, 12:15 AM
Since I don't have a Dremel and haven't needed one before, is polishing something I can do with a special cloth? In the USAF 45 years ago I used Nevr-Dull. Is that good or what do you recommend?
It will take a little more time and alot more elbow grease but that should work. I used Flitz which is just a polishing compound, kind of creamy. I expect any kind of polishing compound would work. The dremel just speeds up the process a bunch. In my case its mostly just cosmetic. Looks better, should be smoother and will definitely be easier to clean as there is not the rougher surface for stuff to stick to. Mostly to me anyhow it just looks cool.
03-31-2010, 07:11 AM
bawanna, where did you get those super looking grips`. ??they are awesome. Just kills me to have to say that though. You should send them to me for giving you the polishing tip???
don't u think...
03-31-2010, 07:11 AM
It will take a little more time and alot more elbow grease but that should work. I used Flitz which is just a polishing compound, kind of creamy. I expect any kind of polishing compound would work. The dremel just speeds up the process a bunch. In my case its mostly just cosmetic. Looks better, should be smoother and will definitely be easier to clean as there is not the rougher surface for stuff to stick to. Mostly to me anyhow it just looks cool.
easier to clean that is for sure... My bet those barrels come witht hat dullfinish on them fromt he plating vendor, not somthing that kahr puts on after they get the barrels back. Would make no sense..
03-31-2010, 07:59 AM
well bawanna, guess it's time to break out my dremel and give it a try. see if i can match your polishing skills
03-31-2010, 10:04 AM
bawanna, where did you get those super looking grips`. ??they are awesome. Just kills me to have to say that though. You should send them to me for giving you the polishing tip???
don't u think...
I know this is unbelievable for an imbecile like me but I made them myself. I'd be honored to send them or a pair just like them to you. I have a set almost done for an MK9 that are turning out nicely. They are for Mr. Quikduk
03-31-2010, 10:23 AM
well bawanna, guess it's time to break out my dremel and give it a try. see if i can match your polishing skills
Piece of cake, if I can do it anyone can do it. The hard part was stopping, I was tempted to tackle the slide and make it mirror shiney too but wouldn't be right. Maybe in a caddy with a big flop hat with working girls. I might do it anyhow. I'll call it tactical shiney for signalling aircraft out to 20 miles on cloudy days. Try the pics when your done, I know you can do better than me in that arena. Good luck.
04-01-2010, 12:39 PM
Well, like Mr Edison, I discovered one way not to polish a barrel. The Dremel polish wheel in a drill is not good. What ticks me off is I spent close to $15 for 2 wheels, mandrel and compound and that stuff probably comes with a Dremel.
Know what, after looking at it some more, my barrel may not need polishing as much as I thought.
04-01-2010, 12:49 PM
Well, like Mr Edison, I discovered one way not to polish a barrel. The Dremel polish wheel in a drill is not good. What ticks me off is I spent close to $15 for 2 wheels, mandrel and compound and that stuff probably comes with a Dremel.
Know what, after looking at it some more, my barrel may not need polishing as much as I thought.
Why didn't it work? Don't give up, it's just like falling off your horse, you gotta get right back after it or your barrel will know your afraid. Don't let that happen.
04-01-2010, 12:59 PM
The tiny wheel only spins at 2500 rpm and flattens with the smallest pressure. My buddy has a Dremel so I may toy with it some more. I got ticked at my self though, trying to get the perfect shine on my ramp which was already shiny instead got tiny scratches and lost shine. I suppose I shouldn't have used the Dremel polishing compound on it.
With the cleaning after my initial range trip, I was surprised to find wear on the outer barrel nad think that's what I should smooth out. Will polishing it to a shine make it better or create looseness in the barrel where the slide moves? I see the heat coloring on the slide next to the ring the barrel fits into. Smoother barrel = less heat?
04-01-2010, 01:16 PM
The tiny wheel only spins at 2500 rpm and flattens with the smallest pressure. My buddy has a Dremel so I may toy with it some more. I got ticked at my self though, trying to get the perfect shine on my ramp which was already shiny instead got tiny scratches and lost shine. I suppose I shouldn't have used the Dremel polishing compound on it.
With the cleaning after my initial range trip, I was surprised to find wear on the outer barrel nad think that's what I should smooth out. Will polishing it to a shine make it better or create looseness in the barrel where the slide moves? I see the heat coloring on the slide next to the ring the barrel fits into. Smoother barrel = less heat?
I don't think polishing will cause any looseness. Should run smoother hence less heat. Even polishing with a fine cloth and polish alone should get the job done, not sure what you did to scratch our feed ramp, that shouldn't happen. I know when I polished my barrel I thought it looked good and when I out a little oil on it alot more of the polishing compound came and then it's great. As long as your not creating sparks you should be fine, sparks = grinding, not good. Some one mentioned that the marks on the barrel hood would polish out but just come back. I dont think they will near as bad. The marks are mostly in that finish that you polish off, so no finish less mark.
Keep us posted, got a lot of guys here to help if needed.
04-01-2010, 07:57 PM
Thanks for your encouragement. The barrel now looks very shiny and the marks in the feed ramp came out also. For others, I recommend not even considering a drill but only a Dremel or equivalent.
Now for a concern. The closer I look at this the worse it seems. Please tell me if it's an OMG or normal. I included 3 pics: Pic 1 shows the inside bottom just ahead of the ejection port of the slide with the rub (obvious) and ahead of that another rub with heat coloration. Pic 2 is a fuller shot of the front rub and coloration. Also note the groves toward the front, they go around the entire opening. Pic 3 is a close-up of the groves and coloration.
I hadn't noticed this before but it really concerns me. It has been to the range once to put 299 rounds thrugh it and that's all. I don't know if it's normal or stress fractures to come apart next time - which was going to be tomorrow, but not until I hear an OK to shoot from you guys.
Finally, will the barrel look all scarred up after the next shoot? I'm NOT going to polish it every trip to the range.
04-01-2010, 08:02 PM
perfectly normal. don't worry about it. Mine looks exactly the same and has never changed one way or the other in 25,800 rounds of use. They definitely spend more time on the outside of the frame with that dlc finish that on the inside.
Just shoot it like u stole it and stop looking for things to "worry" over..
04-01-2010, 09:43 PM
perfectly normal. don't worry about it. Mine looks exactly the same and has never changed one way or the other in 25,800 rounds of use. They definitely spend more time on the outside of the frame with that dlc finish that on the inside.
Just shoot it like u stole it and stop looking for things to "worry" over..
Thanks Jocko, I couldn't figure out what I was looking at in the pics. I was already wrong once today, didn't want to blow it again. Where you been all day anyhow. You gotta pick your movies and which Village Person ya wanta be. People wanna know.
04-02-2010, 11:55 AM
Well I got my barrel shinny as a new penny. Feed ramp is amazingly smooth now. I'll get some pictures of it up at some point, idiot me forgot to take a picture before i polished it though. oops.
04-02-2010, 12:04 PM
Well I got my barrel shinny as a new penny. Feed ramp is amazingly smooth now. I'll get some pictures of it up at some point, idiot me forgot to take a picture before i polished it though. oops.
I do that all the time. Get excited about doing something and skip recording the project for the history books. I hate myself when I make grips and send them off without a picture. I think it's related to 20/20 hindsight or some such thing.
04-03-2010, 12:39 AM
Shot 100 rounds today and the barrel came out pretty good. A few marks near the muzzle end but not bad. Before I took possession of my PM9, I read all I could about cleaners, etc. The Gunzilla thread was pretty convincing and I figured they know more than I do, so that's what I bought and use. However, seeing wear on parts that rub makes me feel like I need to use a grease for those parts. I'm going to get some Tw25 because Jocko likes it and he shoots a LOT. I also read up on it and if it's good enough for all the armies of the world it must really be good because it certainly is not cheap.
04-03-2010, 09:35 AM
Shot 100 rounds today and the barrel came out pretty good. A few marks near the muzzle end but not bad. Before I took possession of my PM9, I read all I could about cleaners, etc. The Gunzilla thread was pretty convincing and I figured they know more than I do, so that's what I bought and use. However, seeing wear on parts that rub makes me feel like I need to use a grease for those parts. I'm going to get some Tw25 because Jocko likes it and he shoots a LOT. I also read up on it and if it's good enough for all the armies of the world it must really be good because it certainly is not cheap.
but buy it in the syringe applicator, It is the cats nuts, You can run a small line of TW25 right down insdie the slide rails without missing a beat. It will last a long time to. Buy 3 tubes and you won't need any more for years. It really is great stuff, and I stumbled on to it accidentley a few years ago in a SOLDIER OF FORTUNE magazne, that Bawanna sent me:33::33:
Tehre are lots of great lubes out there though, so IMO any willdo the job, just find one u like and stick with it...
PM sent, great gun by theway.
04-04-2010, 08:36 PM
I think I'm ready for the quiz. Jocko explained the rubbing parts but I didn't quite get it. After working on it for a day, I had one of my better ideas today. I removed the recoil spring and re-assembled the gun. Then I walked it through the process and saw exactly what happens and why some parts simply must rub. I had wondered why the barrel tilted and why the barrel hole in the slide was oval shaped. Now I know - thanks Jocko.
Also the part that rubbed the slide so badly in the pic above turned out to be the edge of the front top of the flat part that locks the barrel and slide together (name anybody?). I could feel it was rough and very sharp, more than I would expect. It must have to be a true right angled corner but the roughness looked like it only contributed to the gouging on the slide. So I carefully used a nail file to just smooth it out a tad. I could actually feel a difference when going through the action again. It's so good to understand what makes this thing work.
My order of Tw25B grease should arrive this week so I'll take it down and make it all greasy like a big plate of southern fries! <NOT> No, like a surgeon sewing up a heart overhaul with a dab here and a dab there.
04-04-2010, 08:42 PM
I think I'm ready for the quiz. Jocko explained the rubbing parts but I didn't quite get it. After working on it for a day, I had one of my better ideas today. I removed the recoil spring and re-assembled the gun. Then I walked it through the process and saw exactly what happens and why some parts simply must rub. I had wondered why the barrel tilted and why the barrel hole in the slide was oval shaped. Now I know - thanks Jocko.
Also the part that rubbed the slide so badly in the pic above turned out to be the edge of the front top of the flat part that locks the barrel and slide together (name anybody?). I could feel it was rough and very sharp, more than I would expect. It must have to be a true right angled corner but the roughness looked like it only contributed to the gouging on the slide. So I carefully used a nail file to just smooth it out a tad. I could actually feel a difference when going through the action again. It's so good to understand what makes this thing work.
My order of Tw25B grease should arrive this week so I'll take it down and make it all greasy like a big plate of southern fries! <NOT> No, like a surgeon sewing up a heart overhaul with a dab here and a dab there.
It's a real confidence booster to know what makes things tick.
04-09-2010, 12:14 PM
Sent to the top for In you grill and jklantis perusal.
Gentlemen, start your dremel tools!
04-09-2010, 02:36 PM
Guess I need to get another Dremel tool. I can get into much trouble with those things.
04-09-2010, 02:40 PM
Guess I need to get another Dremel tool. I can get into much trouble with those things.
Words to live by for sure. I just try to remember sticks and stones and jabs by Jocko or Ryoung or Wyn will ruin my stuff but polishing bonnets will never hurt me. Or whatever works for you.
04-09-2010, 04:04 PM
OK you guys, now I'm looking for a used Dremel tool. Guess I better check out some garage sales. I think I've already used up my birthday gift allowance for this year - maybe Christmas too.
04-09-2010, 04:06 PM
OK you guys, now I'm looking for a used Dremel tool. Guess I better check out some garage sales. I think I've already used up my birthday gift allowance for this year - maybe Christmas too.
wal mart or sears and buy the kit, you get allyou need that way. Peace mealing accessories is costly. Probably won't find a used dremel either...
04-10-2010, 05:04 PM
I just polished up another barrel this morning on a MK9. It was more difficult than my K40 for some reason. It came out looking super but took alot more effort. Started out looking the same. Maybe I wasn't pushing as hard or I'm getting wimpy?????
I think I'm gonna send my K40 off to Magna Port this week, should have done it long ago instead of whining about the little increased recoil. Then I might be tempted to polish the slide justa bit. Don't think I'll go for the chrome bumper look on that covert but a bit shinier.
04-10-2010, 05:13 PM
I think you will be pleasantly pleased with the job magna port does for you and the way it shoots also. Course you will let ol jocko know, won't you????
04-10-2010, 06:30 PM
I think you will be pleasantly pleased with the job magna port does for you and the way it shoots also. Course you will let ol jocko know, won't you????
Of course I will. I need to have my hearing ear dog call them so I can send a check with the barrel and slide. I'll throw in a business card, sometimes they'll put a LE gun on top of the waiting list. I'm just a civilian office puke but I'll fake a lawman any day to speed getting one of my toys back even an hour quicker.
04-10-2010, 06:39 PM
Of course I will. I need to have my hearing ear dog call them so I can send a check with the barrel and slide. I'll throw in a business card, sometimes they'll put a LE gun on top of the waiting list. I'm just a civilian office puke but I'll fake a lawman any day to speed getting one of my toys back even an hour quicker.
never taken more than 10 days for them to port my barrels and that was from the day I shipped it until the day it got back.. I have already written them about you, so more than likely it will get back to you in about 6 to 8 weeks.:84:
04-10-2010, 07:10 PM
never taken more than 10 days for them to port my barrels and that was from the day I shipped it until the day it got back.. I have already written them about you, so more than likely it will get back to you in about 6 to 8 weeks.:84:
Dang it and I mentioned your name on the note too. I am so screwed. I'll probably never see it again.
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