View Full Version : It is about the kids

01-30-2013, 11:01 AM

01-30-2013, 11:28 AM
the pattern i see in all these debates is a one sided affair. here you had gifford give a speech on how guns are killing everyone of our kids. now what i don't understand is why didn't some woman give a speech on how a weapon saved her life. detail the other side of the story? this sh*t really pisses me off...

01-30-2013, 11:44 AM
It's all about Bullsh1t.

Murder rates are measured by the number of deaths per 100,000 people,
which allows comparisons to be made independent of the overall population.
In 2011, the U.S. murder rate was 4.8 per 100,000,
the lowest since 1963, when the rate was slightly lower at 4.6 per 100,000.

01-30-2013, 11:53 AM
It's all a part of the dog and pony show. Don't let it worry you. Send a letter to your United States Senators and let them know how you feel.

01-30-2013, 01:19 PM
wayne LaPierre had to know they were gonna come after the NRA at this hearing.It makes these pr!cks feelrealimportant.

Statistics mean nadda to these people,u gotta know that. It is a dog and pony show, but I think the NRAwoldhave been better not riding in on their pony

It does seem to me anyhow that alot of the senartors have backed away from the assualt weapon and high caacity ban rhetoric and are going for the casual sales background checks. and tightening the gun show up some more.bothwill serve no real purpsoe to reduce crime but if they can get that, they will feel they have done sumpin to appease the sandy school parents and the Giffords. Ido think the NRA might lolse that part of their battle for mostpeople it makes ense to do even though statshow it will do uttin. I guess fromthe ffl fokks, why should they have to do it and not utters..Its a fine line.. THE BG IS NOT GONNA BUY GUNS LEGALLY.THE NUT CASEIS NOT GONNA GO TO A PSYCHIATRISTS

01-30-2013, 01:28 PM
the pattern i see in all these debates is a one sided affair. here you had gifford give a speech on how guns are killing everyone of our kids. now what i don't understand is why didn't some woman give a speech on how a weapon saved her life. detail the other side of the story? this sh*t really pisses me off...

Texas' John Cornyn put Giffords in his place later in the day. It was beautiful, but I don't have a link readily available, I was watching it live. He brought out a 'graphic'. It had a pict of a .38, said 6 shots, effective 25-50yds. Next to it, 9mm Beretta w/ its mag, said 15 shots, effective 25-50yds.

He directed it all at Giffords, and started with even 1 bullet in the hands of a mentally ill person or a felon is too many. But... Continuing to direct rhetorical questions at Giffords, he then he used the GA case w/ the mom, 2 kids, and home intruder. He said she retreated w/ her .38 as far as possible, had the cops and her husband on the phone. Ultimately unloaded her weapon, hitting the intruder 5 of 6 and he was still able to get away. He then stated, put yourself in her shoes or her kids or family's shoes. Which gun would you have wanted her to have. What if there had been 2 intruders, implying she had no ammo left. Blank stare from Giffords, which he wasn't suppose to verbally respond in a hearing setting, it was a rhetorical question. But Giffords had nothing on his mind, it was obvious he knew he had nowhere to go w/ that.

01-30-2013, 01:39 PM
wellasu know when u confront idiots who are playing witht he emotions of people who have lost loved ones, FACTS mean jack sh!t. JohnCornyn is jnot idiot eithert,he knewhe was challenging a lady who wa sshotin the head and the publics emoitons certainly woldbe on the Giffords siad,but he still challenged them with FActs. SO there fore afterhe talkedit was quiet, it is hard to combatthe truth.

I really think some of these senators and hose members aree getting tired of getting worthless sh!t shoved down our throats. I hope the NRA gets down and dirty just like the other side is doing and especially the liberal news medialike Chris Matthews and Rachel the " Queen of the ellen degenerate club". They don't know the truth when they see it.

I tell u fellow members this is the final line drawn in the sand,if we don't fight this as a life and death war for our 2nd amendment rights, andpull out all the stops we can and basically get 100%behind the NRAwith this fight, then we are fokked forever. If we win this battle,I thinktis will put the gun bull sh!t stuff backon the back burner for ever. Noplitican will attempt it. Obummerand his epople and allthe sandyschool people and the Giffords aregoing after our guns 100% andscrewur rights, and screw common sense.I think thatis also why the NRAis not backing anything other than school protection, nothing else...

01-30-2013, 02:07 PM
If it all really was about kids, then these same anti 2A people would also be against abortion. As I understand it, abortion has been slightly more lethal to children in the U.S. than firearms.

So, I guess it really isn't about the kids.