View Full Version : You're White, You're Guilty, You're Dead

02-02-2013, 10:51 AM
I have no wish to cause racial disharmony here. This is just to warn folks about the mindset of some people towards the white race. It seems like we went thru this once before, but now they are teaching again how minorities are getting screwed over by the white man and dredging up slavery as the cause of the unjustice towards the black man. This is causing some hatred and inciting violence against the white man. What sucks is that all colors of men have been slaves, the word slave comes from Slavic, Eastern Europeans forced into slavery by various groups. Do we as a nation hate the British for what was done to us in the 1700's and early 1800's? No, we moved on with our lives and did the best we could without hating or blaming anyone for our condition. If anyone has the right to be angry, I'd say it was the Native Americans, who were slaughtered repeatedly and forced off their ancestral lands.


02-02-2013, 11:00 AM
Where have you been?

02-02-2013, 11:10 AM
Some blacks hate whites and some whites hate blacks. I'm kind of a live and let live guy. Everyone has to be of some race and it's a matter of chance not choice. I tend to treat people as they treat me without consideration of race color or creed. I can be your best friend or your worst enemy and the beauty of it is that you get to choose.

02-02-2013, 11:13 AM
and I don't feel that I own the Indian's of today anything either. Just sayin

02-02-2013, 11:17 AM
It seemed that this issue had calmed down a bit in the past couple decades, until Obama was elected and chose a divisive path, instead of a uniting path. I guess it never really goes away for some people. It seems some people thrive on sowing discordance and hatred to their followers. Blacks aren't the only ones, There are white supremists of course.
I just can't automatically hate someone because they differ in skin color. I did have a phase where I was hateful after a half dozen blacks kicked my ass and probably would have killed me had the cops not shown up. I got over that, realized that it wasn't the whole race that did that, just a few drunken wankstas looking for trouble. And that I happened to be in the wrong place at the right time. Actually is was a good friend of mine that is black that helped me get over my anger.

02-02-2013, 11:26 AM
We need to tread very softly here guys.

The truth is there should be no wrong places to be at the wrong time but we all know they exist in every town.

Obummer is using the whole race thing to his advantage.

Many consider me a racist (really). It's mostly associated with my profiling skills. I have very good friends of all varieties. Statistics prove that some races are apparently born democrats with the give me, take care of me, I deserve it genes inbred. That piss's me off. It also doesn't do anything to help others of their kind that make something of themselves without help and hand outs. I'm am not and never have been a racist but if anyone could make me one its the current resident on Pennsylvania avenue and I think that's his plan.

02-02-2013, 11:29 AM
I wonder what the black people's lives would be like today if not for slavery bringing them here. Would they be fighting in some war lords army?, starving in some impoverished nation. Being a virtual slave in the mining pits? What would it be like for them without the opportunities this country has for those that are willing to get out and work for them? There certainly isn't any government assistance available in Africa. How would they be living today if their ancestors weren't brought here?

Chief Joseph
02-02-2013, 11:31 AM
The democRATS make their living by polarizing the races. Unfortunately, they've made white men their scapegoat. Zimmerman is the classic example. As long as there is a government and media sponsored double standard, and a push to tell an entire race all their issues are caused by another race, it will only get worse. Arm yourselves people.

02-02-2013, 11:34 AM
remember the whites elected this racist person TWICE.

Personally I think Obummer is a pure racists. He has divided this cuntry more thanany president I have been old enough to remember. Unemployment jumped up to 7.9% kand the democrats are saying this cuntry is finaly turning around I just don't get that picture. Hell who knows probalby some good Muslims in the cuntry to. Do u wanna chance it????

Oh yes this thread is headed for a lock down and we can talk about the Muslim,s Italians,Injuns, Jews, Iranians, Catholics, Protestants, queers and lesbo's but don't tread on the blacks.

Chief Joseph
02-02-2013, 11:43 AM
Actually, homosexuals are the top protected class now. You must understand the rules. It's ok to trash whites and Jews. But you cannot insult blacks, muslims or hispanics. It's ok for any of these groups to insult, threaten or attack anyone with the exception of gays. To survive in the country, you have to know the rules.

02-02-2013, 11:50 AM
If you're not a racist now move to the delta in Mississippi and you will be one in only a very short time like months after you move here. My wife retires in a few months and goodby Mississippi == HELLO TEXAS. :amflag:

02-02-2013, 11:53 AM
I often wonder what would happen to the black people had their ancestors not been brought to this country. Would they be fighting for some warlord? Starving in some impoverished nation. Working in the mines for meager wages? There is opportunity here for those that are willing to work for it. All people can get government assistance here if they qualify. There is no government assistance in Africa. Is it racist to think like that? I don't think so. It's just a "what could have been question". We are not railing against blacks here, just the attitude some carry that the white man is the devil and needs to be killed. Is it wrong to protest an violent mentality? I think it's wrong whether a black man or a white man thinks that way.

02-02-2013, 11:59 AM
I wonder what the black people's lives would be like today if not for slavery bringing them here. Would they be fighting in some war lords army?, starving in some impoverished nation. Being a virtual slave in the mining pits? What would it be like for them without the opportunities this country has for those that are willing to get out and work for them? There certainly isn't any government assistance available in Africa. How would they be living today if their ancestors weren't brought here?

I think that's a truth most people wouldn't dare think about because of political correctness. I'd recommend watching 2016: Obama's America. Obama's own brother said the same thing about colonization. Making the point that countries that were colonized ended up being better off than countries that weren't or pushed out the nation colonized them very early on. The nation that colonized them would come in and build infrastructure to aid in obtaining whatever resources they were there for. This resulted in actually setting a foundation for that country to use after gaining their independence.

Unfortunately, this isn't the "feel good" point the finger at the bad guy answer most people, and definitely liberals, like to come up with. This is what is happening now the the renamed gun control debate. Anyone take notice of how it's now "gun violence" not "gun control"(change one word and now it becomes more palatable for people who don't follow politics). The cold hard facts of stripping away the ability for average people to arm themselves against potential threats only leads to a more dangerous situation by leaving only criminals with malice intent with the guns. Instead they point their finger at a gun, even loaded with one in the chamber, that will do absolutely nothing until a person picks it up and makes a decision of what they will do with it. It's much easier to blame guns, as well as there are absolutely people and groups that don't think people should be able to own guns. You'll never hear a politician say it, but they're out there.

02-02-2013, 02:08 PM

02-02-2013, 06:32 PM
Want to learn about diveristy? Join the military, folks from every walk of life. IF you had preconceptions/prejudices before joining, they will, for the most part, dissappear shortly there after. You learn that it doesn't matter where one comes from, the color of their skin, their religious beliefs, their sexual preference, etc.

What matters is your actions and your character, plain and simple.

And to go off on a tangent, put a bunch of 2 year olds in a room. Doesn't matter where they come from, how well off the family is, color, religion, etc, etc, etc. They WILL play with each other. They won't separate into "appropriate" groups. They may not share but they will not hate based on a prejudice.

WE teach them to predjudice. WE, the parents, friends, society, gov't, you name it.

02-02-2013, 06:42 PM
good point there AJBERT.

In my case though I feel the great one has caused me to be far more racially bias that I have ever been in my life. I don't fault myself for that either. I worked hard all my life, never ask jacksh!t from anyone, invested wisely and made a good life for my family . I am not one of the 47% er who feel that I OWE THEM for being successful .

He promoted this in his campaign, hell the Hispanics ad Blacks all voted for him. Kinda hard to turn that around if u campaingn on peole working for a living. That for some reason just does not set well.

02-02-2013, 07:38 PM
Obummer is using the whole race thing to his advantage.

Yep, and class warfare. there are 2 classes.

Class 1. Those that want Freedom, want the government to get out of their way so they can make a life for themselves, and own whatever firearms they want.

Class 2. those that either want to be given to and "parented" by the government, or be the "Parents" and control the people.

02-04-2013, 06:20 PM
ditto on the amen :)

02-04-2013, 06:45 PM
Just today i was reading an anti-gun article by Jesse Jackson where he was talking about our "confederate ideology" about guns. In the same article, it mentioned that Charlie Rangel said that the democrats would have to overcome our "southern culture". Why does it always come down to slavery or racism? I'm sick of hearing that.

02-04-2013, 06:56 PM
The war is not over yet. Still on for many. The South still hasn't been reconstructed yet for their tastes.

02-04-2013, 07:00 PM
Just today i was reading an anti-gun article by Jesse Jackson where he was talking about our "confederate ideology" about guns. In the same article, it mentioned that Charlie Rangel said that the democrats would have to overcome our "southern culture". Why does it always come down to slavery or racism? I'm sick of hearing that.

Save the children, racism, whatever it takes.
There is no depth these people will not sink to in their attempt to
demonize guns and anyone that wishes to possess them.

I read one democrat saying we needed the courage to act.
That couldn't be more true.
It's time to draw the line.
And reveal the true nature of these shameless hypocrites.

As for Obummer?
President Obama on Monday tried to undercut National Rifle Association leaders
and appeal directly to their membership,
claiming gun owners support the "common-sense" gun control measures he's proposed --
and urging those supporters to "keep the pressure" on Congress.

02-04-2013, 07:31 PM
President Obama on Monday tried to undercut National Rifle Association leaders
and appeal directly to their membership,
claiming gun owners support the "common-sense" gun control measures he's proposed --
and urging those supporters to "keep the pressure" on Congress.

Obummer doesn't know NRA members too well. A lot of them around here could make Wayne Lapierre look liberal. Oh, never mind. I'm from the south and the mentality is all messed up here. :amflag:

02-04-2013, 07:34 PM
I find it fascinating that, in the 60's, if you followed the teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King you were considered a champion for civil rights. If you follow his teachings today - namely that all men are created equal - you are racist because you don't support affirmative action. What interesting times we live in!