View Full Version : My CW9 range report...

01-31-2013, 07:37 PM
...100 rnds Freedom Munitions 115 FMJ, 16 rnds WPA 115 FMJ, 6 rnds Speer 124 GDHP...flawless. That makes 285 rnds total.

Also had the G19, put 100+ thru it....nice warm day, about 65°...time for a cold Shiner while I clean 'em up...what a great day.:cool:

01-31-2013, 08:01 PM
Life is good.

Booker T
01-31-2013, 08:14 PM
Very cool, congrats on a good successful range day.

01-31-2013, 10:38 PM
I knew you would love it. Glad you found some ammo for it....none around my area.:mad:
Enjoy your Kahr! I do.:Amflag2:
Rod van Pelt

01-31-2013, 10:59 PM
I knew you would love it. Glad you found some ammo for it....none around my area.:mad:
Enjoy your Kahr! I do.:Amflag2:
Rod van Pelt

The ammo is what I had before ammo hoarding went nuts...between the 2, I went thru about 1/2 my supply. Time for some less rnds, more intense practice, at least till ammo becomes more available.

02-07-2013, 11:29 AM
I have over 2,000 rounds without any type of failure. Just seeing how long the rod and spring will last. So far - no problems. Awesome gun.