View Full Version : Pistol mounted light for home defense...are you using one?

02-01-2013, 09:04 AM
Yes, I realize the "don't point your gun at something you don't intend to destroy" I also realize you can use a light without pointing it at everything so leaving that debate aside, do you use one or have you used one and found it cumbersome or of no advantage?

Looking at streamlight tlr-3.

Thanks for input!

02-01-2013, 10:02 AM
I use a light, but it's not mounted on the gun.

02-01-2013, 10:07 AM
I have a Surefire X300 I keep on my Glock 21. It's easy to operate, quick on and quick off or solid on. It stays in the stand at home.
Its nice to have it on the gun and plenty bright that you can light up a room with it pointed at the floor.

I have a couple surefire hand held lights I carry all the time.

02-01-2013, 10:28 AM
plenty bright that you can light up a room with it pointed at the floor.
That sounds like the best solution, point it at the floor or ceiling till you have a target.

02-01-2013, 10:28 AM
I personally do not prefer or recommend a light mounted on a pistol, too many negatives IMO
First is you must have a holster to fit the light, second is as you mentioned about muzzling what your trying to see, and when your surprised that's no good

Another reason I dont prefer a mounted light is because if you are scanning with the light on, you are giving the BG a big bullseye, this is because most people tend to keep their handgun centered in front of them so they can easily punch out when needing to engage,

I will say that I have used a mounted light on my pistol doing low light training, and I was fractions of a second faster on target at best (5inch steel plate) but still I prefer holding the flashlight, and I often use the FBI or modified FBI flashlight technique, the reason I mention this technique is because it keeps the light off your body and over off your weak side, so in theory, if someone cranks rounds at the light, you may find your hand in danger while hopefully avoiding taking rounds to your COM

02-01-2013, 10:39 AM
A light on your pistol to look around with is like using the scope on your rifle for looking around... what could go wrong? When hunting, everyone carries binoculars or a spotting scope to preclude that unsafe practice... correct?


02-01-2013, 12:44 PM
I recently mounted one, and it sits by the bed like that, ready.
I figure if I wake up in the middle of the night to a home invasion, I don't want to fumble around for the gun AND for the flashlight. I want it all in one package.
I also want to be able to have a free hand without losing the light.

My "plan" would be to leave the light off and keep my night vision intact until I'm ready to illuminate the target and follow it up with a shot if warranted.

All in all, though, I think that if this situation ever came to pass, I'd be more likely to actually use the overhead light (light switch on the wall). I know that this would light me up too and my eyes may need time to adjust too, but I'd be ready for it.

One of these days I'll buy some $450 night vision goggles (http://www.amazon.com/Yukon-Tracker-Goggle-1X24-Binocular/dp/B000H1I7M0).

02-01-2013, 01:35 PM
Currently running a Viking polymer/plastic mount w/ a StreamLight ProTac 1L. Makes the light stick out to the side. No holster will fit it as a result, but this is my home defense gun and it either out or quickly accessible in my biometric safe. I preferred the push button w/ light out to the side. Very easy to operate w/ my left thumb in the forward position of gripping the pistol. Just didn't like how the TLR 3 operated.

So, I'm kinda of the other camp. I mean, I get both arguments and in some ways agree w/ the various points about keeping the light off the gun and away from a direct line of fire. But for me, two hands are better than one. If something happens to either hand, light is on the gun and still functional regardless of which hand I've got to switch to. I also have a second hand available if needed. Just don't feel I'd be effective in the heat of the moment the other way. Also not sure I want to be in a position to have to grab both at a moments notice and put them into action from a dead sleep in the dark.

But, as stated, I can illuminate a room enough to see w/ weapon and light pointed down. In fact, that helps to NOT screw night vision. A 100+ lumen light against a wall I find to be somewhat blinding. So if the light and the gun are both pointed down, it's bright enough to light the room to see who's there, put it on the gun and keep your options open...that's my line of thinking anyway.

02-01-2013, 01:43 PM
i do not have a light mounted on my XDm, i have a streamlight protac sitting right next to my pistol for night time need. sometimes i do cc this pistol and sinse i don't have a holster that would fit a light i just choose not to bother with one.

02-01-2013, 02:09 PM
I use a laser and light como, but it's not on a pistol it's on a Mossberg. :D

02-01-2013, 02:10 PM
i do not have a light mounted on my XDm, i have a streamlight protac sitting right next to my pistol for night time need. sometimes i do cc this pistol and sinse i don't have a holster that would fit a light i just choose not to bother with one.

That's what 2 matching XDm's are for :-)

...not trying to give you any ideas or anything! I would NEVER do that.

02-01-2013, 02:18 PM
i do not have a light mounted on my XDm, i have a streamlight protac sitting right next to my pistol for night time need. sometimes i do cc this pistol and sinse i don't have a holster that would fit a light i just choose not to bother with one.

Thought for a minute he said Prozac. Was going to ask if he had Cialis as well.

02-01-2013, 03:07 PM
I sic the dog on the intruder and deal with the perp at my leisure. Don't use no light, neither. The sight of all that blood make me queezy. We've had a lot of break-ins lately. Ain't had to buy no dog food in weeks. :)

02-01-2013, 03:14 PM
I sic the dog on the intruder and deal with the perp at my leisure. Don't use no light, neither. The sight of all that blood make me queezy. We've had a lot of break-ins lately. Ain't had to buy no dog food in weeks. :)

Actually, that's a good point. Since the last time I discussed this topic, we did get two dogs. They're small dogs, but they make a LOT of noise, and would certainly know about an intruder before I did.

There's no way I could stop them from running downstairs barking like mad. We've done a lot of work with obedience training, and they've made VERY good progress - but they're rescue dogs who came to us as adults after multiple homes, and they have impulse control issues.

Anyway, back to the point, I think that an intruder is going to be focused on the dogs, giving me time to decide how to deal with it, and giving me an advantage. Unfortunately, if the intruder were armed, I'd likely lose at least one dog, and that would be very sad. But, that would be better than what a home intruder might have planned for us.

02-01-2013, 05:37 PM
No, I do a two handed thing like I learned on Criminal Minds. :19:

02-01-2013, 05:52 PM
I have SureFire X300 that slides on to my HK45C and HK P30 easily.
Also have a hand held SureFire that's souped-up to 460 lumens.

Truthfully, I'll just go with night sights.
Unless the power is cut and there's no ambient light at all.

02-01-2013, 06:48 PM
So, I'm kinda of the other camp. I mean, I get both arguments and in some ways agree w/ the various points about keeping the light off the gun and away from a direct line of fire. But for me, two hands are better than one. If something happens to either hand, light is on the gun and still functional regardless of which hand I've got to switch to. I also have a second hand available if needed. Just don't feel I'd be effective in the heat of the moment the other way. Also not sure I want to be in a position to have to grab both at a moments notice and put them into action from a dead sleep in the dark.

This was the point that kept coming up in my head as well. If you are holding a pistol and a flashlight both of your hands are full. Also, in the heat of the moment how accurate is a person going to be with one hand on a pistol compared to two hands...and for making a target of yourself, I think that's quite a bit to worry about, you're defending a home, not playing hide and seek.

i do not have a light mounted on my XDm, i have a streamlight protac sitting right next to my pistol for night time need. sometimes i do cc this pistol and sinse i don't have a holster that would fit a light i just choose not to bother with one.
I pick my xdm up next week :D after posting this I am shying away from a light because of the holster issue.

02-01-2013, 07:02 PM
On the rare occasions when I carry my Glock I leave the light on the night stand. They slide right on and off.

I'd carry without and when you go night night, slip the light on.

At o dark thirty, you won't be wearing a holster with your batman pajama's anyhow so the holster issue is moot.

For carry some where the weapon light on the belt separately. This I dont like so well since if you hang it on to search a building, this would apply mostly to LE and have to go hands on you can't holster the gun with the light.

Have to then break out the Dick Tracy stop tha picture watch and take the light off, reholster and then fight. It's complicated.

02-01-2013, 07:07 PM
Have to then break out the Dick Tracy stop tha picture watch and take the light off, reholster and then fight. It's complicated.

Hey, I stop and re-equip my weapon loadout all of the time when I'm shooting bad guys in Borderlands 2. I don't see what the big deal is.

02-01-2013, 07:09 PM
At o dark thirty, you won't be wearing a holster with your batman pajama's anyhow so the holster issue is moot.

First one of you yahoos to post one of your nasty *** pictures is on my Christmas turd list. I'm out of bleach and sandpaper and I'd prefer to keep following this thread!

02-01-2013, 07:11 PM

02-01-2013, 07:18 PM

02-01-2013, 07:33 PM
Scoundrel, you are not on my Christmas poo poo list! and neither is SHE!

Tinman, that can wear whatever kinda pj's he or she wants too. I'm not scared of nuthin' in this world...'cept big mean dogs. Childhood trauma...and it 'twernt wearin' batman underoos.

02-01-2013, 08:09 PM
Thought for a minute he said Prozac. Was going to ask if he had Cialis as well.

Negative ghost rider...I'm still as good as I use to be, but only once :D

02-01-2013, 08:36 PM

Hose teaser!

The Dobie reminds me of the time I was playing Batman with the missus and went to jump from the dresser to the bed, tripped on my cape, hit my head on the ceiling fan, well it just went downhill from there all the way around.


I think that's the last time I wore that outfit, been John Wayne PJ's ever since.

02-01-2013, 08:37 PM
I do use a streamlight but not mounted.

02-01-2013, 08:39 PM
If I am needing a flashlight and a weapon, my personal preference is to have it mounted on the weapon. YMMV.

02-01-2013, 09:10 PM
I'm with ya Slotback. I keep a light on my Glock 23 in my nightstand. I don't worry too much about the light being a target because it is bright enough to blind the intruder giving me the advantage. If the gun is to carried, I remove the light and use it in a standard Galco IWB holster.

02-01-2013, 10:12 PM
This is my go to until I have a way of mounting it to my Mossberg 590. Either way, I want to be able to see what the threat is. As others have said, the spill from the light being pointing about 45 degrees towards the ground should sufficiently light any room in my home.


02-02-2013, 12:33 PM
I'm with ya Slotback. I keep a light on my Glock 23 in my nightstand. I don't worry too much about the light being a target because it is bright enough to blind the intruder giving me the advantage. If the gun is to carried, I remove the light and use it in a standard Galco IWB holster.

I had not thought of using one only when not carrying but that sounds like a good idea, if I ever stumble upon a good deal I guess I can justify buying one even though I just ordered holsters without lights.

02-02-2013, 01:03 PM
I had not thought of using one only when not carrying but that sounds like a good idea, if I ever stumble upon a good deal I guess I can justify buying one even though I just ordered holsters without lights.

That's the ONE big advantage to the TLR-3. Relatively inexpensive as weapon lights go (about $75 on Amazon right now), quick on/off the way its designed. So if you have one main firearm that is your carry and home gun, the TLR-3 makes a lot of sense (for those wanting an on-weapon light).

But, if you have a dedicated home gun, my preference was this.



Light runs about $35 on Amazon and the mount around $20-25. A little less, light mounts OUT to the left or right and for me, much easier to operate as a result of being in front of/beside the trigger guard. I can mount the light back closer to me and easily operate w/ thumb or trigger finger depending on the side I mount it.

Nice thing too. The mount will take a 1" light or a smaller .8-ish light. It has an insert/wrap for the smaller body lights.

02-02-2013, 06:55 PM
I don't have one mounted on my Glock, but do have one on the nearby AR-15.

02-02-2013, 08:27 PM
I have the TRL-1 mounted in my XD Tactical, .45 ACP, for night time home defense.

02-03-2013, 02:35 AM
My Kahr aint got no rails to mount a light on and neither does my Ruger.

02-03-2013, 07:35 AM
That's the ONE big advantage to the TLR-3. Relatively inexpensive as weapon lights go (about $75 on Amazon right now), quick on/off the way its designed. So if you have one main firearm that is your carry and home gun, the TLR-3 makes a lot of sense (for those wanting an on-weapon light).

But, if you have a dedicated home gun, my preference was this.



Light runs about $35 on Amazon and the mount around $20-25. A little less, light mounts OUT to the left or right and for me, much easier to operate as a result of being in front of/beside the trigger guard. I can mount the light back closer to me and easily operate w/ thumb or trigger finger depending on the side I mount it.

Nice thing too. The mount will take a 1" light or a smaller .8-ish light. It has an insert/wrap for the smaller body lights.

That's a nice option, I think I would go with the streamlight over the combo because of the switch mechanism difference in the streamlight vs. a flashlight. Thanks for pointing it out!

02-03-2013, 07:50 AM
My night stand Glock wears a TLR-3, but I really don't think I would use it unless the power was out or the bad guy turned out all of the night lights in the house. LOL

02-08-2013, 09:19 AM
I ordered a tlr-3 but I think in going to send it back and get a second holster instead (basically same price) that I will use more often.

02-08-2013, 09:24 AM
I have a tlr 3 inm G19, It is a dandy set up,not sure I would spend tht kind of money again though. I just thought I had tohave it. Now I don't feel that way..

02-08-2013, 10:25 AM
I have a tlr 3 inm G19, It is a dandy set up,not sure I would spend tht kind of money again though. I just thought I had tohave it. Now I don't feel that way..

Ha ha that was my position exactly! Had to have it!

Longitude Zero
02-08-2013, 12:42 PM
Almost ALL in home and in business shootings are by definition low light and no light. Not using a weapon mounted light on you, pistol/shotgun/carbine/rifle is simply foolhardy.