View Full Version : CW45 Range Report

02-01-2013, 04:28 PM
Today my new CW45 made its maiden visit to the range. Observations and results:


1. 125 rounds fired- 50 CCI aluminum case Blazers and 75 handloads- 230 Hornady FMJ, assorted brass, 5.3 gr Bullseye—nice medium load. Only one FTF of the bunch, when the slide would not go all the way into battery- the offending round is shown in the photo. I normally use a Lee Factory Crimp die on auto pistol ammo but did not here, to save time when I loaded. You can see the ring on the brass—this was my fault.

2. Point of impact was about 3” low at 7 yards. Not a deal-breaker on a defensive gun. I’m also not used to the sights yet.

3. Trigger was very smooth, best DAO trigger I have shot.

4. Recoil was not bad at all. The sharp checkering on the grip bothered me, so I got some scissors and made a slip-on grip from a bike inner tube as I had with my Keltec P-3AT. Very comfortable to shoot.

5. This magazine has fairly sharp edges on the top—loading it was not much fun after the first couple of magazines. I’ll have to see how much I can get away with, remedying that without causing feed problems.

Overall, I am very pleased with this pistol. I can’t fault it for balking at one lumpy reload. I was in a hurry and left the RNL and LSWC loads at home, but I have a hunch it would have done just fine with them—I always use the factory crimp die with lead bullets.

It was interesting to shoot the CW45 side-by-side with the P-3AT. I had loaded some 100 gr RNL to the max book load of AA#2. That little pistol beat me up. I quit after two magazines. There is no need to shoot hot loads in that little gun, I just wanted to try them. The Hornady Critical Defense that I carry in it are relatively mild in comparison, as well as the Blazer FMJs I had on hand. But where the little Keltec snapped and bit, the CW45 just boomed and pushed.

Hopefully I’ll be able to get back out soon and run another 50-100 rounds through the CW45 and then get to the business of choosing a carry load. The insides are a bit sooty now after that much Bullseye, but I won’t bother cleaning it just now.

I very much like this pistol and do not at all regret keeping the $200 in my pocket from opting for it over the Glock 36.

Thanks for all the great info here!


02-01-2013, 05:27 PM
nice report.

02-01-2013, 05:37 PM
Nice post. I hope that you will get more magazines, though. Some of us have had .45 mags split at the top rear corners. I just got replacements for two brand new 725G mags today... my favorite 7-round extended grip models that I use for spare carry and range use with my PM45. One of those mags would not fit into the magazine well on the third loading... which got my attention. The other one that I was breaking in, I stopped after about 6 magfuls because it was getting worse, too. This is my THIRD incidence. The first time, my PM45 went back with all 6 mags of different types and needed a new frame. The second time Kahr wanted to see the pistol, too, but said it seemed okay and replaced the 6 mags with a supposedly newer batch with improvements. I just got two new 725G's from Ivanhoe last month and they both failed and have been replaced. Now I hope that these will won't fail! I have 8 Kahr mags for .45 plus a whole bunch of 1911 mags that I've tried... modifying some.


02-01-2013, 05:50 PM
Good work, Rick.

Glad you like it.

Booker T
02-01-2013, 09:07 PM
Nice range report Rick

Just put a 5# striker spring in my CW45 and got my 500 rounds of 230gr. FMJ in the mail today.
Finally ready to take it out for it's second range trip. Had a couple minor hiccups in the first visit, but nothing that concerns me. Heck they could have been operator error. But I do love this gun.

Glad you like yours as well. Keep us posted. Oh, and welcome to the forum, man

02-02-2013, 10:43 AM
Many thanks, fellas.

I hope to be shooting this one for years.

Can anyone point to threads about adjustable sights for the CW? I'd be interested in a low profile adjustable rear if would not be prone to snag.



02-02-2013, 08:20 PM
Excellent Range Report.

02-03-2013, 05:48 PM
5. This magazine has fairly sharp edges on the top—loading it was not much fun after the first couple of magazines. I’ll have to see how much I can get away with, remedying that without causing feed problems.

The ultimate fix - Get a mag loader.. http://www.amazon.com/Butler-Creek-9mm--45-Universal-Unloader/dp/B001HBHNHE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1359935226&sr=8-1&keywords=uplula

One word of caution though load the first round manually then use the loader. Or risk marring the plastic follower.

02-03-2013, 07:18 PM
or for range use just load one round short and it is not sohard on the finners. the uplula is awesome. I have one I nownever use it atthe range as I just oad a round light and go with it it.

02-03-2013, 07:43 PM
Yea I practice in mags of 5 as well...

02-03-2013, 09:52 PM
Many thanks-- and I did that today with another 50 FMJ-- loaded 5 because that last one is such a PITA.

I did experience one more failure to go totally into battery with one of my handloads. It happened to be the top round in the magazine (#6) and when I finally got the slide open and ejected the round, I saw no marks on the brass or bullet. Later I loaded it alone from the magazine and it fed and fired just fine.

So it's possible I just got tired of thumbing in all those round and got sloppy with that one-- and that the same thing had happened to that one round in the initial trip to the range.

And it shot great today.

Thanks for all the tips, I really do like this pistol!


02-09-2013, 11:14 PM
Nice range report!! I just took mine out for the first time today as well and love it. Mine was shooting a touch low at 7yds too. I figured out that if I cover the bullseye with the dot on the front sight it shoots pretty much dead on. Initially I was slicing the target in half from top to bottom with the top of the sight blades like I do with most of my other pistols. Have fun, it seems to be an easy pistol to love!

02-11-2013, 07:57 AM
Thanks, Abraxxas, I'll pay attention to that next time I take it out.