View Full Version : train from concealment

02-04-2013, 12:32 PM

02-04-2013, 01:14 PM
Seen this but they chose kids with little or no training vs professional, hardly a fair scenario. The ccw operator would probably go up against a thug with little or no training. Unless there's a do or die scenario the ccw has the element of surprise in his favor.

02-04-2013, 01:48 PM
Thanks, but I will take the option of going down fighting instead of just being a defensless victim. No matter what Diane Sawyer says. Might I still get killed, happens to trained police and soldiers everyday. I just want a fighting chance to defend my family and myself.

02-04-2013, 02:13 PM
The people who live in a real dream world are those who believe that you can out run a bullet traveling at 1,000 feet per second. Considering that in the real world the perp wouldn't know who was armed and who wasn't the scenario is biased. That's to be expected from the liberal "journalists". (Jeez, do I use that term loosely.)

02-04-2013, 02:15 PM
how about those gloves they wore?

02-04-2013, 02:20 PM
Or crappy holsters and voluminous shirts that hung to their knees, plus the double thick gloves.

All contribute to fast efficient draws.

If any of the testees had been to a Clint Smith class they would have had their gun out in their lap and wasted the intruder half way through the door.

They knew it was coming.

I look at it as a funny video with a couple cute human beings but with no correlation to the real world.

02-04-2013, 03:13 PM
Notice how they put the armed person front and center, the active shooter came in, knew who had the gun and focused all their shots on that one person. Lets make it realistic and put one of the students as the shooter. They know of no one in the room that is armed. Put the armed student anywhere in the room other than front and center and tell the active shooter student to kill as many other students as possible. With all the possible targets flying around the room, they would be shooting everywhere, not specifically at the armed student. Bet they would have done better then. Not to say they would not have had trouble, but they would not have been the specific target. Amazing how they cannot make anything without putting a slant on it.

02-04-2013, 04:48 PM
Were they using a holster with a retention system? That alone would mess you up trying to get your gun out. Then they're wearing gloves to make it even harder.
Nice bit of propaganda that the gun grabbers will take as gospel.

Had no problem with them wearing the big shirts, as I do that a lot myself. Take any of us, and give us an unfamiliar weapon, with an unfamiliar holster with a retention system, and we'll be much slower than we could be.

Notice that all their training seemed to be live fire excercise, and none with drawing their weapon, or seeking cover, or anything else to protect yourself until you are armed and ready.

02-04-2013, 05:00 PM
I look at it as a funny video with a couple cute human beings but with no correlation to the real world.

I agree with the boss. They are also trying to discourage people from carrying.

I do agree with the subject of this thread though, "train from concealment."

Watch the Youtube videos form Talon Training group. They have some very practical videos. They are law enforcement trainers from Florida that support and want to help civilians that want to conceal carry.

02-04-2013, 07:41 PM
Yeah, I've seen this one before. This was an experiment that was designed to get a very spacific result for the camara...
Oh look! Absolute proof that our handpicked and paid for expert is right... and so are weeeee...

All hail ABC news for saving us all.

I'm all a jitter. YEASH!