View Full Version : MK9 of PM9? Advice Please!

01-31-2013, 05:23 PM
I recently found both a used PM9 and MK9. The PM9, has the older style slide, with the blackened finish, and night sights. It appears to have been fired very little, and has no wear on the slide or frame. Price is $600. I also found, an MK9, with the matte finish, that has only appears to have been test fired. Price $550. Which one should I choose?

01-31-2013, 05:26 PM
buy the old style PM9, its the best of the best. If u just gotta have steel the MK9 is ideal. One is far more pocketable than the utter though. The blunt nose PMJ9 witht he dlc slide is awesome IMO..

U can't hurt a kahr by shootin it, . PERIOD.

01-31-2013, 05:32 PM
buy the old style PM9, its the best of the best. If u just gotta have steel the MK9 is ideal. One is far more pocketable than the utter though. The blunt nose PMJ9 witht he dlc slide is awesome IMO..

U can't hurt a kahr by shootin it, . PERIOD.
My biggest concern with the MK9, is fear that the frame might crack, since people on here, have complained about!

01-31-2013, 05:38 PM
naw put that fear behind u. The frame that have cracecked beofre which is very few indeed, left that way from the factory. Kahr wold take care of u anyway, Why fear the unknown.

It seems also that the flaw in the MK is more in the 40 cal for some reason and no crack has ever put the gun down either. It seems mostly on the skeleton part of the mag wells. Not alibing for it, but it is what it is. Probalby 50,000 oru More MK out there in shooters hands, proably even more.

If ur gonna waiste band carry it, then andif ur a stell gun lover the MK is the way to go. Reliability is the same in eithe r gun. If ur thinking aobut carrying that PMJ9 in ur front pocket which it will ride nicely there, then the polymer is the only way to go. I would venture tosay tha tif u buy the PMJ9 u will pocket carry it and maybe even waiste band carry it more thanu jwould the MK series, which is just aheavy gun for the pocket but OK for side carry. so are u gonna kinda dress to carry that MK all the time or dress normaly and just throw the PMJ9 in ur front pocket when u go out. MAKE MY DAY. Forrest gump with Jeanni when they got behind the bushes..:amflag:

01-31-2013, 08:02 PM
Like Jocko says, it depends on how you intend to carry the pistol.

01-31-2013, 08:36 PM
I vote for the MK9 with a good belt holster. It is not a pocket gun but it is the top of the line Kahr 9mm.
PM9 is better for pocket carry as it is lighter weight.
Me, I have a MK9 and a CM9, 1 for show and 1 to go.

01-31-2013, 09:00 PM
Get a new CM9, don't look back... and use the money you saved on ammo

01-31-2013, 09:11 PM
I have the MK9 elite 03 and its never failed and when I clean an oil it I really like looking at it. I carry it on my belt in a holster everyday. That being said I also see a reason for a lighter gun. The MK can weigh too much at times, at that time the PM9 seems like a better choice. But the real question would be which on is the better deal. I think the MK 9 is the deal gun from your description, you can always pickup a cm9 for less. I would not worry about the crack, if it was prevelant at all it would be all over and its not. Let us know which way you go. You cant make a mistake except for not getting one . :)

01-31-2013, 09:22 PM
I agree...both are good guns. The mk9 is a great gun but hard to find. Pm9 is more common...the cm9 is cheaper. Someday, I will probably buy a pm9 but the mk9 was my first choice, I have had it over 2 years and it is without a crack.

If you want the best and don't plan on pocket carrying, go with the mk9. If you plan on pocket carrying, go with the pm9

01-31-2013, 09:34 PM
Here is mine (MK9) before and after putting on Kahr wood grips.
