View Full Version : FN 5.7 pistol
Booker T
02-01-2013, 10:17 PM
I have been really considering one of these oddities lately. I've been doing a lot of research on them, but not sure what to believe about them. As in, if it is more than just a fun shooter, but actually has some merit as a self defense option with that type and size round. I have been considering one for quite some time.
So just wondering if anyone here has one or has any first hand knowledge of firing one and what are your thoughts about it.
My next pistol will either be between one of these and a nice HK or a nice Sig in either .357 Sig or .40
Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks.
02-01-2013, 10:24 PM
I have been really considering one of these oddities lately. I've been doing a lot of research on them, but not sure what to believe about them. As in, if it is more than just a fun shooter, but actually has some merit as a self defense option with that type and size round. I have been considering one for quite some time.
So just wondering if anyone here has one or has any first hand knowledge of firing one and what are your thoughts about it.
My next pistol will either be between one of these and a nice HK or a nice Sig in either .357 Sig or .40
Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Think they were initially designed to defeat body armor?
The ammo is the kicker.
It was expensive and hard to get before the crazy.
I would be concerned about being able to get ammo for it.
My understanding is that HK no longer is manufacturing guns in 357 Sig.
Although I've got twin HK P2000 357 Sig guns that were made in 2006.
You'll likely need to get a Sig Sauer for a NIB 357 Sig rather than a HK.
02-01-2013, 10:30 PM
i bought the first 1 shipped to my lgs. it was a great shooter never had any fail to anything. in louisiana it was the perfect gun to shoot armidilla with lots of fun.
the down side is that the brady bunch shot some old used leo bullet proof vest at close ranch. on several of the vest if they got several hits real close together they would get penertration. they were shooting at 4 feet. they used this to attemp to get the gun blocked. fn to get around this made the good rounds that the gun was designed to shoot law inforcement only and withdrew them from civilian market. the bullets you get now look like the good round but do not bend and tumble like original defence round. they are great to shoot but not great for self defence. hope this helps
02-01-2013, 10:36 PM
the first rounds were not designed to defeat body armour they were designed to do what ar rounds do. but as i stated brady rigged the test. any bullet would have done the same thing. the vest were past their manufacturer replace date by quite some years
Booker T
02-01-2013, 10:49 PM
I didn't know that HK didn't make a pistol in .357 sig anymore. Thanks Barth. I really like those P2000's, they're very nice. I don't own a pistol in .357 sig or .40 yet, so I'm kind of open to either one.
Hey thanks kahrnut for the insight. I did read where they only sold the good ammo to LEO/Military now and that the neutered civilian ammo was not all that great.
The commercial ammo was really about the same price as 230gr. hardball last I checked, but just like all ammo, is hard to find right now.
I did check into some Elite Ammo for the 5.7 and that stuff looked pretty promising. But according to their website they're having trouble getting material to produce them, so I may be out of luck.
Thanks guys for your great input, much appreciated.
02-01-2013, 11:02 PM
BATF is supposedly really interested in eliminating handguns chambered for rifle rounds. The 5.7 would fall in that category.
If you have the money for it and can possibly pay higher prices for ammo in the future do it. I can't see the 5.7 catching on as a rifle only round falling between the popular .223 and various varmint rounds as well as the new .17 WMR.
02-01-2013, 11:40 PM
Two officers at work have them. They are nice, very accurate and 20 round mags in a pistol is sweet.
They even entertained the idea of switching to them for duty guns, very briefly.
As mentioned the ammo is the clincher. The good stuff that makes the 5.7 great is suppose to be absolutely LE only and highly regulated but you know how that goes. With all the other ammo made for them they aren't anything to write home about.
They are very light. I'm not nuts about the looks but they are shooters.
Ammo is and always has been hard to get and expensive when you can find it.
02-02-2013, 06:28 AM
I have a 5.7. I have used both the early ammo and the newer offerings. I can find no fault with the gun or round.
The gun itself is very high quality, very accurate. The trigger is OK, but good enough to do some accurate shooting. Takedown is easy and simple. The mags are easy to load, and different from most pistol mags in that they load rifle style, by pushing the round straight down.
The ammo has like all others risen in price. The most I ever paid was $18, but now that isn't the case. I still have about 800 rounds left of my initial buy. The ballistics make the 5.7 a very practical home defense round. It tumbles just like a 5.56 round as soon as it hits a body and has less chance of over penetration through people or walls.
The 5.7 is the cleanest shooting gun I've ever experienced. The ultra high pressure and fast burning powder work well together. The gun's report is pretty loud and the ammo I have produce a pretty impressive muzzle flash.
I bought my pistol used and got a pretty good deal. I don't think I'd buy a new one now as they are more than twice what I paid from what I see on the internet.
One more comment on the ammo. Some people try to equate the 5.7 to .22 magnum. They are totally different. The same attributes, features and ballistics produced by the 5.7, (ie; initial penetrator, energy dumping, devastating wound channel), are used by our and other military forces. The U.S. uses the HK produced 4.6x30 round and they use it alot and with great success. Unfortunately the general public does not hear of these actions. Even in a less potent civilian version, the 5.7 is a good choice for personal protection.
HK or Sig are also quality guns, no matter the caliber. Neither company makes a second rate pistol. I own both and prefer the HK but only because the HK ergonomics fit my hand better and the controls work for me better than the Sig's. But that's me. I only have 9mm and .45 in these two brands, so I can't speak towards your prefered caliber.
02-02-2013, 07:05 AM
I have always found the Five-seveN a neat little gun, and would like to have one, but as stated I do NOT want to pay that price for the gun nor the ammo (when you can find it). I haven't shot the pistol, but I have shot a P90 and the round is a very fun round to shoot, but too expensive IMO to go play with (but maybe that's just me). IF I got one, I would also want to get a P90 as I think it would be cool to have a handgun and a carbine chambered in the same round (that have much better home defense ballistics than 9mm or something - though now I will be wanting a CX4 Storm, since I got the pistol).
Unless you're just wanting an oddity/investment on the chance they stop making/importing/selling them, I would stay away from it. I've had several guns like that, but I'm not a big fan of "safe queen" type guns, and prefer to play with mine whenever possible....and for me personally I can't do that with a 5.7 chambered gun. Your mileage may vary.
Between Sig and HK, I'd go HK hands down, no question. That being said, if you're sold on a caliber like .357 sig, that limits what you can buy (I had an XD in .357 and did not care for the round. It costs more than other rounds to go play with, ammo selection is smaller, etc). If 9mm is too "small" go for .40, or better yet .45. If you want something fast and bigger than 9, get a 10mm...those are sweet guns. I still miss my Glock 20c. Absolute tack driver (3.5 lb connector) and that 10mm can do some crazy stuff (we had it out on my friends farm and were doing some penetration tests....let's just say you want to be very careful what you hide behind if someone has a 10mm and is after you - 55 gallon oil drums will NOT stop the round, nor will the air tank for the brakes on a semi truck).
BUT all that said - get what YOU want. Who knows what could happen and what kind of bans, limits, etc they may place on things. If there is something you've always wanted, I would get it now, or you may never be able to again.
02-02-2013, 02:47 PM
The gun is waaay overpriced, if you can even find one. Like others have said......very very limited ammo availability. Only one manufacturer for ammo as far as I have heard [may be packaged by a couple of different names though]. So if you buy one stockup on ammo when you find it, expensive and hard to find. I held one and felt it to big for my hand, very fat grip to accomindate round.
Booker T
02-02-2013, 08:35 PM
Hey thanks guys for your input and opinions.
Appreciate the link newCW45guy. I would really like to have one of these but if I couldn't get ammo some day then it wouldn't be a very wise choice. Without ammo it's more or less a paper weight and pretty much useless. Wouldn't make a very wise investment either as a safe queen, because who would really want a gun that they couldn't get ammo for. Plus I would consider one for the $1200 retail price, but no way for the $2000 + these crooks are seeking these days. Like you all said, the ammo has become ridiculous, more so than most other calibers. I even saw where people were offering the LE/Military ammo for sale ... at like $15 per round! *Cough*
Bawanna I wonder why those officers decided against using them for duty weapons?
I agree, they are pretty ugly looking in my opinion, but if all the other factors were reasonable, I would still like to have one. Just not interested in paying the over inflated prices. Maybe I will run across a good deal some day and get mine.
Thank you guys for your knowledge. Looks like I would be better served by just getting the HK for now.
I really can't stand the current administration for what they've done to the gun/ammo market, but I'm starting to blame the civilian population itself for the greed that is perpetuating and worsening the matter. I don't call that smart business, but rather greed. We're all in this together and many are choosing to make it worse. They themselves complain about the situation, but take every opportunity to make an extra buck. Oh well, such is life. To each their own...
02-02-2013, 09:21 PM
If you really want a zippy .223 pistol, another alternative is the RIA .22 TCM. It's a 1911 frame, chambered in 9mm and .22tcm. Same mags, 17rd, so it's just necked down 9mm. The .22tcm ammo is equally hard to find and equally expensive, but you can swap out to 9mm in the mean time. Probabably not _quite_ as cool as the FN, but the gun is (was) nearly half the price at around $650. And you got both barrels at that price. No idea what they are going for in today's frenzy, if you can find one. The LGS here had one for quite a while before it sold. But as soon as this latest barrage of freak out occurred, it was gone.
Anyway, just a thought and additional option if you are jones'in for a loud .22-ish handgun.
Booker T
02-02-2013, 09:29 PM
Hey thanks chrish. I haven't heard of that pistol or round, but I will check it out. I like the idea of the interchangeable barrels.
02-02-2013, 11:50 PM
I did own one. Very accurate and I did highly enjoy shooting it. By the way... the Secret Service do carry them so I think that speaks volumns about their effectiveness. I unfortunately traded mine due to my being unable to find ammo for it.
02-03-2013, 07:45 AM
If you really want a zippy .223 pistol, another alternative is the RIA .22 TCM. It's a 1911 frame, chambered in 9mm and .22tcm. Same mags, 17rd, so it's just necked down 9mm. The .22tcm ammo is equally hard to find and equally expensive, but you can swap out to 9mm in the mean time. Probabably not _quite_ as cool as the FN, but the gun is (was) nearly half the price at around $650. And you got both barrels at that price. No idea what they are going for in today's frenzy, if you can find one. The LGS here had one for quite a while before it sold. But as soon as this latest barrage of freak out occurred, it was gone.
Anyway, just a thought and additional option if you are jones'in for a loud .22-ish handgun.
My zippy .223 pistol - Of course I prefer to run full power NATO 5.56
02-03-2013, 08:41 AM
My zippy .223 pistol - Of course I prefer to run full power NATO 5.56
Kinda got a crocodile Dundee thing going there don'tcha. That's not a .223 pistol...THATS a .223 pistol.
02-03-2013, 01:14 PM
"Bawanna I wonder why those officers decided against using them for duty weapons?"
A commander at the time was quite enamored with them, shot one of the ones an officer had and his dress was blowed up around his ears.
With the impossible and expensive to find ammo it would be a great duty gun.
My job in the armory is keeping ammo on hand, parts, fixing broken stuff, etc. Weapon transitions are an absolute nightmare. I have to find holsters, mag pouches extra mags.
Our officers are issued duty guns with the exception of detectives who can choose other guns so I would have had to get about 40 5.7's.
Nobody at the time made any kind of holster, let alone a duty retention type holster. I never backed the idea. Insanely expensive just for the guns even then and we'd be out of business by now with no ammo. It was a stupid idea which is very very common with the Gold Badge carriers which is why they have this Missouri dirt farmer to act as the voice of reason.
My first choice was the Smith M&P 45, we tested it, the Glock 21, and the Springfiled XD. Firearms instructors wanted the XD, the had their own and liked them.
At the time holsters became an issue so we ended up going Glocks and even then while 9 and 40 holsters were plentiful, 45's were a challenge.
A couple years ago the county went with the M&P as holsters had caught up and I haven't talked with a deputy yet that didn't love them. They are allowed a couple choices of their own or the issued M&P. Most stayed with issue even giving up their 1911's.
02-03-2013, 01:29 PM
Kinda got a crocodile Dundee thing going there don'tcha. That's not a .223 pistol...THATS a .223 pistol.
I had one of these for a very short period of time......the noise cancels any fun after shooting a few rounds.:eek:
As Mick Dundee would say "you call your gun loud? Now this a LOUD GUN"
02-03-2013, 02:02 PM
I had one of these for a very short period of time......the noise cancels any fun after shooting a few rounds.:eek:
As Mick Dundee would say "you call your gun loud? Now this a LOUD GUN"
I use Pro Ears Ultra 33 Passive Hearing Protection.
And have fired ~300 rounds twice.
Mostly 5.56 NATO.
Even with sensitive hearing the sound isn't a problem for me.
Lot's of muzzle flash and bunches of fun.
The barrel heats up like a cast iron frying pan though.
An employee at the range did say it shook the walls.
02-03-2013, 02:14 PM
I have a Five-seveN and really like it.
5.7x28mm ammo is hard to find right now, but that's true of a lot of calibers including 5.56. I have actually been able to get quite a bit in the past 3 months by ordering from Cabela's when they have offered it (or you can find their secret URL for it); MidwayUSA just had bunch last week that sold out fast; and several sellers such as Legacy Outdoors are still taking orders for it which appear to have a decent assurance of being filled, although I have been waiting in line on that one for a month now.
Price for the common SS197 round now has topped $20 / 50rd box, with SS195 going for more if you can find it. There was a big batch of SS198 (red box, supposedly limited to LEO & mil) that came on the market late last year. You just have to know where to look and be patient.
Whenever I have taken mine to the outdoor range that I go to every so often, it always gets a lot of attention, mainly because of the unusual round for a pistol and also for the muzzle flash. It's very lightweight and comes with three 20-rd magazines, which is handy.
Like with most FNH products, you will either hate it or love it. I'm in the latter category, and just added another (FNX-45 Tactical, in FDE like all of my other FNH toys).
One more thing: New Five-SeveNs have been scarce or nonexistent recently, not only because of the current panic but mostly because FNH just showed a slightly improved version at the recent SHOT show.
02-03-2013, 02:44 PM
My real concern with non mainstream ammo is the very real possibility of online sales being banned.
Even 357 Sig would be an issue for me if not for online distributors.
I have four guns that run 357 Sig.
And have purchased 40 S&W barrels and mags for three of them just in case.
I seriously considered a FN P90.
But potential issues with ammo availability going forward
made that choice less desirable to me.
02-03-2013, 03:53 PM
During our last transition to Glocks they also entertained the possibility of going to 357 Sig. I was against that as well for the same reasons as the 5.7. But the Chief took a sample to the range to try, he'd heard wonderful things about them and there are some wonderful things about them, they are a feeding dream come true.
It took 2 shots and said that ain't gonna happen. He isn't a shooter and apparently the bark scared him off.
02-04-2013, 07:21 PM
Here you go package deal.....
02-04-2013, 07:45 PM
Here you go package deal.....
Don't put a package like that in front of Barth. He is trying not to buy anything else this month.... :)
02-04-2013, 07:49 PM
O man, with pics like that especially of ammo, you know Barth is checking his last credit card statement!
02-06-2013, 02:58 AM
I also shoot the FN 5.7. Quite an enjoyable pistol to shoot. Mine has a Veridian CL5 green laser that makes it a good home defense gun. I enjoyed reading what others have said about the 5.7. Certainly, not a pistol for everybody. But one can say that about other guns.
02-06-2013, 05:35 AM
Don't put a package like that in front of Barth. He is trying not to buy anything else this month.... :)
Very funny.
I guess I deserve this treatment.
So far my new Bulgarian AKS-74U,
twenty four Circle 10 30 round waffle magazines
and 1000 rounds of Lake City M855 5.56 NATO green tip penetrator rounds
has me sleeping easy.
02-06-2013, 01:44 PM
Here you go package deal.....
Wow ... that's close to $1/rd for that 5.7x28mm ammo when you subtract out the price of the gun and mags. (Or the ammo is reasonably priced but the gun isn't.)
Gun is also the wrong color. Most FNH cognoscenti agree that the FDE version is more accurate than the black one.
Booker T
02-09-2013, 08:58 PM
I see Bawanna, it was more of a logistics nightmare and not a problem with the gun ... that's good to know.
Glad to hear that you guys that have shot the 5.7, like it. Those of you that still have one sure make a fella jealous, at least this one.
I think I'll have to pass on jeepsters package deal and leave that for Barth!
Not surprisingly I can't find one in stock anywhere. My normal LGS said they are trying to get one in and they would notify me. When asked how much, that gleam in his eye and the answer, " I'm not sure, it depends", tells me I probably won't be buying one from him anytime soon.
Went to a FN dealer about 1 1/2 hours away and had no luck either, but came home with an evil "black rifle" instead to make myself feel better.
Thinking about going back for one of the lower end Romanian AK's he had in stock as well. I like multiple caliber choices :)
02-10-2013, 09:28 AM
Not surprisingly I can't find one in stock anywhere. My normal LGS said they are trying to get one in and they would notify me.
You probably won't find any new Five-seveN's in stock anywhere at the moment because FNH is in the process of changing over to a slightly updated version that they showed at the recent SHOT show.
The differences are subtle, with the most obvious visual one being the addition of front cocking serrations on the updated model, which just became visible on the FNH web site:
Unlike FNH's other handguns, the Five-SeveN is made in FNH's plant in Belgium thus might take some time to make its way over here. So if you want a Five-seveN you'll either have to buy a used one or wait for the new ones to finally show up. The existing model usually could be had for $1049 new (or less with factory discounts for documented LEO's and military), but FNH announced a general price hike in January that raised all prices ~10% or so.
Booker T
02-10-2013, 08:57 PM
Thanks QuercusMax. Appreciate all your info and experience on your Five-seven and the link to the new version.
I know FN Belgium went on strike for a couple weeks back in September, so that couldn't have helped much either.
I don't know what it is about the Five-seven, but it's just one of those guns that I would really like to add to the collection.
Not that it would be a safe queen by any means, as I plan on shooting the crap out of it, when and if I ever get one.
Ammo permitting of course.
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