View Full Version : the media is bashing and blaming the NRA
01-30-2013, 06:33 PM
I doubt that any of these lunatic shooters are members of the NRA. This is never brought up, just thinking. I'm sure if any were card carrying NRA members the media would bring it up.
01-30-2013, 08:02 PM
It's only the lunatics who don't join the NRA. Present company excluded. :)
01-30-2013, 09:18 PM
Good thing I just joined.
01-30-2013, 09:41 PM
The modern American method of politics, Demonize everything about the other side. Fear your way to the win...
Some of the folks on our side have used it on the Obumma admin for the last few years.
Except the folks on our side seem to have been proven right.
Longitude Zero
01-30-2013, 10:13 PM
Demonize and allow your opponent to dictate terms and battlefields are the ways the anti's work.
01-31-2013, 12:44 AM
None of these mass shootings were done by NRA members, and most of them where/are registered democrats, and by media you mean the state run media?
01-31-2013, 01:03 AM
is harry reid (d. nevada) an nra member?
01-31-2013, 07:12 AM
Demonize and dehumanize the opposition, then it becomes acceptable to do anything up to and including murdering them. We're not allowed to say "retarded" or "crazy" about anyone who's retarded or crazy, but they get to call us crazy gun nuts. Who'd ever miss a crazy gun nut if he got taken out?
And of course the 40 dead in Chicago this month aren't gang thugs, they're "urban youths."
01-31-2013, 07:59 AM
is harry reid (d. nevada) an nra member?
The NRA does not publish its membership roles for obvious reasons. Harry Reid was endorsed by the NRA, because he votes on the right side of gun control issues. How a candidate vote on gun control issues is the only criteria the NRA considers. I believe that he may be a member of the NRA
01-31-2013, 09:24 AM
is harry reid (d. nevada) an nra member?
He "brought home the bacon" and had a BIG gun range built with federal tax dollars...buying the Nevada gun owner's vote, NRA indorsement, and just squeeking out a win in his last re-election.
See it can work both ways, and I love watching him squirm, voting against his a deer caught in your headlights.
Oh, and he's not the only dem in this position but certainly the most powerful and always remember it's NEVER about being "one of us" but rather getting re-elected any way you can.
01-31-2013, 09:56 AM
Anyone can join the NRA. Anti-gun libs, Al Qaeda members, Communists...
And we are completely free to join the Democrat party. The GOP sure doesn't want us, why not go wreak havoc on the Dem party? What will they do when they realize there are more Tea Party Conservative Bitter Clingers in their party than gays, commies, and illegals combined?
01-31-2013, 12:30 PM
It's gotten pretty bad, but I'm sticking w/ the story that MOST of the negativity toward the NRA is by the few loud-mouths that show up on the news, media outlets and sites, and comments sections of those outlets.
I just read an article on the AL standoff w/ the nut that grabbed the kid of the bus and went into his 'bunker'. Sad story, I hope they get the kid and put a bullet in the guy, post haste. But my point was the comment section, you'd think the NRA had trained the guy and helped him dig his bunker out, then stopped the bus for him. It's crazy. People are just evil. They think gun owners are a lower form of life and do not deserve the same consideration as they do for the rights they hold dear. They claim to have a right to be safe from our guns as much as we have a right to have them. Then you turn the tables on them and say, I have a right to not be killed by a drunk driver and you suggest we limit THEM to a six-pack, watch out. Or, dog owners need to be responsible for their dogs actions. Ok. Your dog runs away and turns up 5 years later after biting go to jail for having had that dog attack that person. Or better yet, dogs are dangerous, you have to register it w/ the government and we also will not allow felons or unstable people, or even people on meds to have a dog. After all, a crazy person or depressed person could train that dog to hurt people.
Want to play the responsibility game to a stupid level? we'll do it both ways then ya' idiots. They'll continue to rip our rights apart while protecting their own free speech. Amazing!
01-31-2013, 01:25 PM
The Media? What would you expect?
01-31-2013, 02:03 PM
The Chicago gun killing spree is being blamed on Global Warming. And that of course is blamed on meat-eating red-blooded capitalist Conservatives, like the stereotypical NRA member.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail logic. "If she weighs the same as a duck, then she's mad of wood. And therefore, a witch!"
01-31-2013, 02:03 PM
The libtards love to call the NRA... and anyone the MSM disagrees with... NAZ!S, but it's ironic that the LEFT wants to take away citizens' right to self defense... as Adolf Hitler and OTHER tyrants did, to make their citizens into unarmed SUBJECTS... as our own "Dear Ruler" seeks to do!
The NRA seeks to protect our most precious right of self defense... which defends our other freedoms!
Wynn:Amflag2: and Go Israelis! :israel::)
01-31-2013, 04:59 PM
The libtards love to call the NRA... and anyone the MSM disagrees with... NAZ!S, but it's ironic that the LEFT wants to take away citizens' right to self defense... as Adolf Hitler and OTHER tyrants did, to make their citizens into unarmed SUBJECTS... as our own "Dear Ruler" seeks to do!
The NRA seeks to protect our most precious right of self defense... which defends our other freedoms!
Wynn:Amflag2: and Go Israelis! :israel::)
that's a saul alinsky tactic there, accuse the other side of doing what you are doing to distract and make everyone think they are the ones that need to be stopped.
01-31-2013, 08:38 PM
...And we are completely free to join the Democrat party. The GOP sure doesn't want us, why not go wreak havoc on the Dem party?...
Been there done that. When we were fighting to get the right to carry in Texas, the Demmys were using the "blood in the streets... every fenderbender will be the OK corral" blather at every turn.
The state Democratic convention was to being held in Fort Worth that year, so I went through the process and became a Democratic conventioner. At the convention one can go before a committee and force a vote, up or down, on what the goes into the state party platform.
So I went and nominated before the committee an item that stated "the Texas democratic party supports the citizens of Texas 2nd amendments right to carry a firearm conceled"...
The somewhat noisy room went dead quiet and the Gay state office holder from Austin running the committe had quite the look on his face (great surprise and horror). Then the room erupted with cheers as the Motorcycle clubs present in force (trying to undo the mandtory helmet laws that year) realized we might just get a two for one.
It took some rangling, but the the "gay guy from Austin" (his discription of himself, I just repeat it) managed to drop my amendment in "an oversight" so it did not come up for a floor vote...
Still, it was worth the effort, a few of us nailed up the notice, in the democrats house, that our rights were not to be denied. Directly after the election, ram-rodded by the Republicans, "shall issue" carry permits were aproved and passed into Texas law.
I was told by a few that my days as "do-good-demmy" were wasted trying to fight that fight in the democratic lions den. I've always had to disagree. The look on that committee leader face (think "I just swallowed a live, wiggling fish" and that I could of shot a basketball into that wide open pie-hole) made it worth the effort.
And Folks, if none of us ever try, nothing will ever change for sure!
Peace :hippie:
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