View Full Version : Cm9 range report

01-29-2013, 09:43 PM
Got my cm9 to the range finally after having it at kahr for barrel issues aft purchase.

I put over 100 rounds fmj and another 2 magazines of jhp.

The only issues I had were two instances where the slide locked back early. Not sure why, but releasing the slid lock put the gun back into battery. Could be an issue with that mag, user error, or some problem that will need resolving.

I found myself shooting consistently to the left, but I tick that is more me than the gun.

I will say I had no problems slingshoting to load. Worked every time. I had worked the slide a lot before the first shot was fired. I even tried easing the slide forward and it went into battery with no issue.

So as long as the slide locking resolved itself and I can get my POI on center I will very happy. Definitely not the most fun gun to shoot, but that is its purpose.

Going to get a Beltman belt. Probably go with a 7 hole. Also looking at a silent thunder. Tried a galco but it has to no cant adjustment. Tried a desantis but the clip for that attaches to the pants, not over the belt and seems less secure.

01-30-2013, 07:32 PM
Any thought on the slide locking back?

Booker T
01-30-2013, 09:31 PM
My first guess would be, and mind you it's just a guess, but I would think that you might be inadvertently hitting the slide stop lever with your thumb while firing. Especially since the gun seems to have a lot of recoil for you, based on your comment about it not being the most fun gun to shoot for you. So maybe while readjusting your grip between shots, you might be unknowingly putting pressure on that stop.

Which leads me to my next comment about it shooting left. If you are firing with your right hand, it is common to pull shots to the left with the long Kahr triggers. Even more likely when you are tensing up and expecting that recoil. A right handed person tends to pull the gun down and to the left ever so slightly, just before the gun fires.

Just my initial thoughts. Good luck.

01-31-2013, 07:18 AM
I would guess that you were bumping the slide lock lever when shooting. I had it happen one time and then really started to pay attention to where my hand where when shooting and I haven't had it happen again.
I now have around 500 rounds through my CM9 and I am loving it more than ever. I am sure you will get the hang of it and end up in love with the gun.;)

01-31-2013, 06:28 PM
My only reason for doubting bumping the slide is that I was aware that could happen and was very careful. I even tried at one point to force it to happen by lifting on the slide level while firing. It did not happen then.

Could it be the mag or an issue with that little slide stop spring? That part looks ok.

Booker T
01-31-2013, 07:37 PM
Good that you checked that and eliminated the possibility of operator error.

There have been others with premature slide locking issues and there is a post in the Kahr Tech section that addresses this and offers a possible fix.


It's near the bottom of the possible fixes that are listed. Good luck