View Full Version : Needed A Stock for my 10/22

01-28-2013, 02:10 PM
OK you can call me hard headed or creative,had this 10/22 for awhile when I got it it had a crappy ram line folding stock on it didn't like couldn't shoot with it.Time for a change time to make one, once i found the templet dimensions for the barrel and trigger away I went.I like having a cheek cut out for shooting with iron sights had a piece of African mahogany I used for the but plate.It fells good and shoots good first stock I ever made

01-28-2013, 02:29 PM
Nicely done!:)

01-28-2013, 02:38 PM
Good job!

01-28-2013, 02:48 PM
Looks great,nice work

01-28-2013, 03:02 PM
Beautiful thing. Lot of work with great results.

01-28-2013, 03:06 PM
Bawanna needs to watch out. HarryLee is quickly gaining on him in the wood working department....but Harry seems more into the fabrication. Maybe you guys can go into business together. Harry can fabricate and Bawanna can fancy it up. I just got back from the leather store, gonna try my hand at making my own rifle sling....so we can add that as an optional accessory.

01-28-2013, 03:07 PM
I'd say HarryLee was leading all the time, we just didn't realize it.

01-28-2013, 03:19 PM
That is beautiful work! I couldn't help but notice the cheek cutout was for a right-handed shooter.

I'm cross dominant...right-handed, but aim with my left eye. That means I shoot rifles left-handed. It just feels wrong and weird the few times I've held a rifle right-handed.

Anyway, if you and Bawanna go into business, please don't forget the lefties! :)

01-28-2013, 03:49 PM
I'll have to show you the holster I made for my single action
PS the whole outside of that stock was hand carved

01-28-2013, 03:56 PM
I know it's a trade secret and you can kill me after you tell me but what kind of time you got into that as one dude covered in sawdust to another?

And you inlet the action and barrel as well, so you started out with a 3 x 8 or 10 and whittled it into that?

I did one bolt gun years ago, said I'd never do another, just don't have the patience.

MW surveyor
01-28-2013, 06:32 PM
Interesting design for the cheek piece. You did good. :yo:

I need a stock for my Dad's old Marlin 989 M2. Nobody seems to have any available as they are for the "new" model. Mine is the "old" model so I guess it's time to start whittling after watching about a gazillion you tube videos and reading a few books.

01-28-2013, 08:47 PM
Hey Bawanna
I kill myself sometimes I’m 55 and as time goes on I just want to know more as every day goes on. I see things in a different way when I measure things I look at .001ths, I never got past high school can’t spell worth a sh#t but my hands eyes and mind work together. I found the templets on line not to scale I had to transfer them into something I could make a pattern out of then, I used my routers to cut that out. Cutting the barrel was harder since it was tapered , few years back I built a cnc router I jigged that up and cut the taper cut for the barrel. Once I had the internals cut I could let my hands and eyes do the rest . I always find a challenge to be a good thing because life just seems to dame hard you need to divert into something you can do. Nothing is to hard to conquer it’s your ability to stay at it and never give up. And did you guess what wood I used, It was poplar the only thing I had on hand that size, a little stain and you have a stock.

01-29-2013, 06:10 AM
Damn you should patent that design. Great job.

01-29-2013, 06:46 AM
Hi Bawanna,
Didn't have to go to work today thought I would drop another line.As far as time goes I really don't remember that was almost a year ago.I always say I have forgot more than some people will ever know.I did find the link where it shows you how to go about making a stock.I thought it was really well done you just need the talent to pull through.On this sort of thing it's a labor of love,you do need some wood working tools like band saw, jointer ,surface planner, table saw ,router (think I have 5 now) drill press.I know most people don't have all these tools and you really need them to do this type project.So with all that said I'm going to the range today haven't been there since all this crap started.Hopefully I can get some reloading supplies and shoot a few rounds.I'm not giving up on my mag extensions yet I have been working on the 8 round magazines,I think I can make them run reliable once I do that maybe guys will use them.Anyway here is the link

PS I have started a album of some of the things I have made, check it out

01-30-2013, 09:44 PM
If that stock doesn't work out for you, I'm sure I can come up with one of those tacti-cool things to trade for it. I'm surprised Bawanna hasn't already beat me to offering you one of those slick, molded real fast, stocks for that one you made. Heck, I'll even pay shipping! :)

01-31-2013, 01:18 PM
Gee didn't know it the time I should have made four or five more. Thanks guys for all your good words

01-31-2013, 01:21 PM
Yup 20/20 hindsight once again. Good stuff seems to be in high demand around here. We have a good eye for quality stuff and a severe case of the wants most times.

01-31-2013, 03:06 PM
Bawanna did you check that site I posted for making the stock? Here it is again http://www.rimfirecentral.com/forums...d.php?t=141788 (http://www.rimfirecentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=141788)

01-31-2013, 03:22 PM
I did. Good stuff there for sure. A lot of little tricks to make things much faster and easier too.

I'm probably gonna stick to very small stocks that hang on the sides of handguns but one never knows, I might take on another one some day.

The only one I did from scratch I used a band saw and a drill press and that was it for power tools. Of course the blank was a laminate and was already square.

Lot of hours with rasp and chisels and more prussian blue than I ever want to see again.

I'll leave the stock building business to you.

02-01-2013, 12:05 PM
Bawanna I forgot to mention back when I had a custom cabinet shop my partner and I where both in to boat racing and we used to build racing boats for sale also.Learned alot of things back then

02-01-2013, 12:16 PM
I want one too! That is very nice.