View Full Version : Ideas for hiding pistols around the house?

01-28-2013, 07:59 AM
Please share your ideas for hiding defensive pistols around the house. I don't have a safe that is easily or quickly accessible. Just looking for some ides to hide some pistols around the house that would be disguised from robbers yet easily accessible? I was thinking of adding a holster to the side of an easy chair or perhaps under a coffee table? I was at a gun show last year and there was someone there that was selling furniture with hidden compartments but I can't find any websites that show them. Any ideas that has worked for you?

01-28-2013, 08:22 AM
Someone posted awhile back, his idea of stowing guns in a speaker cabinet. One pointed out that dirtbags would probably steal the speakers during a break-in and they'd get the guns too. Something like the Nano safe by Gun Vault http://www.gunvault.com/ bolted to something hard to move would be a better option. If they want to tear your place apart enough, they'll find it, the key is to make it too much trouble to get at so they move on. Another thing, kids find stuff too so locked up or on your person is the only way to fly.

01-28-2013, 08:44 AM
Not cheap, but definitely innovative.......


01-28-2013, 10:58 AM
There are a number of non "safe" options, Sportmans Guide and Cheaper Than Dirt (and Im sure Amazon etc as well) have clocks with compartments for firearms.

Here's another furniture site:

And if you google "hidden compartment furniture" there are other sites as well as plans to build some (if you're handy) yourself.

This is one that was apparently made by the owner:

01-28-2013, 04:15 PM
Somewhere near books, the thugs are allergic. Hope that helps

01-28-2013, 04:25 PM
Idk if this would work, but you could duct tape it under a table or chair.

01-28-2013, 04:28 PM
why not carry on your person when at home?

that said, you should have a gun or two stowed at opposiye ends of the house so you dont have to run past a bad guy to get one of them.

google hidden guns in the house.....

01-28-2013, 05:21 PM
I have a few placed throughout the house (no kiddies) and at least one in every room. Never know when someone may decide to try and remove your possessions or cause harm.

I know this doesn't help those that have youngsters around. I did round them up when the grandbabies come for a visit. Each and every one is locked and loaded. Works better than throwing them at the BG's.

Prior to the kid free days, I taught them about firearms, much the same as when I was a kid. Removed all of the "mystery" of them and my folks never had a safe. Most of the long guns were hung on the walls in multiple gun racks throughout the house.

I know, different times these days. Not a one of my long guns is on display. It also helps that there are four dogs in the house when no one is home. Kind of deters anyone from wanting to enter the premises.

01-28-2013, 05:51 PM
A dog is a good thing to have in your home. It's an early warning system and something to keep the BG occupied until you can draw a bead on him. I carry every waking moment and have a holster mounted along side my bed. Makes for sweet dreams.

01-28-2013, 06:25 PM
I tried hiding non-safe guns. Problem was, I kept losing them. Most recent amusement was rediscovering an ASP baton and original Charter Undercover I'd been missing for close to 10 years when I deep cleaned my '99 Accord last week 'cause I was selling it.

Current deal is to rely on ADT and alarm Pomeranians for stuff left at home that's not in the safes.

01-28-2013, 07:27 PM
A few come to mind that I've used and some I haven't.

Over the door/above the door trim of a closet, on the inside, which cannot be seen unless someone goes into the closet, turns around and looks up, with a shallow closet being the best for this.

Some kitchens are built with a face board between the last cabinet and the wall, creating a cavity, open at the bottom, were a gun can be hidden.

Deep in a bag of dog food, a dirty diaper pail, and the always popular freezer, hollowed out book, or a stack of towels, etc.

A holster on a clothes hanger, covered with a garment/coat/dress, etc.
kept as the last hanger on the pole/against a wall (could be locking).
just a few of what I think you are looking for,

01-28-2013, 07:36 PM
FASTholster.com - Firearm Access System Technologies . Looks like this might might work - thinking about getting a couple of these

01-29-2013, 07:00 AM
A low cost idea that has a lot of merit.



01-29-2013, 07:37 AM
FASTholster.com - Firearm Access System Technologies . Looks like this might might work - thinking about getting a couple of these

Or....you could make your own. I bought some hard drive magents of epay, trimmed the excess, put heat shrink around it and mounted under my PC desk....I'll post pics later.

01-29-2013, 12:50 PM
Or....you could make your own. I bought some hard drive magents of epay, trimmed the excess, put heat shrink around it and mounted under my PC desk....I'll post pics later.

Pictues of gun hiolder -




01-29-2013, 03:44 PM
Or....you could make your own. I bought some hard drive magents of ebay,.

Easy enough to do and Lowes, Home Depot, Menards or what ever your local big box hardware store is all sell magnets.

01-30-2013, 09:53 AM
Or just carry at home. Simple easy and cheap solution, and my 2.