View Full Version : "You Are There" - remember this TV series...

02-04-2013, 09:19 AM
...from the '50s narrated by Walter Cronkite?


Even though I watched a lot of cornball stuff then like Roy Rogers, Captain Midnight, Sky King, RinTinTin, etc., I never missed an episode of this fascinating docudrama series.

It was revived briefly in the '70s, but I think it would be great if History Channel 2 would crank it up again - just show the original 5 seasons.

The regular History Channel is overrun with a lot of nonsense tripe, IMO.

02-04-2013, 09:28 AM
Roy Rogers "cornball stuff" ?? and Yo Ho Rinni, cornball stuff??. Walter C. was a reality person,telling ushow it is .Ilovedhim but you can't evertakeaway the from me anythow the Saturday mornings that I was gluedi in front ofmy b& W TV watching Roy,gene, Hoopalong. Lone Ranger, Rin Tin tin and Sky king. I never wstched captioan midnight.

At my age back then I did not care or know about the atrociites the japs did toour solders etc or what concentration camps were inGermanyNoneof those kids shows wereviolent like today. I played cowboys and bad cowboys every damn day, I shot a million people. they all lived. thgere was aqlways a sbliminal message in allthose early cowboy movies to. THE BG ALWAYS LOOSES..

02-04-2013, 10:19 AM
Well, every bad guy Roy & the Lone Ranger missed didn't get away - I finished them off with my trusty Stallion 45...coolest cap gun ever, IMO:
